Aerobars (10)

Good morning guys,

I’m rather ignorant on aerobars, I just got a used Cervélo P3 (the 2014 NP3 version) and I’m looking to change the aerobar. My question is, are there any aerobars akin to the 3T Aduro (Cervélo P5 exclusive) that have a stem cover, where you can hide all the cables?

Picture of the Aduro:

Tririg. But I’m in the exact same position as u.

Tririg and an aero bento:

Shimano PRO Missile is another option.

Hi! Thanks a lot for the reply, is that the Tririg Omega stem that Fishbum was mentioning??

Thank you for the reply Green! I’m looking at the Pro Missile stem looks really good too!

I wonder which one is better if the Shimano Pro Missile or the Tririg Omega X

Thank you for the reply Green! I’m looking at the Pro Missile stem looks really good too!

I wonder which one is better if the Shimano Pro Missile or the Tririg Omega X

I have a Sigma X in hand for a build with a 3T Revo (and, eventually, the MORF aerobar). Seems well made to me. That said, Shimano has quite a reputation for reliability/durability.