Whoop strap

Anyone on here have one? What is your opinion of it? Worth it? Waste of money?

my two cents (first half of this year with it) is that it doesn’t really tell you anything you don’t already know (assuming you know your body which most of us do) but if you like to “try” to quantify things you might find more value than I did. I know when I’m tired, when I didn’t get enough sleep or sleep very well so it didn’t really resonate with me. ymmv

Mine will be delivered Friday. I’ll let you know what I think.

I am planning to bring the data in TP/wko5 so I can find correlations/trends between the whoop data, subjective metrics I manually enter each day in TP, workout specific subjective metrics, and CTL/ATL/TSB.

I don’t expect to have a “aha” moment with the whoop. It’s just another data point into the whole equation.

I think of it like a scale when you want to lose weight. If you measure something every day you get instant feedback that helps you figure out how to manage it better. In this case, it helps me most with managing sleep. (You can also tell it to broadcast HR so then you don’t have to wear a second HR strap during workouts, so that’s nice). That said, I think the pricing model makes it kind of a ripoff and I don’t think I will renew mine when it comes up.

I think of it like a scale when you want to lose weight. If you measure something every day you get instant feedback that helps you figure out how to manage it better. In this case, it helps me most with managing sleep. (You can also tell it to broadcast HR so then you don’t have to wear a second HR strap during workouts, so that’s nice). That said, I think the pricing model makes it kind of a ripoff and I don’t think I will renew mine when it comes up.

How much is it? Sorry…I’m being lazy and don’t want to look it up.

Originally you could buy the band for $500 (one time)

Now they have changed to a subscription service. $30/mo (with a 6mo commitment) and you get the band. However the band won’t work without the sub.

Are they any better/accurate then the Fenix watches?

I’ve got one. I’ve had it for about 5 weeks and to be honest it’s quite useful. As another poster said though - it doesn’t tell you anything you don’t already know: I feel great / I feel tired, but it does add a useful quantifier to it all and this is useful for guiding you to making sure you get better rest and are aware of the overall strain on yourself rather than just adding up your workouts. I’m certainly resting a bit more. The sleep tracker is a very useful function as it can tell you how well or how badly you slept.

Some days you wake up feeling crap and the Whoop shows you that you are not wrong.

I’m a bit of a nerd with data so more data is better. But it’s pretty expensive. I’ve got a year’s worth. I can imagine not signing up for another year.

Both my wife and I have them. In general I think they are beneficial for us.

Hardware: The Gen 2 strap was terrible. The fit and finish were poor, the strap itself delaminated and was shoddy. However, the Gen 3 strap is significantly better. It looks higher quality, the fit and finish is better, more comfortable to wear etc.

Recovery metrics: I have been impressed in general. It picks sleep and wake times fairly accurately. It tends to track along with how we feel. What’s very interesting is that my wife does not wear her’s while she races, however, her recovery the next day is correctly low. In other words, the strap is not just seeing a large activity and automatically giving a low recovery score because it has no data from her race. It has also detected a few times where I was about to be sick because my recovery suddenly got worse despite me not feeling bad. Sure enough, I was sick a day or two later.

For me as my wife’s coach I find it useful. She is not the best about knowing how her body is feeling / communicating that information to me. The Whoop has been a pretty solid metric in this regard.

Activity Tracker: As an activity tracker, it’s just “meh” when I look at heart rate during an activity it loosely tracks with what my chest strap recorded. YMMV as most wrist based sensors are not highly accurate on me.

Software: The APP is convenient, but the web-portal is significantly more powerful. I wish that the App had similar analytics to the web based interface.

I will say that I do not like the logarithmic manner in which their daily strain is calculated. For example, on rest days where I barely do anything my strain is about 10 pts from daily life. A typical day of 2 hours of training nets me about 16 points, a day where I crush myself from training is ~18-20 points. 10 points to do nothing, 6 more points for 2 hours of riding in base zone. 2-4 points beyond that for 5+ hours of hard riding.

