Investigation into 1/6

The GQP continuing its plunge.

The GQP continuing its plunge.

You people make me sick; this is a witch hunt. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Those people were only there to celebrate democracy together and take pictures inside the Capitol. And besides, we also know that ANTIFA was behind the whole thing! They were trying to make it look like Trumpers were destroying the Capitol.

The GQP continuing its plunge.

You people make me sick; this is a witch hunt. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Those people were only there to celebrate democracy together and take pictures inside the Capitol. And besides, we also know that ANTIFA was behind the whole thing! They were trying to make it look like Trumpers were destroying the Capitol.


Wait, shouldn’t you out hunting commies with the other GQPers ?

The GQP continuing its plunge.

You people make me sick; this is a witch hunt. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Those people were only there to celebrate democracy together and take pictures inside the Capitol. And besides, we also know that ANTIFA was behind the whole thing! They were trying to make it look like Trumpers were destroying the Capitol.



The GQP continuing its plunge.

One of the stated reasons - scope wouldn’t include what caused a lone lunatic to shoot up a Republican baseball practice…in 2017. Whataboutism that would make the LR blush.

They had 33 hearings on Bengahzi but they want to ignore January 6th.


The GQP continuing its plunge.

You people make me sick; this is a witch hunt. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Those people were only there to celebrate democracy together and take pictures inside the Capitol. And besides, we also know that ANTIFA was behind the whole thing! They were trying to make it look like Trumpers were destroying the Capitol.



I wonder if Trump makes McCarthy wear a frilly pink nightgown whenever he goes to Maralago. Because he is definitely Trump’s little bitch.

I simply have too much self respect to kiss the ground like Mccarthy and so many others do.

Trump already did an investigation and he had his conclusion at 6 PM on 1/6.

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

Maybe today’s McCarthy will walk in the steps of a much more (in)famous McCarthy: Joseph McCarthy.

Because that McCarthy really put WI on the map !

Trump already did an investigation and he had his conclusion at 6 PM on 1/6.

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

Well. Some of them will remember it for the next 10-20 years, depending on sentencing guidelines.

I wonder if Trump makes McCarthy wear a frilly pink nightgown whenever he goes to Maralago. Because he is definitely Trump’s little bitch.

I simply have too much self respect to kiss the ground like Mccarthy and so many others do.

McCarthy has to kneel at Maralago while Trump yells at him what he would have tweeted.

McCarthy is a POS. And a coward.

But he is not alone. This coward called the insurrection a “tourist visit.” Rep Andrew Clyde is the guy in the far left of this photo.

Here he is helping to barricade the door.

He’s too much of a coward to even stand up for what is right on a day that the cult leader put him in a position that he feared for his life. He’s too much of a coward to tell his constituents that Biden won.

Disgraceful. All of them.

How do we climb out of this shit?

How do we climb out of this shit?

When Trump is jailed or dies.

How do we climb out of this shit?

When Trump is jailed or dies.

Sadly, that isn’t going to be the end of it. I fear we are just seeing the beginning.

McCarthy is a POS. And a coward.

But he is not alone. This coward called the insurrection a “tourist visit.” Rep Andrew Clyde is the guy in the far left of this photo.

Here he is helping to barricade the door.

He’s too much of a coward to even stand up for what is right on a day that the cult leader put him in a position that he feared for his life. He’s too much of a coward to tell his constituents that Biden won.

Disgraceful. All of them.

Ugggghhh. I hate it when I go to visit national monuments only to find that the entry way has been barricaded by a bunch of whiny cry babies. Total inconvenience and really ruins my planned family vacations. How else are my kids going to learn about what our Founding Fathers really wanted?

How do we climb out of this shit?

When Trump is jailed or dies.

That will not be the end of it. trump was not the cause of this, he is a symptom.

This started before trump ran:

Imagine what that chart will look like when it is updated.

The GOP has been retreating from democracy for a long time now, with the support of its base.

It has been studied why Republican voters are willing to erode democracy. Not exactly surprising they are willing to give up a multi ethnic democracy because of racism.

trump going to prison or dying will not solve this.

How do we climb out of this shit?

It would be more helpful it more people took this seriously enough. People should be very scared that Republicans are just going to refuse to accept future election results.

Imagine a future election that is closer or one where Republicans control congress. Will a Republican state legislature send the slate of electors that people chose, or will they claim fraud and decide for themselves who to send? If Republicans control congress, will they accept the slates that states do send or will they revert to the constitution and have congress choose the President and VP?

There is so much danger here. The Electoral College is a terrible system that is not being used as designed, and full of loaded guns ready to go off if Republicans want to make a power play. The Electoral College has only really kept “working” because nobody has been willing to grab one of the many loaded guns, I think there is good reason to believe the GOP is willing to grab one of the loaded guns. I mean, January 6th was pretty extreme and they are not backing down.

It is not a good position to be in when one of two parties is actively against democracy. We need more people to acknowledge the active danger the GOP is to this country. We can’t keep pretending this is a “both sides” issue here. The two parties are not equal on this front.