Nuclear War Question III

After all the missiles have dropped, and you’ve miraculously survived by finding the sweet spot between Kamloops and Anchorage, what’s your go-to apocalypse ride?

I’m going to go with a 1949 Dodge Power Wagon. Because 'Murica.

Not Mad Max enough.

Anything fossil fuel powered is dust. Anything with an integrated circuit or microprocessor is permanently dead in the water (EMP).

All we got is:

Nice looking restoration. The older engines would be easier to maintain vs a modern complex engine, but are parts available?

Perhaps a small tractor for use farming and a motorcycle to get around would be a better? Lots of these still around WD45s still in use so plenty of parts.

I think I’d go with the tractor Jeremy Clarkson got on his farm show.

Babies taste best.

I think I’d go with the tractor Jeremy Clarkson got on his farm show.

Yeah that is much bigger, but probably harder to maintain. Also those small old JD, Ford, and AC’s were just the right size for your small family farm of about 100 acres.

Everyone on his show (besides Clarkson) also says it’s too big. But… but… it’s a Lambo.

I’ll just dig one of my bicycles out of the basement.

I’ll just dig one of my bicycles out of the basement.

Take that $h!t to the other forum!

germany ukraine.jpeg

Everyone on his show (besides Clarkson) also says it’s too big. But… but… it’s a Lambo.

Bet he’s got a Ford around the back for all the times the Lambo is broken down.

I like that.

I assumed, but wasn’t sure these existed before today.

Hayes M1030 Military Diesel Motorcycle

Has to be diesel so I can make my own fuel.

I like that.

I assumed, but wasn’t sure these existed before today.

Hayes M1030 Military Diesel Motorcycle

Has to be diesel so I can make my own fuel.

We have a winner. This is the right answer.