SD National Guard being deployed to Texas

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem announced Tuesday that she will join a growing list of Republican governors sending law enforcement officers to the U.S. border with Mexico.
Noem’s announcement that she will send up to 50 South Dakota National Guard troops to Texas comes as the GOP ramps up a political fight with President Joe Biden over border security. The issue has drawn a host of prominent GOP figures: former President Donald Trump was expected to travel to the border this week and Republican governors from Florida, Nebraska and Iowa have all committed to sending law enforcement officers for border security.

A private donation will fund the cost of sending the South Dakota National Guard troops, Noem said. The deployment is expected to last from 30 to 60 days, while the other states involved are sending law enforcement officers for roughly two-week stints.

A private donation to fund a National Guard deployment-- that sounds a bit too mercenary for me.

apparently US people don’t want to work so let the immigrants come on and work /pink

I guess I don’t understand how the national guard works. One state can request a national guard from another? The federal government doesn’t have a role in there somewhere I guess

It is a little weird.

The National Guard operates under the direction of the Governor of the state. But there is a parallel national structure for coordination depending upon mission and national requirements.

4-176. The military force with primary responsibility for direct law enforcement support is the National Guard, under state authority. The legal authority for National Guard members to support law enforcement is derived from state law, which varies from state to state. A governor of a state may call up National Guard forces to help local and state law enforcement agencies. The National Guard’s authority derives from the governor’s responsibility to enforce the laws of that state. Even with that authority, the governor carefully regulates the amount and nature of the support, consistent with state law. The governor may employ the state National Guard for law enforcement support in state active duty status or in Title 32, USC status. Federal laws (principally the Posse Comitatus Act) restrict federalized National Guard forces (in federal service, under Title 10, USC) from providing law enforcement support unless a specific exemption is applicable.

My issue is with the private funding the National Guard deployment and deploying that force to another state.

apparently US people don’t want to work so let the immigrants come on and work /pink

The solution to illegal immigration is to aggressively pursue and prosecute the businesses in the US that hire them. That would probably largely solve the problem because there’d be little point in coming here if you couldn’t find work.

Oh, like trump’s many businesses that use illegal workers.

Oh, like trump’s many businesses that use illegal workers.

Hey, hey hey. No need to bring trump into this.

It is clear he loves- or at least like to bang and marry- immigrants and it is clear immigrants will do the job that US born person will do- marry trump.

Oh, like trump’s many businesses that use illegal workers.

I forget what Scandinavian city it was that had a bad prostitution problem that law enforcement couldn’t seem to touch by arresting the prostitutes left and right.

Somebody had the bright idea of really going after the Johns, publicizing their arrests, etc. Before long no more prostitution problem.

A private donation to fund a National Guard deployment-- that sounds a bit too mercenary for me.
At least they’re being funded. Unlike the 50 cops from FL that DeSantis is sending to TX.

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday announced that Florida is sending 50 state law enforcement officers to Texas to help enforce the U.S.-Mexico border, though it remains unclear exactly what their mission will be and who will be paying for the effort.

“We are unable to share mission specifics at this time to protect the security of the missions they are working,” said Katie Strickland, a spokeswoman for the governor. DeSantis said funding for the mission has also not been determined. “That is still a point of discussion,” DeSantis said at a press conference in Pensacola.

Maybe the FL taxpayers will pony up the money to pay for this?

Call me old fashioned, but if you can’t defend the funding of deploying a martial force, you shouldn’t deploy the martial force.

Can anyone rent the national guard? What are the rules?

Much like “the caravan” and “sharia law” and “critical race theory”… the worst part of this performance is only going to emerge once some well-meaning democrat decides they’re going to extend the news cycle another week by struggling to parse out some real issue behind the GOP’s tiresome, racist bullshit. I genuinely wish they’d just stick with “These people are more interested in culture wars than governing. They deserve your scorn, not your time… I won’t contribute to their distractions from the urgent issues facing the American people,” rather than giving them the gift of insinuating that there are two valid sides to this issue or that they were capable of acting in good faith.

Call me old fashioned, but if you can’t defend the funding of deploying a martial force, you shouldn’t deploy the martial force.

Can anyone rent the national guard? What are the rules?

Are they available for Birthdays and Bar mitzvahs?

apparently US people don’t want to work so let the immigrants come on and work /pink

The solution to illegal immigration is to aggressively pursue and prosecute the businesses in the US that hire them. That would probably largely solve the problem because there’d be little point in coming here if you couldn’t find work.

Hey now, lets not talk common sense here.

The solution to illegal immigration is to aggressively pursue and prosecute the businesses in the US that hire them. That would probably largely solve the problem because there’d be little point in coming here if you couldn’t find work.

I say this a lot on this forum, but the thing that no politician wants to admit in public is that we have an unofficial “wet foot/dry foot” policy. In the CA Inland Empire, you can drive by fields that are sending school busloads of illegal immigrants from nearby low-budget apartments to the fields. And Border Patrol and CBP drive right by the buses without batting an eye, knowing full well what’s going on. As long as the workers do nothing but work on private property and then don’t show themselves much when off work, they’re good.

If you get caught anywhere else, you’re fair game for being detained and deported.

It’s all a political game. Give red meat to to voters who think illegal immigrants are villains with one hand. With the other hand take political donations from the businesses who employ them.

It’s a great cycle to perpetuate. Keep up the constant perception of a “crisis at the border” that drives up voter turnout. And keep businesses happy with cheap labor. There is no incentive to “fix” anything. So nothing gets fixed.

I pass by a couple of lots filled with undocumented day laborers waiting to be picked up. It never ceases to amaze me it’s the big diesel trucks with drivers who have that 1/6 MAGA insurrectionist look swinging by to get them. I can only imagine their dilemma between unfettered capitalism and undocumented brown people are ruining this country.

So I guess as long as you have the governor on your side you can rent other state’s NG? Has it always been this way?

The solution to illegal immigration is to aggressively pursue and prosecute the businesses in the US that hire them. That would probably largely solve the problem because there’d be little point in coming here if you couldn’t find work.

I say this a lot on this forum, but the thing that no politician wants to admit in public is that we have an unofficial “wet foot/dry foot” policy. In the CA Inland Empire, you can drive by fields that are sending school busloads of illegal immigrants from nearby low-budget apartments to the fields. And Border Patrol and CBP drive right by the buses without batting an eye, knowing full well what’s going on. As long as the workers do nothing but work on private property and then don’t show themselves much when off work, they’re good.

If you get caught anywhere else, you’re fair game for being detained and deported.

It’s all a political game. Give red meat to to voters who think illegal immigrants are villains with one hand. With the other hand take political donations from the businesses who employ them.

It’s a great cycle to perpetuate. Keep up the constant perception of a “crisis at the border” that drives up voter turnout. And keep businesses happy with cheap labor. There is no incentive to “fix” anything. So nothing gets fixed.

You make some very good points in your post but I have to point out that not all of those workers are undocumented. Thousands have H-2A visas, about 25,000 in California alone. The apartments they live in for a few months out of the year are part of their compensation.

The reality is the the number of undocumented aliens in the US has been shrinking for years. New arrivals have dropped off dramatically and the vast majority that are here have been here for over a decade. America has become addicted to a low wage, highly productive, labor pool that is rapidly drying up.

apparently US people don’t want to work so let the immigrants come on and work /pink

The solution to illegal immigration is to aggressively pursue and prosecute the businesses in the US that hire them. That would probably largely solve the problem because there’d be little point in coming here if you couldn’t find work.

The war on drugs worked so well so it should work for stopping immigration too.

I pass by a couple of lots filled with undocumented day laborers waiting to be picked up. It never ceases to amaze me it’s the big diesel trucks with drivers who have that 1/6 MAGA insurrectionist look swinging by to get them. I can only imagine their dilemma between unfettered capitalism and undocumented brown people are ruining this country.

So I guess as long as you have the governor on your side you can rent other state’s NG? Has it always been this way?

Not to you personally, but I didn’t see it mentioned. The reason other states are sending their NG is because all these immigrants are not staying in Texas. They are being shipped by Biden all over the country. So many states have vested interest in helping Texas with the problem.

Only problem as I see it is when they get across the border, it is too late. They’re here. I’d much rather figure out what to do with them. As someone said, we definitely should go after those employing them. I’d also say don’t provide benefits as if they didn’t get education, healthcare, etc. there is again less motivation to send your children if life will be miserable. I do understand people who say not providing those things is cruel. And that not providing education creates a bad situation with kids not supervised and not in school and possibly turning to crime. It’s a catch 22.

They are being shipped by Biden all over the country.


They are being shipped by Biden all over the country.


Read the f’n news. Where do you think all the illegal immigrants are going. There have been plenty of article in all sorts or sites stating they have been shipped to many, many states. Why don’t you spend some time and look it up.

I pass by a couple of lots filled with undocumented day laborers waiting to be picked up. It never ceases to amaze me it’s the big diesel trucks with drivers who have that 1/6 MAGA insurrectionist look swinging by to get them. I can only imagine their dilemma between unfettered capitalism and undocumented brown people are ruining this country.

So I guess as long as you have the governor on your side you can rent other state’s NG? Has it always been this way?

Not to you personally, but I didn’t see it mentioned. The reason other states are sending their NG is because all these immigrants are not staying in Texas. They are being shipped by Biden all over the country. So many states have vested interest in helping Texas with the problem.

I’m sure there’s some truth to that, but it really strikes me as more political grandstanding.

Odd that we’ve had a thread on the front page all day about there not being enough people that want to work.