Cervelo P6 - Is this it?



Well, we know this is a track bike but being claimed the “most aerodynamic model the Great Britain Cycling Team has ever ridden” i guess it would make a great TT bike as well.

Of course that’s assuming you don’t want gears on your TT bike.

Of course that’s assuming you don’t want gears on your TT bike.
I meant this bike could serve as a base model for the new Cervelo TT bike. This one cleary is a track bike, but maybe with small changes it could possibly be a great TT bike.

Of course that’s assuming you don’t want gears on your TT bike.
I meant this bike could serve as a base model for the new Cervelo TT bike. This one cleary is a track bike, but maybe with small changes it could possibly be a great TT bike.

Possibly - but would indoor track conditions warrant a different design to more variable outdoor conditions? I have no idea.

Why does the crankset look like it’s from 1985?

track cranksets need to be very serviceable. it’s not unusual to change chainrings several times during an evening race session, depending on the event, etc. it’s MUCH easier to do this, than change cogs on multiple rear wheels. so this is probably a stock track crankset which can be used for multiple events requiring different gearing, and not one specifically for a single event. so whomever buys the bike, can probably swap out the stock crank for whatever crank suits their discipline, etc.

the new felt left-side drive crank does look a lot more aero, though…

it’s MUCH easier to do this, than change cogs on multiple rear wheels

I dispute that. I generally prefer to change out the cog. 5 chainring bolts, generally requiring two tools simultaneously to properly tighten. And you have to loosen the rear wheel anyway to correct the chain tension.

Expect to see different cranks on there for the Olympics. British cycling are notorious for saving equipment for the Olympics.

I expect a lot of the advantages of the new bike will be in the carbon lay-up like the previous BCF track bikes. Probably great at low yaw angles

That’s basically a P3 design. So I can’t imagine they would make the P6 like the P3 which in theory tests slower than the P5 frame. But who knows…marketing being what it is, you can sell anything as new with the right brand and messaging.

No. That’s a track bike.

But I’m bored of waiting. 1400.6 days away…

Cervelo T5GB.

I like the front end and would be happy to see that trickle down onto the TT bike range. That is probably the smoothest stem integration I’ve seen without a bayonet style fork. Likey.

Another angle:


There’s an entire thread already: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/New_Cervelo_-_T-Series_P5963215/#p5963215