KOPS in tt position

Hi all

Recently bought a new saddle for my P2 and noticing that my knee was over my toes rather than my spindle when in the TT position

I am fairly comfy with head down but can feel quite a bit of weight when upright on the handlebars

Do many follow the KOPS rule when in TT mode? If so, will try it and move my pads and tt bars back the same amount

  1. My knees are in front of the spindle on every bike I own. Especially my tri bike.

  2. I would set myself up so i ride in the same position as the previous saddle…if that fit was right for me.

Do many follow the KOPS rule when in TT mode?

They absolutely do not. Whatever correlative value KOPS may have for a traditional road bike fit simply does not exist for a TT/Tri fit.

KOPS was a rule of thumb (and nothing more) for traditional road positions. For hip-rotated TT positions is does not apply.

Some examples:

Frodo at Kona 2019

Potts: Kona 2019

On the Cycling side, WVA in Tirreno Adriatico

I have never put any consideration to KOPS on the tri bike. Just figure out how low you can go, then adjust to have shoulders and elbows close to 90 degrees, that’s it.

Do many follow the KOPS rule when in TT mode?
No. KOPS is at best a rough rule of thumb that’s convenient for doing quick-and-dirty road bike setups. When it comes to TT/Tri aerobar fits, almost everyone should be significantly farther forward than KOPS.

Even when it comes to road bikes, it’s very vague and has no theoretical basis, and it’s not something that should be part of a serious fitting process.

Good to know, thanks everyone. I’m able to move my bars and pads back the same amount as the saddle if going for KOPS, so thought I’d ask if it’s worth doing as my position would be the same, just further back.

Suppose it comes down what produces the best power whilst keeping it relatively comfy.

Got a race coming up soon, so think I’ll leave it where it all is which is around 1-2cm further forward

If your knee is about 1 to 2cm in front of your pedal spindle, I would think that your position on the bike is fairly poor.

If you post a video of you riding on a trainer, there are some pro fitters on here who could make some recommendations on how to improve your position.

How much forward is right for a flat Ironman?

Every person is different.