Katie Porter running for Senate

Rep. Porter announced her campaign for the Senate in 2024, challenging Sen Feinstein. I think she’d be a good addition to the Senate, but that sounds like a tough road to get through given the opponent, if Feinstein doesn’t plan to retire.


Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.

That mama is smart. Maybe you could help her campaign? 🔥🔥🔥

Rep. Porter announced her campaign for the Senate in 2024, challenging Sen Feinstein. I think she’d be a good addition to the Senate, but that sounds like a tough road to get through given the opponent, if Feinstein doesn’t plan to retire.


I don’t say this lightly, especially about someone who has for such a long time been as formidable as Feinstein, but she appears to be mentally unfit to serve. It reflects extremely poorly on everyone around her that she hasn’t retired already. Porter is whip smart. As impressive and hard working a member of congress as I’ve recently seen. The book stunt is as cheesy, otherwise I’ve no reservation. Feinstein would be well advised to anoint Porter as her successor and bow out.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

She didn’t go to “Phillips”, plebe.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

She didn’t go to “Phillips”, plebe.

She went to the “other one.” At least it wasn’t Choate amirite?

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


The very first sentence from that article -

Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status.

It’s almost like you’re deliberately trying to sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


The very first sentence from that article -

Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status.

It’s almost like you’re deliberately trying to sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

That is literally the definition I used that you derided. Lefty of means doesn’t equal that in your mind?

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


The very first sentence from that article -

Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status.

It’s almost like you’re deliberately trying to sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

That is literally the definition I used that you derided. Lefty of means doesn’t equal that in your mind?

No Windy, those words don’t mean the same thing. Maybe it’s just time to remind you to stop being a tool.

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


The very first sentence from that article -

Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status.

It’s almost like you’re deliberately trying to sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

That is literally the definition I used that you derided. Lefty of means doesn’t equal that in your mind?

No Windy, those words don’t mean the same thing. Maybe it’s just time to remind you to stop being a tool.

So people of means aren’t upper and upper middle class and Lefties aren’t political liberals? Um okay

For those keeping score at hope tenured law professor is a lower middle class or blue collar job and Elizabeth Warren acolytes are not politically liberal.

JFC what kind of bizarro world is this?

Feinstein will be 90+? She’s already too old

Yes just what the Senate needs the physical manifestation of limousine liberalism.
say what? Katie Porter is about as far from the limo crowd as a sitting congress critter can be.

As for Feinstein, she will announce she is not running. Porter will do. In fact she will do well.

She went to Phillips… which is…checks notes… 57K a year for boarding … She went to Yale and Harvard…Oh and she was co-chair of Warren’s presidential campaign

I can’t imagine a more limousine liberal resume unless she was from Manhattan or Beverly Hills originally

It’s not clear that you know what a limousine liberal is.

I’m sorry with that resume if you’re poor you’re fucking incompetent or an idiot. She’s neither.

She was a tenured law professor. Ain’t blue collar last I checked.

Her mother sold a very successful knitting magazine or something (hey the Midwest). She ain’t poor.

You seem to think that not being a dirt poor liberal makes you a limousine liberal. Again, it’s not clear you know what that term actually means.

A lefty of means is how I’d describe my definition

A limousine liberal is a commonly used insult to describe a liberal politician engaged in hypocritical behaviors that contradict their publicly stated political positions. Like a politician who rails against wasteful fossil fuel consumption but flies around the country in private jets for fund raisers and photo ops.

Having a little money and an education doesn’t make someone a limousine liberal, no matter what you think your private definition might be.

Is Wikipedia considered public or private?


The very first sentence from that article -

Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status.

It’s almost like you’re deliberately trying to sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

That is literally the definition I used that you derided. Lefty of means doesn’t equal that in your mind?

No Windy, those words don’t mean the same thing. Maybe it’s just time to remind you to stop being a tool.

So people of means aren’t upper and upper middle class and Lefties aren’t political liberals? Um okay

I tried to make it real easy for you. See if you can tease out the key aspect of the definition.