Announcing the 1st annual Slowtwitch Virtual Triathlon (and Duathlon!) Presented by COVID-19

I’m a race director. I have a 2,500-person race scheduled for April 26 and it’s likely going to be cancelled. This is my livelihood.

But I’m healthy. I have food. I have savings. And I want to keep perspective.

I also have software I’ve built over the last 10 years that creates live race tracking for my event (the Seneca7 in upstate New York). The software can also create virtual races. So in the spirit of keeping us all sane, positive, and active when we can’t be competing, I’d like to offer PenguinMan, the 1st annual Slowtwitch Virtual Triathlon Presented By COVID-19.

Obviously we’ll be competing (virtually) in Antarctica because it’s the only continent left without the coronavirus (and good social distancing). Course map here:

The swim takes place in the breathtaking (literally; it’s like 33 degrees) Southern Ocean, a point-to-point paddle from some island called Base Yelcho. Upon washing ashore on Anvers Island (according to google maps) you’ll get on your bike for a 4,000-foot climb to the summit of some unnamed mountain range. The KOM (King of the Mountain) will gain naming rights to this mountain, and will be allowed to plant their country’s flag at the top. An exhilarating downhill takes you back to sea level for the run, a 3.1-mile jaunt across glaciers and between mating seals. Again you’ll climb some very large mountain to nearly 2,000 feet, so bring your native flag in case you happen to be in the lead. You’ll get naming rights and a very nice bagel with peanut butter at the finish.

When you register, you’ll receive a link to submit your swim, bike, and run times. You can do the 1-mile swim, 20-mile bike, and 3.1-mile run anytime between now and March 31. You can do them together or separately. You can do them 8 times, I don’t care. Just upload your times and I’ll compile them on a leaderboard. Then I’ll overlay everyone on the course map and all together we’ll watch the race replay. You can do things like this with technology. For example, here’s the actual 2020 Atlanta Marathon Olympic Trials men’s race reconstituted as a run up Mount Kilimanjaro:

…will open tomorrow. The entry fee is $1,000 but you can use the discount code “gimmefree” to get a $1,000 discount. That means it’s free to participate. The Feds aren’t the only ones giving away cash!

You can use your Slowtwitch handle to participate or make up a name. I’d like to see 1,000 people in this inaugural edition. For your efforts you’ll get a virtual t-shirt, a bib number (not the bib, just the number), virtual goody bag, and a penguin. You’ll also get a real (virtual) finisher certificate, suitable for virtual framing.

Thank you and good luck. And if any other race directors out there want to use this technology for their own race that has been cancelled or postponed, I will set it up for you free of charge.

You have a fan for life.

This, I like this.

this is the first of a number of these we’ll be writing about. so, you’re breaking ground here. i suspect when we’re done we’ll have a whole race season.

This sounds terrific and I applaud the effort and many thanks for doing this. I know people that were planning to be at that race, so I’m sorry about that and how this virus has impacted so many people.

One problem, at least for me, will be that I have no pool access here in CT and I’m not swimming in Crystal Lake outside (I did that once to practice for a cold water race and I’ll never do that again).

Any chance of a duathlon or getting an extension on the swim cut-off date?

Count me in!

Thank you. This is terrific.

Thanks for doing this!

Can the race have a Du option? Many of us are in areas (NorCal, SeaTac, etc.) where all the pools are closed.

Jeff- any ideas how to get in a virtual swim without a pool? Ours seem to be closed for the foreseeable future.

Oh how much I miss the emails I used to receive like this leading up to my favorite race on earth, Musselman.

x2 on duathlon option. With so many pools/gyms closed, it would be nice, possibly necessary, to have that as an option!

Absolutely we should have a duathlon. This is virtual and there are no permits required for Antarctica so we can do whatever we want.

Behold the 1st Annual Slowtwitch Virtual PenguinMan Duathlon Also Presented By COVID-19:

As you can see, we’re starting a bit further “south” than the triathlon because there’s a place called Adelaide that might attract the Aussie crowd (cross-marketing 101). The random & exotic bike course starts from the majestic coastline and immediately climbs some ridiculous amount to a ridgeline where I’m sure there are nice views. Everybody always wants nice views during a triathlon. I’m not sure why.

Anyway, once you get yourself into the hinterland you’ll disembark the bike for a heady gallop straight up the side of some other unnamed mountain. A couple fun up-down sections bring you to the summit, i.e. the blackest area I could find on google maps. Who knows what you’ll find there.

Two races gives us a map set for your viewing pleasure:

Be ready to register tomorrow. This thing always fills up quick.

I’m IN!!!

Awesome! Thanks for the du option - a great lead in to AmZof (caugh, caugh).

Du, or cyclorun? I don’t care - I’m in either way! - but I need to know how to pace myself… 😀

Good point. I suppose this should be a run-bike-run. Updated course map forthcoming.

In. This is a great idea


You have my interest

Sick family, work chaos, all pools and gym closed. It’s been a long couple of weeks. This is definitely the best thing to be brought to me by Covid 19. I’ll totally do this, as long as it isn’t cancelled by Covid 19. Keep being awesome.