Crank Arm length? (2)

Okay, starting to mess around with trying different crank arm lengths. As some know, I have been on 200mm for like ten years but am giving shorter a try based on inputs this might
help with running off the bike.

So, looking for folks who have made changes to shorter. What advice, thoughts, etc. can one pass along? What data did you use during the process?

So I am on 175’s on my Velotron trainer. An input I got which sounds pretty good is after I am done with my bike trainer ride, is to shorten them up even more and see how it “feels”, and how
my cadence changes, all of which are very easy to measure on the Velotron. I then will jump on my treadmill for a 10 minute 6:30 pace brick and see how this feels. Will try to measure
HR during this stuff to see if this give me any other data.

I also am looking at trying some different up front gearing with a 94mm spider. This will allow me to use like a 46/30 or 44/28. Since I am in the hills, another input I got was
trying to get gearing that will allow me to keep at 80 plus cadence even when I am climbing 15% hills on shorter crank arms. Today I go down into the 50’s with my 200’s… Thought again is save the legs for the run.
I really do not care about spinning out on the down hills since I am not a speed demon for them anyways.

Hopefully this question stays informative. :o)


h2ofun, i have tried the short crank thing went to 172 from 180 absolutly no difference in how i ran off the bike i think it is the cadence im around 103average , bike splits were about the same im going back to the 180 to old to change ??

Thanks. I do feel going from 200 to 175’s has helped my run. (Run times are a little faster) I can also get more comfortable in the aero position. I also feel I am too old to mess with this stuff, but that is what makes this sport fun.
And luckily I have the tools do try some changes fairly easily and get feedback just using my trainer and treadmill. Now, your comment implies you do only flat land races? I have to figure out gearing
that works for my 8-14 % hills. And trying to find cranklength vs gearing will be fun to play with and see what happens. Maybe it will end like the comments I got on 200mm, pretty stupid. But, … :o)

It was interesting spinning 145’s for a few minutes.


Do you have a Vari crank? Goes from 165-185, reasonable range for testing most individuals, but maybe not broad enough for your individual testing :wink:

I would do 2 tests both on erg.

  1. start at 100 watts and go up by 10 or 15 per minute, if you last to 20 minutes thats either 300 or 400 watts. Similar to a graded VO2 test but you get only power data.

Repeat after sufficient rest etc to allow a clear comparison or at least clear enough that you could say crank arm length was the (mostly) deciding factor.

  1. Do a 20 minute max power test at 200 cranks, then repeat (again after sufficient rest) (again on erg mode only) with a shorter crank arm of your choice. If you go only 18 minutes on the short then you know they are bad or that maybe you need a certain amount of adaptation. If you go say 22 minutes then you know they are trending in the right direction and maybe worth exploring if you can get your fit right for you.

Both tests are pretty clear as they rely on erg mode, so takes pacing and cadence out of the equation, and they look at two key factors for performance: extension of intensity (over time) and the ability to hold a higher intensity (over time).

Since you are a longer IM athlete you could collect the HR Data and see if there is a trend there also. In some multi year IM athletes I have seen HR to be pretty stable and predictable, yours and others mileage may vary. But really power should tell all, even if the tests come out neutral you can then look at fit or aero options for improvement.

Keep in mind appropriate rest between test and training effect as if you do this a lot, say over a 3-4 week period you may get stronger just by virtue of regular training…and may have to repeat or confirm certain results.

I will say this though, don’t look for CL length to correlate to better or worse run speed. I’ve seen lots of people on short/long/average and I don’t feel that it impacts the run in any way.


Don’t forget to appropriately move the saddle and bars fore/aft (along with saddle height changes) to keep the relationship between the saddle, the bars, and your lower leg in the downstroke portion of the pedal cycle as similar as possible.

To do otherwise is not to compare “apples to apples”

If going shorter, then the saddle and bars need to move aft the same amount as the crank length change.

Gearing is easy. Just use Sheldon Brown’s calculator and work with “gain ratio”:

Man, this is tough stuff to get data on, but what the heck. Great inputs.

I do feel shorter cranks may have helped my running a little.

What fun would this sport be if one does not experiment with stuff.

Okay, great inputs. I will have to fully understand so I do not mess stuff up.

So when I shorten the cranks, it is 1 for 1 to raise the seat. So if I go from 175 to 165, I move the seat up 10mm right.

So, on the bars and seat, is this1 for 1 so I would move them both back 10mm?



Okay, great inputs. I will have to fully understand so I do not mess stuff up.

So when I shorten the cranks, it is 1 for 1 to raise the seat. So if I go from 175 to 165, I move the seat up 10mm right.

