Triathletes and No-Alcohol January 2019 - A restart

This is my third year doing NA Jan and it has gotten easier each year. I really haven’t given it much thought this year.

This is where I am - it’s only my 2nd year doing dry January, but it’s way easier for me this year. I think that’s due in large part to the fact that I’m home (last year was traveling for work the entire month), but even taking that into account - I just don’t miss it as much. My wife (who’s also doing it) and I walked into a high-end wine/beer shop last weekend while we were out running errands - I was surprised how easy it was to just see what they had, but not feel the need to try/buy anything. So, it’s going well.

This is my third year doing NA Jan and it has gotten easier each year. I really haven’t given it much thought this year.

I’ve done several dry stretches over the years, not always limited to a calendar month. What always gets me is the timing of January- here, it’s dark, bleak, cold, and generally shitty. Most people are in the off season this time of year (not me, because IMTX) so it’s easier to relax your disciplined behaviors. While it’s been on the easier side for me, especially to conjure up memories of success to move forward in the days of this month, some days are just harder than others.

I was at the grocery store I don’t usually frequent today, the one that has the artisanal ice cream without all the additives. I saw their winter collection was on sale and was going to pick up the eggnog one but the ingredients had rum and rum extract so I didn’t. Sticky toffee pudding instead. Yum.

It is my first year. I am really enjoying it. It is really empowering.

Likely to make an ‘exception day’ on my birthday next week. If so, I will make February a dry month.


All the recipes I know of sticky toffee pudding contain booze, so I’m happy that you found something without! That sounds delicious.

I’ve also made it a point this month to not cook/bake with alcohol, since it’s a myth that the alcohol cooks out of the product. It’s made it more challenging but helpful to curb that side of the craving compensation.

17 down, 14 to go! Just a measly 45% of the month is left.

Today was another calm, easy day here. And I’m happy for that, because we have a team track run at 5:15 tomorrow morning. Hoping for easy sleep tonight!

February 1st is a Friday. Looking forward to that. Still King of my Castle

February 1st is a Friday. Looking forward to that. Still King of my Castle
I am dying over your euphemistic language.

February 1st is indeed a Friday…and wouldn’t you freaking know it, my tri team has a large event that night. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

But it’ll be a cheap night because you’ll be such a lightweight after a month off :wink:

18 down, 13 to go! A little under 42% remaining. We’ve made it past the dreaded January 17th mark so if you’re still resolving, great job.

Today was a test of fortitude. Because date night was at our local brewery. I agreed because dinner there would be delicious (it did not fail me). They had local apple cider (the wet, not dry kind) and I was as happy as I could have been, staring into the gaping maw of temptation. Still, man I miss drinking their beer.

My only difficult time is when I’m preparing dinner…I do miss a beer or glass of red.
That said, I will see it through and am definitely seeing some benefit with my sleeping sounder and longer…that’s got to be good for the training!
I am deciding what my goal for Feb and beyond will be now.

19 down, 12 to go. Just under 39% remaining!

I hit on an interesting trigger today. During recovery from my long (and cold and wet) run, I craved a beer in the WORST way. Like, I’m on the couch, flanked by purring furry creatures, I could use the rebound calories in delicious porter form. I did not. But I mentioned it out loud to the hubs, who then did a good job of distracting me from that craving. It was a good learning exercise that I don’t always crave the hard stuff when I’m stressed, but also chill and content.

I’m starting to think about how to glide out of this month. I’m doing IMTX in April and could benefit from a reduced drinking regimen. It’s going to be a matter of balance between madness and overkill. Any advice, anecdotal or otherwise would be greatly appreciated.

You’re doing great Dr_C. My fortitude will be tested when we are out for dinner this coming week: there’s a nice duck dish on the menu that would pair well with some red wine.

We found a good routine that worked “in season”. The night before your rest day becomes a special meal day - the one you put some effort into and have some nice wine/a cocktail/whatever takes your fancy. The other nights you steer clear of the booze. It wasn’t 100% foolproof but a good way of minimising consumption.

My test: I’m head out the door to a Monster Jam monster truck rally. The ultimate test.

I’m going in. Wish me luck.

I’m a quitter, peace out.

It is my first year. I am really enjoying it. It is really empowering.

Likely to make an ‘exception day’ on my birthday next week. If so, I will make February a dry month.

I also will call “hall pass” on Jan 26 – Australia Day and it’s the Law. One must have a can or two of Fosters Special.

Have most/all still managed to stay dry ?

Another Saturday gone but finding it a struggle especially missing late evening scotch.

Keep going not long left

I completely agree with you. Lat night, 19 days in, I was sort of trolling the kitchen thinking about a bit of Jack Daniels. But I know me, like you know you, and I poured out the JD on day one.

So, we only have 11 days left. We’re well past the hump. I plan a dinner party on the 31st for 13 of my workout gang and will have a nice Virginia red wine with the group. Cheers!


You’re doing great Dr_C. My fortitude will be tested when we are out for dinner this coming week: there’s a nice duck dish on the menu that would pair well with some red wine.

We found a good routine that worked “in season”. The night before your rest day becomes a special meal day - the one you put some effort into and have some nice wine/a cocktail/whatever takes your fancy. The other nights you steer clear of the booze. It wasn’t 100% foolproof but a good way of minimising consumption.

I love this.

And you’re doing great too! Keep up the excellent work!

My test: I’m head out the door to a Monster Jam monster truck rally. The ultimate test.

I’m going in. Wish me luck.


Sorry, couldn’t resist :slight_smile:

Good luck!