I just got one a few weeks ago, and got a good test taking it to track masters nationals.

I’m so far pretty impressed. And that’s with the caveat that I probably didn’t have much of a good baseline going into race week. But it tells a decent story.

I really tapered August 24th-26th, and that shows in the top line.

My “opener” on Tuesday probably got carried away - ended up going way harder than I should have… That and getting up at like 3AM to drive to my first event on Weds AM really had my Whoop sounding alarm bells on the Recovery score. And my first event sucked. (I didn’t check the Whoop app until after the race, so it wasn’t because it psyched me out).

I recovered hard Weds and Thursday. Laid in bed reading my Kindle. That shows up as my Recovery score skyrocketed again. Then had an events on Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning (all good performances). With the Saturday race being absolutely savage bike racing. Just guys ripping each other apart for 30 minutes. And the Whoop has my recovery score cratering to 4% by today. I am, indeed, tired.

The story makes sense to me. So so far, so good with the Whoop. I tried several other HRV tools, and gave up on all of them. I’m cautiously optimistic on this one.


AFAIK they are not integrating with third party apps which would be a showstopper for me. HRV/recovery data export into TP/WKO5 and caloric expenditure into MyFitnesspal would be the absolute bare minimum to get me locked into yet another subscription ecosystem.

I am curious how the sleep data compares to the Garmin Vivosport? I have been using the Vivosport for the last few months and am wondering if the Whoop would be a huge improvement on that?.

I haven’t found it to be particularly accurate or predictive. After sleeping terribly it has given me high recovery scores. I’ve also had strong rides when recovery score is low. IOW, I haven’t found it useful.

Realistically any sleep tracker (with the possible exception of the discontinued Zeo, which was also flawed) is just taking a wild guess. This is wearables, the under pillow things, pretty much anything that isn’t measuring at your brain.

Realistically any sleep tracker (with the possible exception of the discontinued Zeo, which was also flawed) is just taking a wild guess.

I think that’s an exaggeration. Having 3-4 years of data form multiple devices, I’ve found they can estimate sleep pretty well. This isn’t a medical research study. Just training information.

I estimate how much sleep I get every night as well… but me nor the strap are doing anything but guessing is my point. Neither is going to give you any true accurate insight into what stage of sleep you’re in or for how long.

I estimate how much sleep I get every night as well… but me nor the strap are doing anything but guessing is my point. Neither is going to give you any true accurate insight into what stage of sleep you’re in or for how long.

I agree about stages of sleep. But I’d argue that the good ones do a pretty good job at estimating total hours in bed not moving (which correlates pretty darn well with sleep on nights I’m not staring blankly at the ceiling pondering my high CdA with existential terror) and total number of disturbances. Which are useful. And it just uploads to TP every morning saving me the trouble of filling out data myself.

AFAIK they are not integrating with third party apps which would be a showstopper for me. HRV/recovery data export into TP/WKO5 and caloric expenditure into MyFitnesspal would be the absolute bare minimum to get me locked into yet another subscription ecosystem.

Mine integrates seamlessly into TP (shows up as a “metrics” entry every morning, and also with my Wahoo headunit during workouts (with the BT streaming option turned on.

If you want me to try out other apps, let me know.

Mine integrates seamlessly into TP (shows up as a “metrics” entry every morning, and also with my Wahoo headunit during workouts (with the BT streaming option turned on.
If you want me to try out other apps, let me know.

That is interesting and concerning at the same time: I asked them whether they integrate with any third part services and their support told me “no, but we are looking into it”. Mind you that was two weeks ago.

How did you link Whoop to TP? Is there are Whoop site that describes the integration or any other integrations they might be offering?

How did you link Whoop to TP? Is there are Whoop site that describes the integration or any other integrations they might be offering?

I did it through the Android app. In the “Settings” menu there is a “Trainingpeaks” entry where you enter credentials. After I entered mine it “just worked”. There is no other 3rd party entry in my app.