Elite Crono CX Aero bottles

Is anyone using the ELITE CRONO CX bottles on their bike. If it is possible, can you post a picture of them on the bike. I am looking for single and double bottles on the frame. I believe that Campled had them on one of his bikes and he was using two of them.

Thanks in advance.

it looks exactly like the XLab aero bottle.
Great for the seat tube, in my opinon

Not really but I am more interested in seeing them mounted and how they look on a bike. Especially if two are used.


I can respond that it sucks for actual use. ie you have to be sure air gets back in it if using for drinking or else it is compressed and can easily fall out of holder.

Heard of Google?




Yes I have and have looked at them all, but wanted users on ST to get their feedback on the bottles and how they have them mounted.

they look fast, i may grab a couple for the road bike

I realise mine is a slightly different bottle but I have made a custom mount to get the bottle down into the bottom of the main triangle

do you have a picture of the mount. This is what I was looking for.

Managed to dig up an old thread:

Thank you. My work has a machine shop and Black Delrin so that just gave me a great idea. Thank you.

It would be great to post back here if you get something made, always interesting to see what crazy ideas other posters come up with.

I am waiting for my Sitero to show up as I might not even get one depending on how the rear seat mount on that saddle works as well as the BTA I am using. I might just use this as a spares compartment.

Not the best photos, but what I have currently uploaded. If you want any sort of detail pics of the mounting, cages, bottles, caps, whatever, let me know and I’ll take some pictures for you.

61cm AR4



It seems like they fill in the area fairly well. How do they work and any issues. I can get a pair of the less expensive ones for $80 shipped. So I might get two of them.

Once you get past the quirks of sucking while you squeeze the bottle for good flow, and puffing them before they go back in their cages, they are fine. Aero, look cool, dimples, carbon, easy to insert and remove from cages, and yeah, dimples.

I usually drink from my down tube first, when its empty, I swap bottles from seat tube to down tube.

What type of valve do they use on the bottle.

You must be a tall dude, I like the idea of using one for flat kit during a race. I have a sitero and the bottle cage mounts in a great position as far as aero goes. My guess is just one aero bottle on the DT is more aero than two because there is some gap there for turbulent air. A great product would be the Wedgie but with an aero bottle.

I am not sold on the WEDGIE!

I have one and used it for my concentrated nutrition only during races. Two races so far with it, a half and full iron with no issues.
