100/100 Airing of the Grievances Thread - 2024 Edition

It was a bit of a froggy day on the lake yesterday. Managed to get 3x runs in for ~14 miles. I was a bit flat for the first run yesterday morning, but each run I felt progressively better with more spring, and better pace.

Today? Yeah…not so much!

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Looks beautiful and 14 miles is awesome, great day!

Gettin there, for sure. No sign of the stress-fracture from last year. Fingers crossed, I can get back to training for that Ultra I was aiming for before things went sideways.

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We’re crawling ever so slightly out of the deep freeze…

…but you’d never know it by looking at upper Devil’s Creek Falls

(it’s under there somewhere)

I was late leaving for the market Saturday morning so had to push pretty hard through some fresh snow - was grateful to be able to take my time on the 2nd run on Saturday, with just enough light reflected off the clouds that I didn’t need a headlamp

Sunday brought a little more snow

…but the sun broke through the clouds while I was out on the trails

It warmed the surface of the snow enough that I got some ice buildup under my left foot despite the air temp being around -5c/23f with a fair bit of windchill

…but I swear there’s an instinctual human response to sunshine on snow, and I couldn’t help but smile my way along.

75 down as of yesterday, hopefully 26 to go…

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This challenge is funny. Or rather, maybe I am. Does anyone else feel like they are locked in mortal combat with the person just in front of them in the “standings”? No? Just me? Ok.

I’ve been chasing @BenwGoodfellow for weeks. Since, he’s over in the UK, I wake up and see what he’s done for the day. 0, 1, 2, maybe 3 runs. Then I try and pounce on whatever opportunity I can.

I wonder does he even know? I imagine, he’s doing the same…waking up at the crack of dawn (he seems to run early a lot)…checking eric’s site…and seeing that I’ve closed the gap…hence, he trudges out the door to register 2-3 more runs, with a:

“take that HAMPTON!” While shaking his first in the sky.

…all for good measure.



I was going to try and say I really loved “this” photo…and pick one. But, I couldn’t pick just one. The are all fantastic!

There’s something about a snow covered road…heading off into the distance, or a snow covered creek.


In years past, when we had the Leaderboard, I admit that I would look for names ahead or behind me and imagine we were “competing” What was disappointing to me, in a way, was that person just ahead (or just behind) wasn’t engaged in the “100/100 thread” so there was no “hey! Catch up!” or “I’m gaining on you!”

This year, I got off to a bad start, with funerals and illnesses and injuries, and haven’t even been tracking my runs

“Did you run today? Yep. Did you run yesterday? Yep. Did you take a day off recently? I don’t remember … what day was it REALLY cold?”

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I’ve been to Robert Frost’s house in Vermont; it’s what you would expect it to be, and perfect in that way

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Yeah the smack talk is really lacking.

I’ve been dropped by the lead pack - too busy these days to get in more than one double per week (which only makes up for my Friday off), so I won’t catch up. I’m just hoping to make it down the final stretch without any calamities!

Snow covered trails I adore - as of last night snow covered roads (plus sidewalks) and I are in a fight.

Glad I decided to lift before running - it was leg day and YOU DON’T SKIP LEG DAY, but I’d have been sorely tempted to do so had I run first.

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That’s the smart play. I’m just not smart.

As always…your snow pics are great. I love the night snow!


Today was a Febtober situation (oh, it’s NOT February yet) … 52*F, but windy as fuck; long sleeve shirt & shorts

It’s much more pleasant as photos than trying to slog through it. I call it “Canadian beach running”, because it’s as energy sucking as running through sand!


:slight_smile: Love it.


Plus, there’s no “low tide” in snow (low tide being when the wet sand is - almost- hard as concrete … needless to say, I’ve run on the beach a time or two … or dozens)


Down to two under par. Hoping with a double tomorrow and Monday to get back to Par. It’s been a lot more difficult coming back from 7 under while training normally. That being said I’m over 75/100, which beats my best so far.


After taking every precaution to stay healthy and injury free, the past few days I’ve felt like crap and had beginnings of a sore throat. Lots of tea with honey, Tylenol and rest has kept it in check but not really getting any worse or
Better. Really bummed to get sick race week :frowning:

Hope you’re feeling better @flychris !

A couple of the leaderboard entries are a little…interesting. I know I’m slow as hell, but some folks seem to be a little disingenuous about what qualifies as a “run”. I suppose they’re only cheating themselves, really… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It was really pretty last weekend - some gorgeous sunshine, which helped with the return of bitter cold that froze up the slush from a couple of days of melt.

The plow had been down the road, but not the multi-use path beside it - these chunks of ice were awful to run through

The trails were clad in frosty glory, though!

Snow doesn’t usually stick to the branches that well - it only really piles up when it’s close to the freezing mark, and generally melts in the sun or is blown off - but the cold air descended just after the snowfall, freezing it all in place

I decided to get out the snowshoes for 2nd run, and (having recently renewed our Grand River Conservation membership) headed to our local gem - Shade’s Mills Conservation Area, right here in town.

There used to be a snowshoe race held here (the RD moved a few hours away), and it’s still one of my favourite places to get out on the tennis racquets

Sunday brought more snow

I kind of wished I’d brought my snowshoes for this one, as several of the trails were quite untracked

Some new deadfall to hurdle, too

…and a bonus nighttime snowy road pic for Tom, from an evening trot around my own neighbourhood

Still on pace to finish with 101, as long as I do a double on the last day of the challenge…


I love that last photo.


Oh my gosh that is incredible.

I’ve only tried cross country skiing and snow shoeing a couple of times, but our fam would be all over it if we lived somewhere closer. Coincidentally the due date of our expected addition is in a couple of days, likely around day 100.

I’m feeling about the same, thanks for asking. Work travel with 18-20hr days has made this rough. Squeezed in a short run or treadmill every day just to clear the head but I’m absolutely wrecked and facing a 7hr delay at the airport. I’ll be happy to make it to race day. Not my ideal taper but it is what it is. Keep up the great work, almost there everyone!

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