Specialized Shiv + DI2 = SHI2V

What do i have wrong? The module, wheels and SRM are all correct. I actually got a new module for cheaper than that, but $6100 is the MSRP. Is DI2 more than $2k when you’re not buying a crankset?

Srm is another 1000 with pc vii at least. Di2 is another 1000, even without crankset. The wheels are zipp aren’t they?

Am I wrong, or the wheels are Zipp???

so… how much does a setup like this run?

Shiv Module… $6100
Hed Wheels… $1000
Di2 group… $2000
SRM… $2000
Making Di2 cleanly integrate with that frame… difficult & priceless

so… how much does a setup like this run?

Shiv Module… $6100
Hed Wheels… $1000
Di2 group… $2000
SRM… $2000
Making Di2 cleanly integrate with that frame… difficult & priceless

Wow, this bike is totally awesome!

My Comp Rival version is almost nothing in comparison.

oh yeah Zipps, i was looking for the di2 wires and not at the decals. So maybe you’re right. I’m not one to add it all up when it comes to my bikes…

Oh, I see, you were doing the wife calculation…“no honey, I didn’t spend that much, only…”. LOL.

I divide the real number by 2 and that’s the number I tell the mrs.

You integrated the control box junction into the seat post? If so, that’s pretty cool.

Yes he did :wink:

Congrats Bi2bie :wink:

hello , just a little time to give some answers …

pictures are edit , just click on it …

How much does it run ?? difficult to say …everything was buy as “used” ,
Shiv module + SRM 3500 euros - 4650 $
DI2 1000 euros - 1300 $
wheel set 1300 euros - 1750 $
integrated the DI2 and all other upgrades , impossible to quantifie … approximately 50 hours …

so the total approximately 7700 $

yes the control box is in the seat post

thanks Nick, you 're the man that know perfectly this bike :):):slight_smile:

the next post will detail everything about the begening, so just a little patiente …

haha - “THE WIFE CALCULATION” - good one! have done that a few times myself… is its a 0.65 factor?

Where as the brag-calculator will add a 1.2 factor ?

Looks like a LOT of weight over the front axle. Or are my eyes deceiving me?
How does it handle? Feel safe, or a bit front heavy?

One of the coolest tri bikes I have seen

What kind of additional Di2-shifter is this?


My guess is that is a satellite shifter, just like the DA integrated brake shifters, but with different levers.

Its not my bike in the picture (see the original post), but I have a Shiv TT. No difference in weight distribution than any other TT bike that I’ve ridden.

Oh, I see, you were doing the wife calculation…“no honey, I didn’t spend that much, only…”. LOL.

Yes indeed the wife calculation. Funny you should mention that, there is this cool company that sells little round thingies that I’m going to stick on my otherwise completely unchanged & normal budget crankset, they only cost a few bucks but its all the rage…


Cool, they come in 3D, very convincing. I got the same one, but the initials on mine must have come from some dude named Steve Rogers Miller. The decals for my pedals from some guy named Vector are never going to make it in time.

hello , what did you mean ???
mi bike has the same weigth on front that would have a stock shiv.

Absoluement pas une critique, seulement une question.
En regardant le foto en profil, il me semblait que tu aurrais vachement de poids au-dessus de l’axle avant. Mais c’est bien possible que c’est mes yeux qui me trompent!

I’d take this unreal creation over mile2424s fancy paint job any day. di2 control center integrated into the seatpost, come on!!