Saddle help (3)

I’ve had terrible trouble finding a good position on my saddle and after some measuring, the other half and I have come to the conclusion that it’s because my sit-bones are fairly far apart. So I’m looking for a bigger saddle - any suggestions about where to start (brands etc)?

this article is long but it covers pretty much everything. FWIW, the ISM Adamo Century is very wide, padded, and might be the kind of thing you’re looking for . . .

Thanks; I’m going to go harass the local florist for some flower foam :slight_smile:

You can search both this forum and the TRI forum for multiple conversations about good saddles for women. That might give you some ideas as well.


I’ve had terrible trouble finding a good position on my saddle and after some measuring, the other half and I have come to the conclusion that it’s because my sit-bones are fairly far apart. So I’m looking for a bigger saddle - any suggestions about where to start (brands etc)?

Get a good bike fit first to make sure its a saddle problem and not a fit problem?

I picked up the Oura (specialized) today. I had my sit bones measured and came in at a whopping 155mm* - knowing that, the last saddle was clearly the wrong size. I had my fit double checked as well and it was all good. The 90 minute ride I did this afternoon was a revelation; I might actually start liking this cycling stuff.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond.

*according to that article 148mm is 95th percentile; I’m trying not to feel sensitive about my big butt.

Good job - I have to admit I’m a Specialized saddle fan.

You can always go with ‘child bearing hips’ rather than big butt :slight_smile:

Very interesting. I’m over 6’ tall with bones to match and had a lot of saddle issues in the past. How did you measure the distance between your sitz bones? Calipers? Who did you go to for the measurement? It sounds pretty personal to me!

~~ kate

Hi Kate,
The boyfriend measured me at home first; it involved a tape measure and a fair bit of giggling. He was about 5mm off in his measurements from the bike store guys.
The guys at the bike store had an ass-o-meter like in this video and they used that.
The article linked to in the first reply to my original post suggests doing something similar with flower foam from the florist.

I love my Specialized saddles & have very wide sitbones as well. I’m glad you found something that worked.

Most bike shops should have some kind of gel pad to measure sit bones.