Sam Gyde Takes Stand Against Doper Colom (pic)

They guy next to him in the red shirt doesn’t look too impressed either…

Here are the splits for Sam and his podium peers:

Colom, AntonioESP 00:55:44 04:21:34 03:18:39 08:42:04
Kunath, SvenGER 01:02:43 04:41:590 2:58:51 08:49:39
Gyde, SamBEL 01:06:57 04:38:57 03:05:31 08:57:41

Is that Dieter standing next to Sam? I loved Sprockets.

This is awesome. I applaud Sam.
Triathlon shouldn’t be a refuge for convicted bike dopers.

Well played, Sam.

Agreed, the pros seem to be doing a decent job about speaking out and I am glad we have some people doing the same in the AG ranks. But Sam gets the win for presentation.

Are you implying that Colom is still doping?

Well played indeed. Bravo

Are you implying that Colom is still doping?

It really doesn’t matter. As it is has been said before he doped and built a doped engine. You can’t unscramble the eggs, it has been shown that the benefit is long lasting so thus he is still benefiting regardless of whether or not he stills. Regardless of Weiss’s background, I think the thing he has done is at least going thru great lengths to show others that he is being tested and continually being tested. I think at a bare minimum convicted, willful athletes should be subjected to drug testing on a continuous and random basis just like standard substance abuser for normal rec drugs and alcohol.

Who/ what is Colom?

Blue jeans and black/white shirt. Third from right holding M trophy chest level.

You mean the dude who, even though I’d never even heard of him prior to this thread, just absolutely looks like a Euro-pro cyclist doper guy? That one?

Who/ what is Colom?

Blue jeans and black/white shirt. Third from right holding M trophy chest level.

You mean the dude who, even though I’d never even heard of him prior to this thread, just absolutely looks like a Euro-pro cyclist doper guy? That one?

Now, why would you say that?


The guy that’s yelling and holding one arm up.

I kind of figured it would be the one guy acting like an NFL wide receiver after making a first down catch in a pre-season game.

Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

As a very minimum, people in the crowd will assume that someone in the M35-39 is a doper. But it is reasonable to assume that the word would be out in Frankfurt that the winner was a former pro cyclist doper and I’d wager to assume that there were a number of boos in the crowd that accompanied him being called up on stage as the European IM Champion. Next stop for Colom is to win the M35-39 championship in Kona and call himself the World Champion. Kind of sucks, but I guess he served his penance and is allowed to race.

I just feel it is important that people know what is going on. In the case of Michael Weiss it is obvious and the bulk of pros make is clear that there was a doping infraction in his past. In the case of Colom he’s quietly competing away and winning with minimal scrutiny. At least Weiss is being tested frequently. Weiss is trying to earn a living with the transparency that goes with being a pro. Colom is kinda flying under the radar (not entirely, but low enough that the efforts of guys like Sam should be commended).

Not if I have any thing to say about it. Now it is just going to fuel my fire that much more. I’m going to beat that piece of shit. See you in Kona colom, asshole!!

Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

As a very minimum, people in the crowd will assume that someone in the M35-39 is a doper. But it is reasonable to assume that the word would be out in Frankfurt that the winner was a former pro cyclist doper and I’d wager to assume that there were a number of boos in the crowd that accompanied him being called up on stage as the European IM Champion. Next stop for Colom is to win the M35-39 championship in Kona and call himself the World Champion. Kind of sucks, but I guess he served his penance and is allowed to race.

I just feel it is important that people know what is going on. In the case of Michael Weiss it is obvious and the bulk of pros make is clear that there was a doping infraction in his past. In the case of Colom he’s quietly competing away and winning with minimal scrutiny. At least Weiss is being tested frequently. Weiss is trying to earn a living with the transparency that goes with being a pro. Colom is kinda flying under the radar (not entirely, but low enough that the efforts of guys like Sam should be commended).

Not if I have any thing to say about it. Now it is just going to fuel my fire that much more. I’m going to beat that piece of shit. See you in Kona colom, asshole!!

I think you and Sam Gyde are going to be unstoppable at Kona after this. Got rip it up boys!

In any case, as he has served his time and allowed to race under the WADA code, there is nothing to be done, however, on their second round, former dopers do need an additional degree of scrutiny. Those in the pro ranks have it from their peers and from the testers.

Those in the age group ranks can fly under the radar so it is up to all of us age groupers to make sure that all peers are aware of who they are racing.

On a related note, while this does not affect Sam Gyde in terms of getting a Kona slot (I think he may already have had one from last year from winning his age group), it does affect the first guy who did not go to Kona from Frankfurt due to rolldown. Sucks to be that guy.

Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

Why would it be reasonable to think that he is calling ALL of the people on the podium dopers? What would the odds be that of all of the people on the podium, he is the only clean athlete and all of the rest are dopers? Doesn’t seem reasonable.

Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

Yes, because he’s sharing the podium with women who are clearly doping.

If I wear a t-shirt to a race as a spectator that says “dopers suck”, are you also assuming that I’m calling every athlete there a doper?


Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

Yes, because he’s sharing the podium with women who are clearly doping.

If I wear a t-shirt to a race as a spectator that says “dopers suck”, are you also assuming that I’m calling every athlete there a doper?


Yeah, if I was in the audience I would just assume he was taking a general stand against dopers in general, not someone on the podium with him, that would never occur to me.

Couple of general points here, and this is all old info, but I think that it is worth pointing out again. Is Weiss being tested? I don’t know, but probably. I mention him out because you brought him up. It’s difficult to know just who is being tested, etc. For instance, do you get tested or file whereabouts? Dan pointed this out in his long pieces on anti-doping.

Here is the USADA list, updated quarterly. Granted, he’s not a USA athlete.

You can clearly see who is tested, how many times, updated quarterly. It usually takes about a month or so after the quarter ends for them to update. I file whereabouts. I have not been OOC tested this year. I don’t show up on the list above. Other US athletes file whereabouts, but do not show up. So, you can’t definitively say which US athletes are and aren’t subject to filing whereabouts based on this list of tests. But, you can clearly see which US athletes are tested and how often. It does not say if these tests are in or out of comp though.

Here is the WTC page on results management as well as the registered testing pool page.

You can see who, according to WTC, is subject to filing whereabouts and therefore, out of comp testing. But, it’s a tricky issue. Great Britain, for example, pulled any long course athlete that used to be in their system from filing whereabouts and being subjected to testing under the British tri federation. So now, that responsibility falls wholly on WTC for athletes like Tim Don, Rachel Joyce, Jodie, Leanda, etc. I name those folks because I am 99% sure that in the past they were subject to testing from British tri.

Blah, blah, blah, it’s tough to know just who’s tested, how much, etc. WTC does do quite a bit of testing, that’s been stated and pretty well verified. What isn’t really verified, has been asked, is who is tested, full results disclosure, etc. The WADA 2012 report lists a summary of all of the WTC, ITU testing as well as a few others I believe. A quick Triathlon summary, you could probably break it down further into ITU/WTC as well as a couple of other types of testing. Total samples in-comp 2054 Urine with 20 AAFs and 19 ATFs. Total sample out-of-comp 1541 Urine with 2 AAFs and 14 ATFs. Total in and out of comp blood 101 and 344, respectively with no AAFs nor ATFs. AAF = adverse analytical findings, ATF = atypical findings. But, neither are necessarily sanctionable. And, you can further get to some of the individual NADOs, etc. but that would take some time. You can’t find the individual athlete on those reports.

Again, a lot of this was covered by Dan in past articles. But, it ends up getting lost a bit because attention spans or short or until the next questionable athlete ends up on the podium.

Are you implying that Colom is still doping?

It really doesn’t matter. As it is has been said before he doped and built a doped engine. You can’t unscramble the eggs,** it has been shown that the benefit is long lasting** so thus he is still benefiting regardless of whether or not he stills.

While there is some evidence that is true for steroids and possibly some other peds, EPO has been shown to possibly result in long term negative affects after someone stops using it.

Not sure how “awesome” that is. If I’m in the crowd, I’m assuming he’s calling all of those people on the podium with him dopers.

I’m not sure if we should blame him for your bad assumptions!

It’s a very reasonable assumption.

As a very minimum, people in the crowd will assume that someone in the M35-39 is a doper. But it is reasonable to assume that the word would be out in Frankfurt that the winner was a former pro cyclist doper and I’d wager to assume that there were a number of boos in the crowd that accompanied him being called up on stage as the European IM Champion. Next stop for Colom is to win the M35-39 championship in Kona and call himself the World Champion. Kind of sucks, but I guess he served his penance and is allowed to race.

I just feel it is important that people know what is going on. In the case of Michael Weiss it is obvious and the bulk of pros make is clear that there was a doping infraction in his past. In the case of Colom he’s quietly competing away and winning with minimal scrutiny. At least Weiss is being tested frequently. Weiss is trying to earn a living with the transparency that goes with being a pro. Colom is kinda flying under the radar (not entirely, but low enough that the efforts of guys like Sam should be commended).

DevThere’s a reason there isn’t a legal system in the civilized world that functions like this. Obviously companies like WTC are allowed to forbid whoever the heck they want to… that doesn’t mean they should.

“In any case, as he has served his time and allowed to race under the WADA code, there is nothing to be done, however, on their second round, former dopers do need an additional degree of scrutiny.”

to me, it seems like a couple of things ought to be expected. first, if USAT, the DTU, and other NFs are getting money from sanctioning races like roth, IM germany, other IM and challenge races, et al, a lot of that money ought to be funneled back into elite AG drug testing. that ought to be demanded by the race organizers and the competitors.

second, when you dope in cycling, as a pro, you serve your time and you’re back in the peloton. not so in triathlon, in the pro or the AG ranks. yes, you can race. but i think you’re going to be booed until you also offer up your explanation in transparency. i don’t understand the cheating mindset. but i do believe in redemption. but i don’t believe in redemption unless it is sought.

i think a lot of slowtwitchers and AG triathletes would give colom a much better welcome if he handled his situation as did some of the discovery/postal cyclists who were popped. maybe he has. but if he has i haven’t read his explanation as to how and why he doped. if we can find that explanation and apology i’m happy to let slowtwitchers read whatever i can find. maybe herbert or somebody else knows of something i don’t. but it’s clear triathlon, as a community, will not welcome you back until you earn your way back.