TriHabitat - Wilmington, NC

Can I just put in a word for Duathlon? I promise we’ll cool off in the lake afterwards. :slight_smile:

Wow, reading through this thread about Trihabitat, I’m glad some of you folks weren’t around the inventors of Velcro, Duct Tape, and Tupperware. Those products would have never gotten off the ground. Kudos Setup! I live in Atlanta and Wednesday evening after a group ride we got to talking about this place. I think there were 13 or 14 of us and to a person we all said that without question, we would all travel to Trihabitat to race. The only question became a matter of how times a year we would go. My wife and kids love Wilmington so this would be an easy deal for me. I can’t wait!"

Nice first post!

If you had $50,000 disposable monies lying around would you invest in building the facility?

I’m replying to you so the other people don’t think I’m singling them out.

I am amazed that unless you proclaim “OMG this is the best idea evar!!!1!1!” then you must be vehemently opposed to something. That’s such a simple-minded view of life. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

This is a great looking layout. Beautiful. There are some constructive criticisms about it: it needs a pool. You’re not going to get a lot of people who want to do multiple days of swimming in low 60* degree water. It’s tough to get an accurate distance in open water swimming, so doing any kind of swim tests aren’t particularly relevant.

The actual financial aspect of it is up for debate. It’s going to take a lot more than a few people saying “oh, I’d go there all the time.” What does that mean? How much would you pay? How many people need to go there “all the time” to make the numbers work? Happy thoughts don’t generate revenue.

Honestly, the more I think about some of the dumb responses here the angrier I get. Goddamn.

I’m replying to you so the other people don’t think I’m singling them out.

I am amazed that unless you proclaim “OMG this is the best idea evar!!!1!1!” then you must be vehemently opposed to something. That’s such a simple-minded view of life. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

This is a great looking layout. Beautiful. There are some constructive criticisms about it: it needs a pool. You’re not going to get a lot of people who want to do multiple days of swimming in low 60* degree water. It’s tough to get an accurate distance in open water swimming, so doing any kind of swim tests aren’t particularly relevant.

The actual financial aspect of it is up for debate. It’s going to take a lot more than a few people saying “oh, I’d go there all the time.” What does that mean? How much would you pay? How many people need to go there “all the time” to make the numbers work? Happy thoughts don’t generate revenue.

Honestly, the more I think about some of the dumb responses here the angrier I get. Goddamn.

Thank you.

I find it odd that giving constructive (or non-constructive) criticism and maintaining a pragmatic viewpoint for a company such as WTC is a generally agreeable thing in this community. Make a remark that can be perceived as negative towards a “small local business” (and for all those who doubt, this company in question does NOT operate like that or see itself that way FYI) and all of a sudden you’re the bad guy.

I agree, it is an INCREDIBLE idea. To have a facility like that would be UHMAZING, especially in this region. But am I allowed to maintain a realistic viewpoint in the face of what seems too good to be true? Apparently not.

There’s no place for pragmatism in triathlon. Haven’t you been here long enough to see that?

It was my word of the day; I wanted to believe in it.

I think this would be amazingly cool. So amazing that I ran through the numbers a few years ago because I would love to do something like this. My thought was to include related businesses. Include space for a bike shop and running store. Studio space for massage therapy. Training facilities for winter training. Etc.

But no matter how I looked at it, I could not see my way to where it would work.

I’d love to see it work. That would give me hope. Until it does, I’ll wait until I win the Mega Millions. Hey, I may have won last night. I’m on vacation so no idea if the work pool won.

Hopefully they can work out the bugs and make it work. Looks like an awesome place.

Any updates on this project? Is it moving forward?

I’m replying to you so the other people don’t think I’m singling them out.

I am amazed that unless you proclaim “OMG this is the best idea evar!!!1!1!” then you must be vehemently opposed to something. That’s such a simple-minded view of life. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

This is a great looking layout. Beautiful. There are some constructive criticisms about it: it needs a pool. You’re not going to get a lot of people who want to do multiple days of swimming in low 60* degree water. It’s tough to get an accurate distance in open water swimming, so doing any kind of swim tests aren’t particularly relevant.

The actual financial aspect of it is up for debate. It’s going to take a lot more than a few people saying “oh, I’d go there all the time.” What does that mean? How much would you pay? How many people need to go there “all the time” to make the numbers work? Happy thoughts don’t generate revenue.

Honestly, the more I think about some of the dumb responses here the angrier I get. Goddamn.

Thank you.

I find it odd that giving constructive (or non-constructive) criticism and maintaining a pragmatic viewpoint for a company such as WTC is a generally agreeable thing in this community. Make a remark that can be perceived as negative towards a “small local business” (and for all those who doubt, this company in question does NOT operate like that or see itself that way FYI) and all of a sudden you’re the bad guy.

I agree, it is an INCREDIBLE idea. To have a facility like that would be UHMAZING, especially in this region. But am I allowed to maintain a realistic viewpoint in the face of what seems too good to be true? Apparently not.

Well its June of 2015, and there hasn’t been any talk since the announcement back in October. The FB page responds to everyone’s inquiry as more information to come. As good of an idea as it could have been I would lean on the side of too good to be true.

Articles from the local papers:

Things move VERY slowly here in NC. . . . .

Any updates on the progress of this facility?

Other than them regularly retweeting interesting triathlon articles or inspirational quotes on twitter, I haven’t seen anything unfortunately…

Plans for TriHabitat are still moving forward. There has been some great progress behind the scenes.

Sure. :slight_smile:


So still on for that 2016 opening that they announced correct?

would love an update from someone in the know

nobody knows except Bouker and Bill Scott.