Trump Arrested (Photos)


Where/why do people make fake pictures of trump showing him more athletic compared to what he is capable of?

Trump can’t run. Imagine how silly pictures of Biden sprinting away from cops would look.

A.I. generated pics ?

Sure looks like it, lots of goofy artifacts. That, or I didn’t know that trumpski favors law enforcement belts …


Where/why do people make fake pictures of trump showing him more athletic compared to what he is capable of?

Trump can’t run.

I would pay good money to see trump being chased by a bear.

Where/why do people make fake pictures of trump showing him more athletic compared to what he is capable of?

Trump can’t run.

I would pay good money to see trump being chased by a bear.

I don’t think you would ever get that picture. As was said, can you see Trump even attempt to run? The bear would growl and Trump would fall to the ground. I can’t even imagine him walking fast.

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous


AI. The closest we will get to an arrest probably.

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous

Honestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculousHonestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

Yes, they are bad, but yet they are damn good all at the same time. And this is just the first generation of AI image generators. Based on these “awful fakes”, what’s coming soon is, I think, going to be absolutely astonishing.

An auto analogy of the leap that we will be seeing …

A first generation automobile (Ford):

A current generation automobile (also Ford):

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous

Honestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

No way. Not that long at all. Some of those deep fake videos are VERY well done. I think it is a matter of years before video and photo evidence of crimes will become fairly worthless. Unless the encryption/authenticity markers on those devices catch up.

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous

Honestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

They are awful fakes, but they are plenty good enough to convince a fair number of people online that their figurehead has been mistreated by the establishment. And they’re only going to get better.

As a human race, we probably should get in front of this dilemma before it’s too late. Our understanding of ethics and reasonable use of technology almost always lags behind actual scientific development, but the inability to distinguish truth from fiction is going to be a real problem in the not too distant future.

it’s possible our future phones will have scanning apps that can give probability of fake/reality

in this series, getting him in the same tie would have been a good start

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous

Honestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

No way. Not that long at all. Some of those deep fake videos are VERY well done. I think it is a matter of years before video and photo evidence of crimes will become fairly worthless. Unless the encryption/authenticity markers on those devices catch up.

This is the world the plutocrats and mobsters want. No evidence, no speech, no accountability for elites, no reality. The world is unknowable, except it operates how we say it operates. Everything important is private, except for us, because we all have phones in our pockets.

Not saying AI can do that yet but that sentiment is the driving force behind a lot of the authoritarian phenomenology we are seeing right now. “If they can do that to Trump, they can do that to anyone” is also “if Trump isn’t held accountable, neither will we”.

The books Public Opinion (1922) and The Public and its Problems (1927) speak generally to this, how informed citizens need to disintermediate whereas the news media and the public relations industry attempts to intermediate. Abstractly, AI is a 100yo problem.


i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculousHonestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

Yes, they are bad, but yet they are damn good all at the same time. And this is just the first generation of AI image generators. Based on these “awful fakes”, what’s coming soon is, I think, going to be absolutely astonishing.

An auto analogy of the leap that we will be seeing …

A first generation automobile (Ford):

A current generation automobile (also Ford):

I have a feeling you’re going to see quite a few lawsuits on AI image generation before it becomes mainstream.

A couple of my artist friends are pretty pissed off at it. Part of it I feel like is just the nature of where we’re going because you can do the work without hiring someone, they’ll have to get over that. But the AI image generation is taking images that were created by an artist and incorporating those into the pictures in a way that you can still tell where the picture came from. That one I can see where there is a good chance of copyright infringement.…-stealing-others-art

i know he’s got small hands but the left one’s just ridiculous

Honestly these pictures are really awful fakes. I hear people hyping AI all the time, but these make me think there is a long way to go.

I believe these are all from Elliot Higgins of Bellingcat who, for fun, has been churning out AI pictures of dogs as popes, world leaders as 40k space marines, and a lot more besides for a few weeks now. I think he was using an online product that spits you out an image based on a few prompts. I don’t think they are intended to be any more realistic than that level of effort warrants.

Some FBI guys in NYC went rogue and Trump turned the tables on Bragg:
