Some Strong Entries for Dumbest Congressional Rep this Week

Boebert was recounting her state of the union antics in discussed the praise from the mother of a *lieutenant corporal. *

Not to be outdone, her state of union howler monkey buddy, Maggie Three Names, in a twitter spat with one of the few right leaning analysts with his soul Bill Kristol -


I tell you what pumpkin. How about you suit up and report to your **commander and chief **yourself and tell him your reporting for duty. You might want to train a little first, the only thing in shape on you and prepared for war is your little Twitter thumbs.

Typos happen and I would give the benefit of the doubt to her if she wasn’t always a fucking moron.

And finally, Madison Cawthorn after calling Zelensky a “thug” last week, arrived late to his address to Congress and is still wrapping himself in Putin approved anti-Ukraine language.

Any other of Congressional Reps do something of note and worthy of a podium place in the Dumbest Congressional Rep of the Week race?

Honestly, how did these 3 get elected. As a country have we fallen to the lowest common denominator? These 3 are a sad sad state of our union. If we are going for stricter voting laws, we need to exclude the people who voted for these 3.

Honestly, how did these 3 get elected. ***As a country have we fallen to the lowest common denominator? ***These 3 are a sad sad state of our union. If we are going for stricter voting laws, we need to exclude the people who voted for these 3.

Internet, there are so many places for their supporters to go now, take away the internet and I don’t think any of them get elected.

Good point, hence, much like spandex, the internet should not be available to all.

Honestly, how did these 3 get elected. As a country have we fallen to the lowest common denominator? These 3 are a sad sad state of our union. If we are going for stricter voting laws, we need to exclude the people who voted for these 3.

Look at the districts. Districts where you vote one way no matter what. When that’s the case, you could put up a thawed corpse of Robert E Lee and he would win. It’s have pandering to the “louder, nastier, meaner” crowd and half the crowd just not caring whatsoever ever about who is up for the vote, just vote red.

To credit windy, I’m sure there’s some of this in Illinois with dems also. Maybe just not elevating the antics at the national level.

Honestly, how did these 3 get elected. As a country have we fallen to the lowest common denominator? These 3 are a sad sad state of our union. If we are going for stricter voting laws, we need to exclude the people who voted for these 3.

Look at the districts. Districts where you vote one way no matter what. When that’s the case, you could put up a thawed corpse of Robert E Lee and he would win. It’s have pandering to the “louder, nastier, meaner” crowd and half the crowd just not caring whatsoever ever about who is up for the vote, just vote red.

To credit windy, I’m sure there’s some of this in Illinois with dems also. Maybe just not elevating the antics at the national level.

Without a doubt. And the title of the dumbest thing a Congressional Rep has ever said still belongs to Hank Johnson.

Both sides of the aisle have idiots, but the GOP has the dangerous idiots in abundance.

MTG reminds me of the drunk cousin at the wedding. She doesn’t really fit in and is out of her class, so she drinks to feel better. She then runs her mouth because that’s what she’s seen and admired on Jerry Springer.

Both sides of the isle have idiots, but the GOP has the dangerous idiots in abundance.


I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

ETA : “We say easily, for instance, ‘The ignorant ought not to vote.’ We would say, ‘No civilized state should have citizens too ignorant to participate in government,’ and this statement is but a step to the fact: that no state is civilized which has citizens too ignorant to help rule it.” --W. E. B. Du Bois

But we should pay no mind to the words of this man for he was awarded the Lenin Peace prize in the same year as Nikita Krushchev and just before Sukarno and Castro were awarded the prize which was originally named after Stalin.

I saw this tweet in response and thought it very accurate.

“Were it not for her inexplicable election victory, Marjorie Taylor Greene would be yelling incoherent QAnon bullshit at some hapless teenage clerk in a Georgia gas station because they were out of Virginia Slims and it was all Biden’s fault.”

Earlier this week a group of Republican Senators had a “Biden isn’t doing enough for Ukraine” press conference…

Of those in attendance 2/3 of them:


voted AGAINST the bipartisan $12B Ukraine aid package.

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

I don’t know if it has changed much. In the past all sorts of people were elected because of political machines or because they were the sons of former members of congress. I don’t think those systems focused on the intelligence of the person, so I bet there were some real stinkers in the past also.

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

representatives of the people

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

Same dummies, bigger megaphone. Same attention whores, bigger stage.

The internet accentuates their ignorance and stupidity to a degree, like a caricature, but many (most?) of our congressional representatives seem to navigate the current world without drawing a fraction of the negative attention to themselves as these three.

