2002 Ironman DVD

The DVD version of the 2002 Ironman just arrived in the mail yesterday. I’ve been watching it this AM and am pleased to discover that after the broadcast version, which we all know has the typical overabundance of sappy ‘inspirational’ stories, there are tons of unedited interview footage with the top pros- Tim DeBoom, Peter Reid, Thomas Hellreigel, Natascha Badmann, Nina Kraft, etc. I’m sure there are more, but I haven’t even gotten to the end yet. Greg Welch does most of the questioning off-camera. Joe Bob says check it out.

If you’ve ever seen any of the NBC Ironman telecasts you already know what to expect. I think I’m with most other folks who know triathlon, we’d rather see more of the pros and top age-groupers and less of the ‘freak show’ that NBC believes draws the mass audience. In that respect the 2002 telecast segment was on a par with past years. I do like to watch these in the winter on the wind trainer, but that’s about it.
What I liked about the 2002 DVD version was the ‘extra’ footage. Just like a lot of DVD movies, the extras add a lot to the package. There are relatively long, unedited interviews with most of the top pros, men and women, which I found interesting. Be advised that there are longish gaps, 30 seconds or so, between some of these interviews so when watching the DVD its hard to tell when the thing is really over. I think Chris McCormack was the last one, but maybe I didn’t wait long enough…

I guess it’s a personal thing, but I love NBCs coverage of the IM - this year is no exception. The human-interest stories are just as motivating to me as following the pros. I say buy the 2002 DVD and get the VHS copies from the last 10 years (especially 97 and 99).

The DVD sounds great, but does the extra footage and interviews apply to the VHS cassette, as well?

I never think NBC’s coverage is quite as BAD as what some people complain about, but more pro footage would be welcome!