The 4 Horsemen are Idiots

Surprised this one hasn’t been discussed here yet. North Carolina gun shop puts up billboard with pics of The Squad insinuating they are the beginning of the Apocalypse and presumably, that people should come buy guns. They even signed it “The Deplorables” and to give them credit, at least they got that part right.

Seeing as the billboard company’s salesperson didn’t find this offensive, I wonder what exactly would be classified as offensive. His last quote sounds like 1965 all over again.

“It broke our hearts that the controversy happened. Freedom of speech is a right. Unless it is something illegal or offensive, we use our best judgment and let it go. It is tragic what happened. He has been a great client of ours for a while, he just has his beliefs,” Coleman said.
“I wish it hadn’t happened,” Coleman said. “I didn’t want to hurt anybody. … I hope that we can heal from it and people can forgive.”

I’ve driven past this shop to donate money to the casino in Murphy more times that I care to remember. I always thought the strangest billboard I pass was for McCaysville (GA) Drug and Gun. Yes, you can fill your prescription for opioids and pick up a Glock all in the same transaction.

Charlette NC council considered withdrawing from their agreement with RNC for hosting 2020 convention

Charlette NC council considered withdrawing from their agreement with RNC for hosting 2020 convention

They probably saw it hadn’t made ST LR headlines so it really couldn’t have been that bad!

Yes, you can fill your prescription for opioids and pick up a Glock all in the same transaction.

Why do you hate America?

How does that billboard incite violence?

“It broke our hearts that the controversy happened. Freedom of speech is a right. Unless it is something illegal or offensive, we use our best judgment and let it go. It is tragic what happened. He has been a great client of ours for a while, he just has his beliefs,” Coleman said.
“I wish it hadn’t happened,” Coleman said. “I didn’t want to hurt anybody. … I hope that we can heal from it and people can forgive.”

Am I missing something? What is “tragic”?

Yes, you can fill your prescription for opioids and pick up a Glock all in the same transaction.

Why do you hate America?
Before Super Walmart, there was Fred Meyer in Seattle. You could by steak, whisky, lingerie and a shotgun all in one stop.

How does that billboard incite violence?

I believe the insinuation from those that feel that way is someone (the gun shop) is claiming four people are the onset of the Apocalypse so come buy guns and do something about it. It could just as easily and more likely mean the Apocalypse is coming so be prepared.

“It broke our hearts that the controversy happened. Freedom of speech is a right. Unless it is something illegal or offensive, we use our best judgment and let it go. It is tragic what happened. He has been a great client of ours for a while, he just has his beliefs,” Coleman said.
“I wish it hadn’t happened,” Coleman said. “I didn’t want to hurt anybody. … I hope that we can heal from it and people can forgive.”

Am I missing something? What is “tragic”?

If I had to guess I would say the adverse reaction to the ad and the negative publicity to one of his clients.

How does that billboard incite violence?

Hmmm, I wonder?

. You could by steak, whisky, lingerie and a shotgun all in one stop.

That sounds like a typical Friday night.

How does that billboard incite violence?

Hmmm, I wonder?

I am wondering. It would appear to me that only the fearful projectors would see incitement in that billboard. Most, though, would take it as, (three toothed Southern accent) “Them Democrats’re comin’! Buy yerself sum guns while you still can!”

Further, the billboard has been used for political statements in the past. This is just another one, and the fact that a gun store is advertised under the political crap is just being used by the fearful projectors to see what they want to see.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure, but I’ll bet you lunch that cohort is (a) tiny; and (b) impotent.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

LOL. Just because one or two dimwits might see it as an incitement does not make it so. Try again.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

LOL. Just because one or two dimwits might see it as an incitement does not make it so. Try again.

If it incites them, it’s an incitement, dimwit or otherwise, as you said above.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

LOL. Just because one or two dimwits might see it as an incitement does not make it so. Try again.

If it incites them, it’s an incitement, dimwit or otherwise, as you said above.

It’s a dumb billboard. It was foolish to put it up. The ad agency should have used common sense here. But, this “gun nut” views it as saying “get your guns now b/c these folks are trying to stop you from getting them.” That is likely the message that was intended and received by the intended audience.

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

LOL. Just because one or two dimwits might see it as an incitement does not make it so. Try again.

If it incites them, it’s an incitement, dimwit or otherwise, as you said above.

LOL. Try again, this time after researching the standard for “incitement to violence” and pay close attention to the words I’ve used. That a couple dimwits could be incited or might see it as an incitement does not make it an incitement.

Stop imagining things that aren’t there.

does it matter what he intended if it was understood to mean something different?

Thomas Becket still got murdered whatever Henry intended.

(and isn’t assuming what he intended just speculation whereas that some see it as having a more violent message is a fact)

Stop imagining things that aren’t there.

Like these four ever having some real power to take your guns?

Could someone be incited to violence? Sure

Looks like you answered your own question.

LOL. Just because one or two dimwits might see it as an incitement does not make it so. Try again.

If it incites them, it’s an incitement, dimwit or otherwise, as you said above.

It’s a dumb billboard. It was foolish to put it up. The ad agency should have used common sense here. But, this “gun nut” views it as saying “get your guns now b/c these folks are trying to stop you from getting them.” That is likely the message that was intended and received by the intended audience.

That may be the intent, but as we all know, in the current political atmosphere and post Trump’s tweets about the four congresswomen, it is easy to see that some “dimwits” may take the message to be, “these four idiots should be stopped, permanently.” Crank asked how it could incite violence. It does so if it does. And he admitted it could.

As you say, it was foolish, and if someone doesn’t see it could incite violence, they too are foolish.