Meanwhile in Canada: SCANDAL!

The latest scandal for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very Canadian.
Apparently he bought ‘fancy’ doughnuts for a Cabinet meeting. They cost the taxpayer $40 per box. People are upset because he could have bought them at Tim Hortons for $12.
Can we impeach him or simply ask the Queen to behead him?

why do Canadian’s hate small business?

matcha glaze? yes, please!


It’s way worse than hiking prices at your resort before you visit to speak to the Republican National Committee who are meeting at your resort.

Tim Hortons is owned by a Brazilian company, their track record with working conditions is abysmal, and their doughnuts now arrive frozen and are “cooked” at the stores. I think he did the right thing supporting a local Canadian business…

Maybe we could vote him out of office!

It is way worse.

He also grew a beard.


Read the transcript. They were perfect doughnuts!

It’s way worse than hiking prices at your resort before you visit to speak to the Republican National Committee who are meeting at your resort.

WTF is this part…
the higher figure is just under the maximum per-night rate federal government employees can spend on a hotel in South Florida That’s crazy high, the GSA website lists Miami maximum as $190/night. I need to find this new travel guidance source and up my travel on the government teet game!

The latest scandal for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very Canadian.
Apparently he bought ‘fancy’ doughnuts for a Cabinet meeting. They cost the taxpayer $40 per box. People are upset because he could have bought them at Tim Hortons for $12.
Can we impeach him or simply ask the Queen to behead him?

I almost posted on this. I am heavily involved with our local independent business alliance, and we are in the process of updating our economic impact study. Most places in the US (and perhaps Canada is the same) if you spend $1 at a local business, 55 cents stays in the local economy. If you spend that same $1 in a national chain, only 17 cents stays. So by buying the $40 donuts, if the numbers are similar in Canada, Trudeau kept $22 in the local economy per box, as opposed to just over $2 if he had bought them at Tim Hortons. Are the numbers similar, I have no idea. But I would bet that the disparity is similar. So good on him for buying local.

This caught my eye too. I checked and the highest is Key West from Dec to April and it’s $300. AFAIK, SF is the highest ($302).

Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.

The latest scandal for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very Canadian.
Apparently he bought ‘fancy’ doughnuts for a Cabinet meeting. They cost the taxpayer $40 per box. People are upset because he could have bought them at Tim Hortons for $12.
Can we impeach him or simply ask the Queen to behead him?

As an homage to ACE and his objection to all humorous threads being drug into radical left anti-trump circle jerks, I offer my explanation of this latest scandal in the bad lands of the north. An anonymous source has informed me that Trudeau’s first choice was to have Crispy Kreme doughnuts but was prevented from doing so because the US House democrats, in their effort to improve the USMCA, included a union favored bakers clause effectively blocking said export by the US and subsequent import into Canada. Even though that makes no sense at all.

I’d offer my thoughts, but as a citizen of the United States and not Canada, I’ll respect the rules of decorum and common sense and not opine on another nation’s politics.

I’d offer my thoughts, but as a citizen of the United States and not Canada, I’ll respect the rules of decorum and common sense and not opine on another nation’s politics.

BWAH!!! that is the best line of the week by far.

I’d offer my thoughts, but as a citizen of the United States and not Canada, I’ll respect the rules of decorum and common sense and not opine on another nation’s politics.

Until the USA remembers that Canada has lots of natural resources and oil. And then the USA be all like:

I’d offer my thoughts, but as a citizen of the United States and not Canada, I’ll respect the rules of decorum and common sense and not opine on another nation’s politics.

Until the USA remembers that Canada has lots of natural resources and oil. And then the USA be all like:

There would be no war. It would be more like: “hey Canada, we are taking these resources, deal with it” Love Trump.

Well, considering you’re two decades and trillions of dollars in to a war against people who live in caves, and lack modern plumbing, I’m thinking you maybe shouldn’t be so arrogant.

Would the Canadian army fall quickly? Sure. But, remember what the Japanese said of invading Canada in WW2: behind every blade of frozen grass is a man with a hockey stick…

The latest scandal for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very Canadian.
Apparently he bought ‘fancy’ doughnuts for a Cabinet meeting. They cost the taxpayer $40 per box. People are upset because he could have bought them at Tim Hortons for $12.
Can we impeach him or simply ask the Queen to behead him?

And Americans wonder why we turn to US politics for entertainment…

The latest scandal for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very Canadian.
Apparently he bought ‘fancy’ doughnuts for a Cabinet meeting. They cost the taxpayer $40 per box. People are upset because he could have bought them at Tim Hortons for $12.
Can we impeach him or simply ask the Queen to behead him?

And Americans wonder why we turn to US politics for entertainment…

right? come at me bro when your PM spends $40/dozen 3x a week at shops he owns when pre-election the price was $15/dozen. You guys have no idea how to do presidential scandals.