Cheetah with traditional brakes. Shed 1 pound with out the hydraulics

That is really nice.

Now THAT is porn!
Oval and a couple other companies have behind the fork mounting brakes

Now that is sweet! But I’d swing that bad by around the other direction and get that chainring away from the sofa before your wife kills you.
Rear brakes
Sorry to keep replying to myself, I don’t know how to post multiple pics at once.

Where/how did you get the yellow Zipp stickers?

awesome ride!!!
You can bring any sticker into a graphics or similar shop and they can duplicate or change things up.
This little cap is where the drink system is inserted when in use. The bags are pretty heavy duty and hold almost two large water bottles. And the cone (funnel) makes it easy to refill on the fly.

It would look sweet with hydraulics, bouncing up and down! And spinners too.

Okay, Im just jealous…Great looking bike !

don’t give me any ideas

My son would live that bike because of the spiffy Lightning McQueen sticker on the chain stay. Watch out for chick Hicks - he’s a bumper!

Gorgeous ride.


Overall just a great looking bike!

Ah, now I know who you are :slight_smile:

2 questions:
Where did you get the disc airbrushed? The one, I have seen it around at races a lot.
And, where is the old Cheetah?

The boys love your book, by the way.

are those profile pads on an easton base bar? …for height or to move back?


Now I have to say that the changes made are very nice. The brakes are a good choice and I do like the new aerobar set up.

The Easton Attack TT with the special brackets for the Profile arm rests is a very nice touch. How does it handle when you are riding the bike. I was just wondering since the brackets are so far back compared to the original pad placement.

EDIT - I see that you have gone to a shorter stem as well. Are the pads in the same position after changing the stems? It appears that the pads are now a lot closer to the saddle than they were before.

I was going to send this link to you and then I saw you started it!!! NICE, of course. Bring it over! Now, get back to training on it.


Wow… I just noticed that had like a 50mm stem on it! Was that bike designed for you with such a short stem or did you buy it from someone else?