Even the super conservative Washington Examiner hates the idea of building a wall via "National Emergency"


Completely agree with this article. This is a horrible idea that sets a terrible precedent for our country and system of checks and balances. And, I still don’t understand how the President can essentially source unlimited funding without the consent of Congress, national emergency or no. Where’s it coming from? The DoD budget?

ETA: Mitch McConnell is an assclown for agreeing to support this in the Senate. That guy is spineless.

$5 Billion is pocket money to Trump. He’s going to loan the government some of his own money. Unfortunately, it will make a minor dent in his massive fortune so he’ll revert to McDonalds for state dinners that we host.

I agree that we need to be careful when someone sets a precedent for spending money or making decisions, because the next guy that does it may belong to the other tribe.


Completely agree with this article. This is a horrible idea that sets a terrible precedent for our country and system of checks and balances. And, I still don’t understand how the President can essentially source unlimited funding without the consent of Congress, national emergency or no. Where’s it coming from? The DoD budget?

The word is the DOD construction budget or some sort but there are also other sources apparently. Looks like this is the route he will take, will see how successful it is.

Pelosi already mentioned that if he does this the repubs better look out if a Dem pres. gets in office that could declare a national emergency due to gun ownership. Something tells me that there are a lot of Dems that would not be happy about that. But the thought they could say “anything” is an emergency is troubling. Do we have a health crisis that needs the Pres to institute Universal Health care and take money from many sources to get it done? Perhaps when Kamala is elected we will find out.

$5 Billion is pocket money to Trump. He’s going to loan the government some of his own money. Unfortunately, it will make a minor dent in his massive fortune so he’ll revert to McDonalds for state dinners that we host.

I agree that we need to be careful when someone sets a precedent for spending money or making decisions, because the next guy that does it may belong to the other tribe.

Agreed. Pubs better realize that while, yes, in the short term they may be helping “their” pres - what they’re really voting on is the precedent-setting expansion of Executive Power. Not a good precedent for checks and balances.

No matter. They’ll support the pres anyway because they want to get re-elected. None of them have the spine to stand up to Trump even if they know the wall is dumb.

Besides, as that Wash Examiner article in the OP states - by the time it goes through the legal wranglings - a year at least - we might be looking at a new pres and no wall will be built. So, this was all done for nothing but short term votes. And may result in long-term ramifications that the pubs may not like in a few years.

Good times.

Stupid and short sighted move. I can’t see how a Republican can support the “means” even if they support the “ends.”

This “emergency” has been months in the making and amounts to a temper tantrum to avoid further criticism of Presidential weakness from the extremes of the right.

This declaration only increases Presidential power, which for both sides is only temporarily favorable. This will come back to bite them in the ass.

McConnell, Graham and other supporters of this move are spineless.


Completely agree with this article. This is a horrible idea that sets a terrible precedent for our country and system of checks and balances. And, I still don’t understand how the President can essentially source unlimited funding without the consent of Congress, national emergency or no. Where’s it coming from? The DoD budget?

ETA: Mitch McConnell is an assclown for agreeing to support this in the Senate. That guy is spineless.

A President unable to get what he wants from Congress is an emergency? I don’t think so.

has anyone supported Trump re this manner of funding the wall?

And Trump from 2014 agrees that this is a weak way of dealing with Congress.


I hope it’s a negotiating tactic to get more $s into the current deal but that’s highly unlikely.

I reacted strongly when the Dems kept increasing presidential power for Obama for this very reason.

It’s a bad idea.

So trump went and hurt the country with the longest shut down in the countries history, but then ends up declaring a national emergency anyway. What a piece of shit.

To be fair to Trump, they forced his hand on this. From the start Pelosi has said not one penny for a wall. There is not much more to say or negotiating to be done other than declare the emergency and take it to the Courts. Maybe Kav comes through for him and Trump gets the votes on the SC to get the money from other sources.

Trump had no other options other than to give up on the idea of the wall. No way he could do that.

From scanning twitter some folks are up in arms there is language in this bill that make it hard for trump to get the money even if he does declare an emergency and further it opens up potential amnesty. I am not sure he will even sign this as is.

To be fair to Trump, they forced his hand on this. From the start Pelosi has said not one penny for a wall. There is not much more to say or negotiating to be done other than declare the emergency and take it to the Courts. Maybe Kav comes through for him and Trump gets the votes on the SC to get the money from other sources.

Trump had no other options other than to give up on the idea of the wall. No way he could do that.

From scanning twitter some folks are up in arms there is language in this bill that make it hard for trump to get the money even if he does declare an emergency and further it opens up potential amnesty. I am not sure he will even sign this as is.
His other options were to:

a) do this when he had a party majority in both sides of Congress or
b) don’t do this

Not that hard.

