Garmin Forerunner 920 XT

Which is why I’ll wait a few months until they get all the bugs out…

My 910xt probably has 3 months of life in it. ; )


I can’t wait for my 920XT. My 910 has been acting funny for months now.

On a recent 3.7 mile run, I apparently gained 62,720 ft of elevation.

If you haven’t already, dunk your FR910XT in a bowl of warm soapy water for about 10-15 minutes, then give it a bit of a shake in the water. Typically what happens is salt (either sweat or sea water salt) dries up clogging up the barometric altimeter port. This is often compounded by the quick release kit.

Failing that, a very gentle toothbrush application to the altimeter hole usually does the trick. Just don’t get too rough in there though, it likes it gentle.

Thanks for the tip! That’s really cool. I just figured it was busted from years of SBR abuse. I took it as a sign that it was time for a replacement I and that should buy the 920XT :wink:

I’ll give it a try!

Ray, This is what I was talking about on the podcast. Jackasses like this would infuriate me. You’ve done everything imaginable to be as unbiased as possible. How you keep your composure is beyond me.Hear, hear.

Advanced new metrics include VO2 max, recovery time, and race time predictor when used with heart rate

I’ve been shocked by this race prediction feature. I have had it for about a month, and done just five runs - completely unstructured. It’s been off season. One was intervals (5x500), the rest were just going home from work with backpack, I did an adventure race (so included lots of stopping) etc… Basically it was very low quality data for making any predictions. Subsequent to all of these runs I put in my HR zones from the end of last season.

I happened to look at the race predictions page yesterday. It predicts 5k, 10k, HM and marathon times.
HM time is 3mins off my best, marathon time is 4mins off my best. I don’t actually know my 5k and 10k times, but it seems similarly accurate. These are probably quite accurate guesses of what I could do right now, given that I haven’t been training for them.
Considering that the fastest single km I have ever run with this device is around the ball park of the predicted marathon pace, this is astonishing.

Today, I’ve decided to keep hold of my 910 and buy a vivosmart
Maybe buy a 920 next year.

The vivosmarts are only 115 quid on Amazon at the moment
Okay, I’ll still have to ant+ sync my 910, but I’ll be able to use the vivo on the turbo as it will sync with the speed and cadence sensor (I don’t have a power meter)
I can control my iPhone music from it
It’s a real shame it doesn’t use the GPS from an iPhone to track running and cycling as I tend to always carry my phone with me

I’m sure I’ll change my mind tomorrow

My predicted times. There is no way I can ran 3:11 marathon!

I am leaning towards thinking that the accuracy in my case was luck/coincidence, but if it can make a good estimate of VO2max then race prediction is quite well established. So it depends on how good the VO2 estimate is.

Are the other distance times close?

I often enjoy looking at calculators like the McMillan Running calculator and it has often been quite close to all of my recent PRs from 1 mile through ~25k or so… but my marathon was always off by 20-25 minutes! I assumed it was crazy, and then realized I probably was never training right to be truly ready (read: endurance-wise) for peak marathon performance. I still am not there, but at least on my last race I got the ~20-25 minute error down to 7 minutes, and I feel there is a few minutes left.

I started to wonder… It’s funny how “easy” a half marathon feels when you’re running 13-20 miles every weekend, maybe if I increase my running miles (and focus on the right paces at times – hard running), I could improve on longer races.

So my comment, you never know! Maybe with the right plan you could get closer to it than you think (assuming the other times are “in the ballpark”).

My predicted times. There is no way I can ran 3:11 marathon!

If you did the training thats what you are capable of. Not what you could do without training

I think his comment is really still about the backplate and the wristbands. The mount on your bike should still be compatible (from the 310xt QR, 920xt QR, to the Edge units… granted the Edge units are rotated 90 degrees).

Ray notes “all bike mounts do remain compatible” in his review (after mentioning the backplate and bands are different).

Your ANT+ accessories will still work (Speed/Cadence sensors, HR sensors, footpod, etc…) Of course for Running Dynamics (if you care) you would need the HRM-RUN model that was first sold with the 620, then the fenix 2 and now the 920xt.

My 2 years old PR’s 5K is 21; 10K is 43. Never run HM. My best marathon time is 3:28. Probably will be able to run 3:20, but 3:11 is way too optimistic for me!

I never did metabolic testing so I do not know my exact VO2max; 920 shows 52.

My predicted times. There is no way I can ran 3:11 marathon!

I used to think the same thing when I looked at my predictions from McMillan (sp?) running calculator. In the end, I achieved results pretty close to those predictions, but it took a lot more running and a lot more effort over a couple of years. Put another way… I had the potential speed, but I hadn’t done enough miles at a hard enough pace enough times to be able to reach that potential. Not that the times were impressive, but they were achievable :slight_smile:

It works both ways.

Plugging in my marathon or HM PB gives a 5k and 10k prediction that I’m nowhere near and especially with the 5k don’t think I ever could be.

We will see in April :slight_smile: I want to set a new marathon PR in 2015, so I am doing to train hard. I am hoping to run 3:22, but I will take 3:11 :slight_smile:

These estimates are fun, but they are based on large populations of runners. Obviously, there will be people who will be better at shorter distances and some will be better at longer distances. I ran the 400 in high school, so I’m pretty fast at 5K. However, my personal best marathon time is only 3:32. Even if I had trained like a crazy man, I doubt I would have broken 3:15. Nonetheless, I love the longer stuff for some reason…


So does anyone have any idea what prediction software the 920 uses to establish equivalent performances?

Vdot or something similar?

Answered my own question I think. Based on the times on the screen, it looks like a vdot calculation.

Firstbeat is providing the technology. They are the leader in HRV interpretation.

Just got my 920 today, excited to try it out.

congratulations! If you don’t mind me asking - where did you order from and was it watch only or HRM bundle?

Looks like HRM bundle based on the heart in the lower right.

yes, how did you get it? I ordered online the day it came out