What do you guys think of this aerobar?


I don’t know him but have heard alot of good things. What do you guys think about the aerobars? Any good? Fast?

It seems to make sense that a single entension like the Deda would be lighter, if so, why don’t I see Lance on one?

Check out the rear brake routing… very neat

What do you guys think about the aerobars?

They look pretty cool. Not very adjustable, though. I guess it’s a custom bike, and all, but you’d have to be pretty confident that you’re not going to need any adjustments later.

I’m quite impressed. Did a tour on the entire web site and this guy knows his stuff.

Is that a steel frame? Would be really cool if so. I’d love to have a custom steel TT/tri bike designed like this one.

**Is that a steel frame? Would be really cool if so. I’d love to have a custom steel TT/tri bike designed like this one. **

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I don’t think it is, though- it sounds like he only made the aerobars for that bike. Would love to be wrong, though.

They look neat. But I definitely wouldn’t want to hold on to the bull horns (or brake with those goofy levers) on a steep downhill. Yow! And the extensions and the severe angle of the handgrip section I think will be very uncomfortable on longer rides.

Pretty sweet looking ride.

According to his website, it seems that he is currently only making steel frames, so I think the answer is yes, this is a steel TT bike.

That front derailleur lever is pretty trick - behind the downtube, not on the side. Could be wrong, but I don’t think I’ve seen that before. (LA’s is on the side, right?)


Here is a better link with his description of the bars. Pretty Cool!

I think the Australian bikes have been doing it for a while. He seems to work for them, so maybe it was his idea, or Peter Teschner’s:


fast. this guy knows what he is doing. looks great.


I spoke to them a few years back about building a custom setup. The guy was really cool and down to earth and was willing to build a custom setup. It was them verses CAT CHeetah to build a setup, went with the Cheetah because for pretty much the same price I was able to have the fork built into the aerobar. The CAT setup spent about 3 months on my P3 and I was never really comfortable on them so I went back to a Vtech setup. Here is a pic of the CAT setup that I don’t use anymore:


I thought I’ve seen them all! Well I have been toying with the idea of designing and releasing a titanium integrated aerobar and have been mulling over a design for a few months now. I always come back to square one. Either more aero, lighter, less parts and limited adjustability or vice versa.

When I came across this design, I had the same reservations, sure it looks good, kinda interesting and unusual, but it can’t be adjusted… although why would you want to if it is a custom bar?

Anyways, what are your guys impressions of a titanium integrated aerobar? I think it might come in pretty light around 500-600g, but I just think they will look way cool.

The one in the picture is made of steel by the way.

You guys seen the new Cinelli Bat bar? Looks very sweet, apparently light and it is adjustable.