BCAA's and Beta Alanine

I’ve been researching into some supplements and finding a lot of support for BCAA’s and Beta Alanine for endurance and recovery. Anyone have experience or recommendations of how to best use these and any anecdotal stories on how they’ve worked for you? Recommended brands?

Aren’t there sufficient BCAAs in decent food anyway?

My general rule when it comes to supplements:
If you eat well and don’t know there’s a good reason you should be taking something, you probably shouldn’t.
I do know I have good reason to take iron, as I’ve had low iron levels in any blood tests I’ve had done in the last 20 years regardless of diet.

Nutrition is easy to do well enough and virtually impossible to do perfectly. Thus there is confusion. Marketing takes advantage of this very successfully. There are a few substances that have been robustly tested in appropriate ways to inform athletes and which have shown themselves to provide real and predictable advantages. But I think they are considerably rarer than one might think.

I’ve read similar stuff. While I’m a proponent of real food and skeptical of most supplements, I’ve been experimenting with Scivation Xtend BCAAs - Raw. Seems to be one of the few brands with no artificial sweeteners. Tastes like bland, not-good yellow Gatorade - but hey, not everything has to be 'nummy. Can’t say I’ve noticed an enhancement in performance over the month I’ve used it, but then again it’s geared to recovery.


Beta Alanine studies have shown minor increases in muscular endurance, anaerobic running capacity, and lean mass

I dont know how well it works, but every time I have taken a supplement with a decent amount of beta alanine my skin get a tingling feeling.

I have been tryin Genius Brand BCAA and have liked it , good assortment of ingredients

I put a scoop of MTS Nutrition Machine Fuel and a scoop of MTS Nutrition Naturalyte (Electrolyte supplement) in my FC35 for every ride. I see someone mentioned Scivation Xtend, Marc Lobliner owner of MTS was the formulator of Xtend when he was a partner in Scivation. So food for thought…I’ve spent way too much money on MTS products now.

I’ve used BCAA’s during my long rides, and during half and full distance races. In theory, taking in BCAA’s during extended endurance exercise reduces the amount of muscle breakdown


Here is a link to a product that is working for me:

There is a good description of the need and use under: Description.

And while I have not used it, here is another link for the BCAA product:



Here is a link to a product that is working for me:

There is a good description of the need and use under: Description.

And while I have not used it, here is another link for the BCAA product:


  1. Why did you delete your NSF thread
  2. You need to chill on pushing your sponsor’s products

I’ve been trying BCAA’s after doing some reading on it. It may be helping, but it hasn’t been noticeable to me.

I’ve also been trying one called ZMA and HAVE experienced improved recovery from it. I decided to try it after reading that men lose zinc when working out. I ordered it from amazon. I take it about an hour before bed on big workout days. Man, I sleep good when I take this stuff!


I’ve been taking Thornes beta alanine for some time and have been very pleased.

The main researched form of Beta Alanine is proprietary and called carnosyn.

Regardless of who you get beta-alaine from, be sure that it specifically says “Carnosyn” as the active ingredient.

I use ZMK from a small company in WA state, its fantastic , think I have 50% off coupon code around too.

I sometimes use BCAA during rides. Dont need much, around 10g in a 600ml bottle, its usually added in with my normal fuel (dextrose and electrolytes).
There was a recent Trainerroad podcast in which they explain a little bit more about BCAA during workouts.

Post runs/rides, I use around 15-20g as a means for recovery if I have no Whey left, with some simple sugars/fruit. Works pretty well for me.
Xtend BCAA is my go to.

Beta-Analine , tried it, made no difference.

I’ve been researching into some supplements and finding a lot of support for BCAA’s and Beta Alanine for endurance and recovery. Anyone have experience or recommendations of how to best use these and any anecdotal stories on how they’ve worked for you? Recommended brands?

Problem is actually eating well when in the United States. Unless you cook your own food, and are extremely, extremely particular about where you Source it, you are not getting everything you need, especially if you’re doing a lot of training.

Beta Alanine studies have shown minor increases in muscular endurance, anaerobic running capacity, and lean mass

I dont know how well it works, but every time I have taken a supplement with a decent amount of beta alanine my skin get a tingling feeling.

Don’t take BA with caffeine/coffee or your skin may feel like it is tingling or on fire lol.