Trump's new social media platform launching soon

This should help bring the two non-intersecting universes closer together…

New York (CNN Business)Former President Donald Trump is coming back to social media – but this time with his own network, a Trump spokesperson told Fox News on Sunday.

Jason Miller, a long-time adviser and spokesperson for Trump’s 2020 campaign told Howard Kurtz on Fox’s “MediaBuzz” that Trump will be “returning to social media in probably about two or three months.” He added Trump’s return will be with “his own platform” that will attract “tens of millions” of new users and “completely redefine the game.”
I don’t think he’s ever launched a product without including his name, so my prediction is Trumper, the Trump answer to Twitter. Also, sounds like home for the people he’ll attract.

“in probably about two to three months…”

Is that like, “I’ll reveal my great healthcare plan in two weeks?”

My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

If, and that’s a big if, this thing gets off the ground it won’t be long for the world. Trump likes to control and control narrative. If Parler was any indication of that clientele it’s that they don’t want to be controlled. So it’s going to go off the rails quickly. It’s also going to be a nonstop target for trolls and hackers.

. It’s also going to be a nonstop target for trolls and hackers.

I should hope so.

a few reactions:

-unsurprising, as this was always the plan: the presidency was never the goal, and once it appeared inevitable, it became a vehicle for grifting. him using this to selling more trump-branded stuff - of whatever kind - is as obvious as water being wet.

-who cares? he’s an irrelevant, angry old c-list celebrity who’s going to be buried in lawsuits for the rest of his life.

-as mentioned above, a trump-branded social network would likely be a disaster. first because he’s such a terrible businessman, and second because he’d attract the lunatic fringe, be subject to a ton of takedown requests, and probably be swamped by hackers and trolls.

-the idea that stephen miller is still this guy’s “surrogate” is both delightful and bizarre. and somehow totally appropriate.

the ads will be spectacular, blue chip all the way

the ads will be spectacular, blue chip all the way

Hey, who doesn’t need a better pillow?

-the idea that stephen miller is still this guy’s “surrogate” is both delightful and bizarre. and somehow totally appropriate.

Miller quoted in the op is Jason Miller, not Stephen. Different person, same reptilian mien.

I hope everyone that still loves him moves there and leaves the rest of the world along.

We can call it “The rock from whence you came.”

I hope everyone that still loves him moves there and leaves the rest of the world along.

We can call it “The rock from whence you came.”

That would be great. And whenever trump is mentioned outside of that rock he needs to be mercilessly mocked until trump is the modern equivalent of “your name is Mudd.”

“in probably about two to three months…”

Is that like, “I’ll reveal my great healthcare plan in two weeks?”

Also still waiting for “infrastructure week.”

A couple thoughts on this:

1: You get what you pay for. If this actually happens, it will be so very very bad. Somehow people’s computers will light themselves on fire due to how bad it is.

2: When has trump ever run a business that was not either a failure, a fraud, or both? Seriously, can anyone name one of his business ventures that was not that?

The DDoS attacks will be non-stop.

Trump has already built one of the worlds greatest sucker lists with his fund raising data base, this is a natural continuation of that. The hypocrites that wail every time a Nazi gets kicked off Twitter will cheer when anyone who questions Dear Leader is booted off Trump’s user data harvesting platform.

I hope everyone that still loves him moves there and leaves the rest of the world along.

We can call it “The rock from whence you came.”

I was thinking ‘GRIFTR’ would be more in line with current tech naming trends.

I hope everyone that still loves him moves there and leaves the rest of the world along.

We can call it “The rock from whence you came.”

I was thinking ‘GRIFTR’ would be more in line with current tech naming trends.

Bwahahahaha. We can quit trying to be funny, because nobody is going to top that.

I hope everyone that still loves him moves there and leaves the rest of the world along.

We can call it “The rock from whence you came.”

I was thinking ‘GRIFTR’ would be more in line with current tech naming trends.

Bwahahahaha. We can quit trying to be funny, because nobody is going to top that.

The best I came up with was Trumpsterfire.

But the simplicity of GRIFTR wins.

Now he needs to come up with his own cryptocurrency to go with it.

strategically, why not just purchase an existing social network instead (parlour or mewe). Its hard building a new user base, infrastructure etc etc.

he’s got a friend with connections


“ Now he needs to come up with his own cryptocurrency to go with it.”