To be fair to Trump, they forced his hand on this. From the start Pelosi has said not one penny for a wall. There is not much more to say or negotiating to be done other than declare the emergency and take it to the Courts. Maybe Kav comes through for him and Trump gets the votes on the SC to get the money from other sources.

Trump had no other options other than to give up on the idea of the wall. No way he could do that.

From scanning twitter some folks are up in arms there is language in this bill that make it hard for trump to get the money even if he does declare an emergency and further it opens up potential amnesty. I am not sure he will even sign this as is.
His other options were to:

a) do this when he had a party majority in both sides of Congress or
b) don’t do this

Not that hard.

I don’t recall him having a majority when he finally got around to doing it. Agreed he could have pushed for it earlier, but he didn’t. Does that speak to his desire to get this done or maybe his pandering to his base now, probably.

Not doing it was not an option for him just like funding it fully is not an option for Pelosi. Sometimes there is no middle ground or anywhere to compromise.

To be fair to Trump, they forced his hand on this. From the start Pelosi has said not one penny for a wall. There is not much more to say or negotiating to be done other than declare the emergency and take it to the Courts. Maybe Kav comes through for him and Trump gets the votes on the SC to get the money from other sources.

Trump had no other options other than to give up on the idea of the wall. No way he could do that.

From scanning twitter some folks are up in arms there is language in this bill that make it hard for trump to get the money even if he does declare an emergency and further it opens up potential amnesty. I am not sure he will even sign this as is.
His other options were to:

a) do this when he had a party majority in both sides of Congress or
b) don’t do this

Not that hard.

I don’t recall him having a majority when he finally got around to doing it. Agreed he could have pushed for it earlier, but he didn’t. Does that speak to his desire to get this done or maybe his pandering to his base now, probably.

Not doing it was not an option for him just like funding it fully is not an option for Pelosi. Sometimes there is no middle ground or anywhere to compromise.

No, there is room for compromise. The democrats agreed to a deal to fund the wall, but trump then decided he didn’t want that deal and walked away. Democrats were willing to compromise, trump is just not willing to give up anything worth while to get the wall.

I really hope he doesn’t do this. I support the wall but not like this. This will set a terrible president.

I don’t see any way Trump gets any win here. The Dems outplayed him and now he’s stuck. He had his chance, he should’ve grabbed it but like any salesperson will say: once you have a good deal, stop talking. Not possible with this guy.


Completely agree with this article. This is a horrible idea that sets a terrible precedent for our country and system of checks and balances. And, I still don’t understand how the President can essentially source unlimited funding without the consent of Congress, national emergency or no. Where’s it coming from? The DoD budget?

ETA: Mitch McConnell is an assclown for agreeing to support this in the Senate. That guy is spineless.

I’m not in favor of this in the least. I don’t want presidents gathering even more power to themselves, which this will do. I want all of them, now and in the future, to have less power, not more of it.

I think I get why he’s doing it, though. Apparently, there are provisions in the spending bill that would effectively block him from accessing money from other accounts. So he’s going to try an end around, I guess.

This is supposedly why he’s going to declare a national emergency. But I’m sure federal district court judge Bookem Danno, out in Hawaii, will issue a preliminary injunction about 15 minutes after President SuperGenius declares an emergency and starts moving money around, so there’s that to consider as well.

To be fair to Trump, they forced his hand on this. From the start Pelosi has said not one penny for a wall. There is not much more to say or negotiating to be done other than declare the emergency and take it to the Courts. Maybe Kav comes through for him and Trump gets the votes on the SC to get the money from other sources.

Trump had no other options other than to give up on the idea of the wall. No way he could do that.

From scanning twitter some folks are up in arms there is language in this bill that make it hard for trump to get the money even if he does declare an emergency and further it opens up potential amnesty. I am not sure he will even sign this as is.
His other options were to:

a) do this when he had a party majority in both sides of Congress or
b) don’t do this

Not that hard.

I don’t recall him having a majority when he finally got around to doing it. Agreed he could have pushed for it earlier, but he didn’t. Does that speak to his desire to get this done or maybe his pandering to his base now, probably.

Not doing it was not an option for him just like funding it fully is not an option for Pelosi. Sometimes there is no middle ground or anywhere to compromise.
Schumer offered $20B for the wall in exchange for DACA back in January, 2018.


“With Congress, you have to get everybody in a room, and you have to get them to agree. But, you have to get them to agree with what you want, and that’s part of being a deal-maker. You can’t leave the White House, go to Hawaii and play golf for three weeks and be a real deal-maker. It doesn’t work that way. You have to get people in, grab them, hug them, kiss them, and get the deal done. But it’s got to be the deal that you want.”

This will set a terrible president.
