1990's rear hydration system anyone?

there was a system which was tear shaped sat at the rear of the bike and you could drink from it through a long straw. didnt last long as it was nt considered cool. but I wonder if anyone can remember its name. I am thinking speedfil but cant find anything or any pictures thanks in advance

Guessing you mean something like the never reach

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fantastic thanks very much !!! thats the one

I had one with a bladder and a bite valve. No sucking required because the bladder provided the pressure. It may been called a jet stream. The ole J-disk was quite popular at around the same time. The thin mylar was glued to your rim to create a “disk”. You sent them your wheel and they sent back with the J-disk on. The j-disk togethrr with my 160psi Continental Competition tubulars were smoking fast!


It’s a Never Reach hydration system. More like early 2000s than '90s. Bought one, still have it but never used it other than test rides. Filled up it was too heavy for the provided mount and wasn’t stable on the terrible road surfaces we have here. The tube also had a horrible taste that I couldn’t tolerate, so I shelved it. Eventually, I painted it black to use it on a project which was put on indefinite hold. Interesting concept if not well executed and somewhat ahead of its time compared to contemporary offerings.

still in business is OasisOne-Twelve-com. “hands-free” hydration system

Bike stream bladder. I can recall a few bladders exploding in the transition area. Before J-disk was the Uni cover.

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I know people who bought them in the late 90’s states side so may have straddled the millenium. I think its the bit of aero kit everyone is looking for just dont put any fluid in it

It’s funny now that we thought the front of it should also be streamlined even though it was right up against your butt

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Darling, it is better to look aero than to be aero.

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