So, on the bars and seat, is this1 for 1 so I would move them both back 10mm?



Basically, yes (not exactly due to angled seat tubes, but close enough). Technically, the bars should also rise by that same amount as well to keep the saddle to pad vertical distance the same.

Okay, if the seat goes up 10, the bars should go up 10? But if one wants to get more aero should they be left alone?

Now when the seat goes up 10, the seat effectively goes back some also so does one need to adjust the net seat
back 10 even though it has moved some already.

And you are saying 10 up on the seat, then 10 back on the aerobars?

Just trying to make sure I understand this.

Thanks for the inputs. I am trying to see if doing any of this stuff helps at the end of the day.


and your lower leg in the downstroke portion of the pedal cycle as similar as possible.

Slightly off-topic, but I was going to post a question about this anyway.

Over the past few years I’ve generally set my seat/bars fore-aft position to optimize aero and comfort without much consideration for optimizing the biomechanics of the downstroke.

On a whim, I did the old plumb-bob-from-kneecap test, and found that in my current position, I’m 6-7cm in front of the axle. Almost the front of my shoe.

Has anyone studied how much that matters? From looking at pictures of top TTers, it looks like the plumb-bob rule is violated quite a bit.

Or if we’re considering the body rotated around the bottom bracket in a TT position does the “power position” of the downstroke actually occur a bit later than 3 o’clock?


Raising bars may or may not have much of an impact on power, but you want to isolate for Crank length first, so as Tom described.

Then you can look at which is best and adjust for aero after. You may also find that shorter is slightly worse but allows for better fit, aero, comfort etc. Nothing wrong with testing and figuring out which CL is best, the note about shorter helping the run might be correct in your case, not sure.

Confirming running benefits against various CL would be pretty hard, you would have to back up specific CL testing as above with some sort of maximal effort on the run (either graded or steady state) to failure. Or measuring with BL, Vo2 etc. Even then the run test would always be compromised by the bike test.

Likely that the best CL combination of power vs aero is the best for running as it gets you to the start of the run fresher and maybe faster. Especially at longer distances.

Usually there is a bias to what you’ve trained on and if you see something that is just as good or maybe just a bit worse then you can give it a chance for a few weeks for adaptation and then re-test against your old long cranks.


Great inputs, thanks.

and your lower leg in the downstroke portion of the pedal cycle as similar as possible.

Slightly off-topic, but I was going to post a question about this anyway.

Over the past few years I’ve generally set my seat/bars fore-aft position to optimize aero and comfort without much consideration for optimizing the biomechanics of the downstroke.

On a whim, I did the old plumb-bob-from-kneecap test, and found that in my current position, I’m 6-7cm in front of the axle. Almost the front of my shoe.

Has anyone studied how much that matters? From looking at pictures of top TTers, it looks like the plumb-bob rule is violated quite a bit.

KOPS is not nearly as important as people think, especially when it comes to a TT position. It’s simply a guide for those who don’t know how to fit properly.

I switched from an FSA 172.5 50 tooth Crank to an ultegra 165 53 tooth crank on my TT bike. The issues which lead to the switch were knee pain and getting more aero. I had been on a 172.5 for two years and tried many different variations in my position to try and get rid of the pain. After hearing lots of information about shorter crank lengths and looking into some of the work Matt Steinmetz was doing I decided to try the 165. I was trying out many different online calculators, just one for example would be → . I know these aren’t perfect but after seeing all of the results the calculators lead me to, 165 sounded best. On my first ride out it felt a lot better and I can slide my seat to the furthest forward position and be pain free. I also was able to raise my saddle a total of about 9mm with the combination of shorter crank & sliding forward causes it to technically lower. Performance wise I feel much better getting off the bike to run just because of the absence of the knee pain. Without any serious data I would say the shorter crank also allowed me to get into a more aero position via greater saddle to pad drop and a closer to horizontal back. Lastly, being on a more manageable crank length did raise my cadence and made the bike-> run seem easier for my body to adapt.

That site gives the calculator I have seen for years. There are otherx so depending on which one used, it would say between 180 and 200 for my 36 inch inseam.

But, these may have been great for riding, but really may not have been made for triathon, where we need to run off the bike.

So, Tom has said if you go to shorter cranks you need to move your seat back, but you have it forward?

A lot of this might just go to what makes a person comfortable. Some have better backs than others. Or knees, or, …

It logically now seems that if I can keep my cadence up, that running off the bike is better. So far I think I have seen a little of this with my run
training times (I always run the same exact course), and my race run times. Will see in Sundays race since a course I have done for a decade.

Thanks for the post.


Okay, if the seat goes up 10, the bars should go up 10? But if one wants to get more aero should they be left alone?

