What is the best fantasy sport?

I know a lot of people like fantasy football. But I seem to always get burned by injuries at some point. I feel like in football you have to be lucky + good. Just curious as to what everyones favorite fantasy sport is? Generally I think I enjoy baseball H2H. Although baseball weekly leagues take a lot of time. I have started to play fantasy english premier league, and it seems ok.

I assume Quiddich

Baseball stats work better and are not subject to whim near as much but I find a head to head football league more fun for just that reason.

In fact - the for fun league here presented one of the top 5 most fun things I have seen. The NFL adjusted stats for a running back the day after the game. Took a yard or two away from a running back if I remember right. It caused someone with a far superior team to lose that week by something like 0.02 points.


we had a TDF fantasy draft which got exciting this year with all the surprises and GC changes. We do one for just our team and then we had a few guys do the Tissot fantasy challenge too.