AOC seems (seemed?) to get the most attention from the right wing media, but I can’t recall her being as consistently moronic in word or action as these three oxygen thieves.

However, when it is abundantly clear that your representative is a dummy, from their words through a bigger megaphone and a more accessible stage, and they have shown the world their ass on a weekly basis, it requires even a bigger dummy to re-elect them.

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

Same dummies, bigger megaphone. Same attention whores, bigger stage.

The internet accentuates their ignorance and stupidity to a degree, like a caricature, but many (most?) of our congressional representatives seem to navigate the current world without drawing a fraction of the negative attention to themselves as these three.

AOC seems (seemed?) to get the most attention from the right wing media, but I can’t recall her being as consistently moronic in word or action as these three oxygen thieves.

However, when it is abundantly clear that your representative is a dummy, from their words through a bigger megaphone and a more accessible stage, and they have shown the world their ass on a weekly basis, it requires even a bigger dummy to re-elect them.

You would hope that in this age of amazing access to information, these sorts of people would be less likely in congress. In the past it would be hard to know as much about your member of congress. But since our country is so broken, the voters just don’t care. They will vote for these dangerous idiots, because they are dangerous idiots.

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

Same dummies, bigger megaphone. Same attention whores, bigger stage.

The internet accentuates their ignorance and stupidity to a degree, like a caricature, but many (most?) of our congressional representatives seem to navigate the current world without drawing a fraction of the negative attention to themselves as these three.

AOC seems (seemed?) to get the most attention from the right wing media, but I can’t recall her being as consistently moronic in word or action as these three oxygen thieves.

However, when it is abundantly clear that your representative is a dummy, from their words through a bigger megaphone and a more accessible stage, and they have shown the world their ass on a weekly basis, it requires even a bigger dummy to re-elect them.

See my edited post. I can’t even describe my internet travels that allowed me to happen on to that quote. It started with looking up reference to whether maggie 3 names was a smoker and ended with an article in the Cherokee Tribune and Ledger News newspaper and their “Soapbox” column. And now I am checking to see if Cherokee County and Canton Ga. are in maggie’s district.

Like the educated black man who founded the NAACP, AOC also might also yet receive the Lenin award. Damn those commies! You say oxygen thieves, I say waste of sperm. Bigger megaphones do allow for a larger audience of the poorly educated for these attention whores.

I threw some pink in there merely to confound the ignorant right wing.

I wonder if our current dummie roster is any different in quality and quantity from past rosters. The internet highlights the fact that it now takes dumb to elect dumb. Used to be that the ignorant elected the dumb.

I don’t know if it has changed much. In the past all sorts of people were elected because of political machines or because they were the sons of former members of congress. I don’t think those systems focused on the intelligence of the person, so I bet there were some real stinkers in the past also.

You make an interesting point on the machines that once defined our politics. The real stinkers grew out of the structure of the machine and acted per the party bosses of the machine who were in all probability neither dumb nor ignorant. These stinkers hewed the line and knew that attention whoring would only get them kicked to the curb and not a guest appearance on Fox or a twitter following crowd of note.

Honestly, how did these 3 get elected. As a country have we fallen to the lowest common denominator? These 3 are a sad sad state of our union. If we are going for stricter voting laws, we need to exclude the people who voted for these 3.

Look at the districts. Districts where you vote one way no matter what. When that’s the case, you could put up a thawed corpse of Robert E Lee and he would win. It’s have pandering to the “louder, nastier, meaner” crowd and half the crowd just not caring whatsoever ever about who is up for the vote, just vote red.

To credit windy, I’m sure there’s some of this in Illinois with dems also. Maybe just not elevating the antics at the national level.

Without a doubt. And the title of the dumbest thing a Congressional Rep has ever said still belongs to Hank Johnson.

What makes that so fantastic is the setting and his earnestness. This wasn’t just some slip of the tongue on the campaign trail after 8 days of no sleep and 4 pots of coffee. He was truly worried that Guam would sink under teh weight of all those people.

I saw this tweet in response and thought it very accurate.

“Were it not for her inexplicable election victory, Marjorie Taylor Greene would be yelling incoherent QAnon bullshit at some hapless teenage clerk in a Georgia gas station because they were out of Virginia Slims and it was all Biden’s fault.”

It fits well except for the Virginia Slims reference. Still searching the interweb for evidence of maggie’s smoker status.