Lightning bolt

I am scheduled for a long ride but the weather has taken a turn for the worse. What do you guys do? Ride in the thunderstorm or hop on the trainer?

Wear your wetsuit. The rubber will keep you safe after your struck.

I thought this was about Usain Bolt.

I’d never talk about the winner of the Beijing Olympic 100 meters without putting a spoiler in the title.

Trainer. I don’t like riding in the rain…especially when there is T-storms/lightning!

Hope your significant other likes it ‘well done’

I can’t say for certain but I do know that your significant other prefers it raw.

I ride. Period.

With the new lights I picked up I’ve been tempted to go out on nights when there were storms in the area. Impressive light shows would make for entertaining surroundings.

In this heat, the rain wouldn’t feel too cold and I’m not too worried about keeping the wheels down but one thing has kept me from doing it: drivers! I figure riding in a downpour is as close as you can get to asking to be run over. Who is going to expect a cyclist out in that crap?

One of my best rides - one I will never forget. It was about midnight, full moon. I was in Rock Cut State Park - on my Litespeed. I had the lights off - the moon was so bright and I knew the roads so well (park closes to cars at 10). There was a huge storm with lightning on the horizon rolling in. I saw every animal in the park that night - coons, opossums, deer…the wind was still.

I have never been on a better ride. If you have lights I can not suggest strongly enough going out at night. It is a whole new world to discover.
