Williamsburg VA Area Bike Shops

I did a forum search and didn’t find anything that seemed too current. I use to go to Bikes Unlimited in Williamsburg, VA for bike service - things I couldn’t handle myself like crank replacements and the like that required special tools. Of course they closed during the pandemic and I have a need for a good mechanic. Does anyone have any recommendations for the area, preferably on the peninsula side? I have a creaking bottom bracket that is probably well overdue for serivce/replacement and I’m thinking about adding a crank based power meter while it’s down. The bike is a little dated - 2012ish 10-speed that I’d consider upgrading to 11 or 12 speed and making it into a more all-road bike to go along with my tri. Would love to have someone to talk over the options with locally while addressing the bottom bracket.

Thanks in advance!

When my daughter was in school at W & M she took her bike to a shop on Monticello near campus. Not sure how high there expertise is, but they were nice. I have also been to Conte’s in Newport News and I think they have a shop in Williamsburg also.

Have you considered buying the tools?

Thanks - there is a Conte’s in New Town but never have been. The mechanics at Bikes Unlimited were top notch. Wish I knew where they went…

I have but I’m at a place where I don’t think I can afford to add anymore stress (like of messing something up) but I can afford to pay (and tip) a good mechanic :). I do all the routine stuff, just not the once-every-few-years things that require special tools.

My best quality is knowing my limits!

Now that I think about it, that shop was likely Bikes Unlimited - close to campus, on Monticello…excellent people and super friendly. Too bad they closed :frowning:

Maybe I should have done less of my own maintenance to help keep them open!

Most of the time, the special tools aren’t that special and very inexpensive.

What brand and model is your crankset?

It’s the NotGonnaDoItMyself 9250. Appreciate the encouragement but it’s just not in my wheelhouse.

Shimano 105 circa 2012 original to my trek madone 2.1. 50/34T. I think hallowtech BB.

The owners of Bikes Unlimited retired. They did attempt to sell the shop, but could not find any buyers, so it just closed. Contes in New Town is great, as is Robert from Red Barn Bikes.


I hear you! But am also going to offer plug for DYI. Totally understand not having the time or inclination.

But I just rebuilt my OG Mountain Bike. Converted it to 1x, which meant full on replacing bottom bracket among other tinkering, and went 9-speed to 11-speed.

It really was not that difficult, or time consuming. Youtube, epsecially Park Tool, videos are great. And this seems like the perfect bike to work on.

Fine! I’ll do it! Should I require myself to provide proof of liability insurance for myself in case I break my bike out of pure negligence?

Sure! I’ll hire Slowtwitch as my expert witness to testify that I could do it myself!

Nah, I appreciate it. I’m sure I could do it, I just don’t want to find the time! I’d rather be riding!

Nice! I will say, full disclosure, there was some trial and error, and did need to shop for some parts and tools, obviously. But in the end it all came together and is really satisfying.

Check out Jimmy’z

I used Conte’s in New Town for the last 4 years before just moving from W’burg. Always had good results. If Fran is still there, recommend asking for him specifically. His customer service is top notch.

Fran was my guy when he was at Bike Beat. When he left, I went to Bikes Unlimited. Will check it out, thanks!

Sorry for the late reply!
Trek at the Monticello shopping center comes highly recommended.