Maybe. Moving the bar up keeps the relationship between the seat and the pads constant, but opens up the distance between your leg at the top of the stroke and your torso by 2X the difference in crank lengths. Leaving it alone makes that distance only 1/2 that amount…or, equal to the difference.

Yes…one can use those differences to also lower the torso relative to the ground in order to attempt to lower CdA.

Now when the seat goes up 10, the seat effectively goes back some also so does one need to adjust the net seat
back 10 even though it has moved some already.

Yes, it does…unless you have a vertical seatpost, like on a P3, P5, etc. But yeah, due to the seat tube angle, adjusting the seat post up will typically also move it rearward as a function of the cosine of the seatpost angle. For example, with a 75d seat angle, the seat will move rearward relative to the BB ~.25mm for every mm the seatpost is extended. That’s why I said it’s almost about the same…for small variations in crank length I wouldn’t worry too much. But, for larger variations, it’s something to consider.

And you are saying 10 up on the seat, then 10 back on the aerobars?

Let’s use your example of going from 200mm cranks down to 175mm. Here’s how I would go about it if I was interested in JUST changing the crank length to investigate JUST that effect:

  1. Document the current location of the saddle and the pads relative to the BB, along with the distance from the part of the saddle I sit on to the pedal spindle with the pedal the furthest distance away from the saddle (straight line measurement, i.e. “saddle distance, or height”.)

  2. Remove the 200mm cranks and install the 175mm cranks.

  3. Since the difference in crank lengths is 25mm, I know that in the end I’ll want to have the saddle 25mm further back horizontally on the bike relative to the bottom bracket. This will place my lower leg in the same orientation to the crank when it is in the highest torque part of the pedal stroke (i.e. ~ horizontal). With a bike with a vertical seat post, that’s easy…I just move the saddle rearward on the rails 25mm. For bikes with an angled seatpost, it’s only slightly more involved (see below).

  4. For a bike with a vertical seatpost, I would then extend the seatpost until the saddle to pedal distance (“saddle distance”) matches what was measured originally. For a bike with an angled seatpost, one can either do the trigonometry, or probably more easily, just iterate on extending the seatpost and moving the saddle until you end up where the “saddle distance” is correct AND the seat is 25mm further aft horizontally.

  5. Raise the bars vertically 25mm and move them rearward 25mm horizontally as well. This maintains the relationships between the pads, the saddle, and your lower leg in the power stroke portion of the pedal cycle. Boom. Done.

OK…now that you’ve established that ONLY the crank length has been changed in your fit, you can evaluate that effect in isolation. I personally find that even with differences up to 7.5 to 10mm, when following the above protocol, the different crank lengths are almost imperceptible from a “feel” standpoint.

Other fit options that moving to a shorter crank length allow (i.e. changing saddle-bar drop, etc.) can now be investigated separately.

200’s? Good grief, Dave.

Go shorter after all those years, you’ll be crushing it! :slight_smile:

and your lower leg in the downstroke portion of the pedal cycle as similar as possible.

Slightly off-topic, but I was going to post a question about this anyway.

Over the past few years I’ve generally set my seat/bars fore-aft position to optimize aero and comfort without much consideration for optimizing the biomechanics of the downstroke.

On a whim, I did the old plumb-bob-from-kneecap test, and found that in my current position, I’m 6-7cm in front of the axle. Almost the front of my shoe.

Has anyone studied how much that matters? From looking at pictures of top TTers, it looks like the plumb-bob rule is violated quite a bit.

Or if we’re considering the body rotated around the bottom bracket in a TT position does the “power position” of the downstroke actually occur a bit later than 3 o’clock?


“Knee over pedal spindle” is a VERY general rule of thumb for approximate fitting for a road bike position. Obviously, for a TT/Tri position, where the position is in effect rotated forward about the BB, that doesn’t quite hold.

In general, though…the position of maximum torque in the power stroke is at ~the point where the crank is horizontal. That makes for a good landmark to try to keep constant. The whole point is to try to best match up the “arc” drawn by the foot in the power phase of the pedal stroke between the different crank lengths. I.e., just let the foot take less of a rearward travel in the “return” portion of the pedal stroke.

You’ll notice above I didn’t say anything about the position of the knee relative to the pedal. I merely stated that when swapping crank lengths it would be a good idea to keep constant the orientation of the lower leg relative to the power phase arc, the saddle, and the bars. There’s a difference :wink:

Steve, there are lots of tall folks like me using 200’s or even longer cranks arms. So, I am in not way a one off with some tall folks.

But, yep, am going to try some different stuff from inputs from shorter folks. :o(
