Sam Long coaching change

I’ve seen clues but nothing certain. I just really hope he doesn’t start coaching himself.

He’ll be coached by Mikal before you know it!

I’ve seen clues but nothing certain. I just really hope he doesn’t start coaching himself.

Tri247 article says he’s self-coaching as of now. It doesn’t make clear if that will change at some point going forward.

I’ve seen clues but nothing certain. I just really hope he doesn’t start coaching himself.

If he ever wants to get better at long distance he’s going to need some coaching magic. It seems middle distance comes more naturally to him

Damn. Lionel gets shit on all day here for being on YT and none of you even know Sam has a channel. He announced he’s self coaching in the Indian Wells recap video.

Most people on here know he has a channel but his channel is boring and he is posting more infrequently. The season is mostly over, I’m sure the views on that recap are down so no need to come on here and post about it urgently.
This season for him seems to be a floundering season. The sponsorships that brought him to Europe took him out of the scene here and could not have set up for descent training. If he feels he can perform better without the volume, is it in respect to 70.3 or long course in general?

He has had a string of immature decisions in 2022. He can dress them up as “life experiences” but his stock has definitely gone down. If he is going to “self coaching”, that is going to be another step that is not forward.

I also think that it is a terrible decision. Are there any other guys at the top that are self coached?

I also think that it is a terrible decision. Are there any other guys at the top that are self coached?

Joe Skipper?

his channel is boring

Sam Long is boring. But then again, most of the pro triathletes I’ve met over the years are.

LS fanatics are nuts, but at least LS is always interesting.

I didn’t take his video as he was going to be self coached full time. I took it more as he wanted to experiment on his own for few weeks leading into indian wells. Then take a break for 3 weeks and re-assess things. It doesn’t make sense to hire a new coach 3 weeks before the last race of the year with a planned break right after. I would fully expect him to have a new coach for 2023.

Saw his YouTube and wasn’t surprised by this. I said in the IM Arizona thread I thought he was doing too much volume. Maybe he and Lionel can coach each other since they’re in the same city 😜.

I’ve seen clues but nothing certain. I just really hope he doesn’t start coaching himself.

If he ever wants to get better at long distance he’s going to need some coaching magic. It seems middle distance comes more naturally to him
Is this supposed to be in Pink?

i said in the other thread that going totally solo, if that’s his plan, doesn’t seem like a great idea for sam. based on what i’ve seen and heard from him this year, i think he’d benefit a lot from a steady coach and from some sport psych.

Ha, definately some recognisable footsteps there.

His season was quite good for a young pro

11 starts
4 wins
7 podiums

Week before the IM worlds he was hit by car and injured his back

At the 70.3 worlds he got that weird penalty

So overall pretty decent but as most pros there is the search for the balance in training volume and racing volume.

A coach could help keep feet on the ground during those vulnerable moments for a young pro wanting to race and train fast and often

He has had a string of immature decisions in 2022. He can dress them up as “life experiences” but his stock has definitely gone down. If he is going to “self coaching”, that is going to be another step that is not forward.

Not really sure how his stock has gone down for anyone doing the judging, maybe in your eyes. But for the folks cutting his checks, it’s probably even or increased based on his results. As seen from Lacticturkey’s post:

Ha, definately some recognisable footsteps there.

His season was quite good for a young pro

11 starts
4 wins
7 podiums

Week before the IM worlds he was hit by car and injured his back

At the 70.3 worlds he got that weird penalty

So overall pretty decent but as most pros there is the search for the balance in training volume and racing volume.

A coach could help keep feet on the ground during those vulnerable moments for a young pro wanting to race and train fast and often

I took it more as he wanted to experiment on his own for few weeks leading into indian wells. Then take a break for 3 weeks and re-assess things. It doesn’t make sense to hire a new coach 3 weeks before the last race of the year with a planned break right after

This is my thought as well. A mental break from having someone else structure his workouts. Get it ‘out of his system’ to try a few things he has been wanting to try training wise. Take a break and then search for a coach he thinks will be a good match for his goals

It wouldn’t shock me if he’s already gotten a new coach and is just using the “off season” as a chill period and announce at a later date the new coach, etc. Some coaches have a “respectful” down period between the previous coach out of respect and/or remove from “poaching” drama.

I wonder if he actually reached out to Olav like he said he was going to on the How They Train pod. Not sure Olav and the Norwegians would ever let him train with them, but I hope he at least had that conversation.