IM Canada F40-44: new thread

to you, and to dev, there is a school of thought that forgiveness can be extended, but it’s not granted unless it’s accepted. everyone to whom i have spoken feels this way about this situation. even her supporters to whom i’ve spoken are supporters rather than abettors. they support her, and maintain their confidence in her, but don’t absolve the acts.

i have not spoken to anyone who thinks she ought to be given a pass, absent her accepting the forgiveness and that means acknowledging the need for it. nobody wants to be forgiven for an act that he or she does not acknowledge requires forgiveness. that’s the stand-off. last i knew, that’s where we’re at. i just don’t know that 100 more posts reiterating this serves the purpose.

i have 3 dogs, and there’s a 12-foot long, 4" diameter piece of PVC pipe on the property where we walk in the morning. when there’s a varmint in that pipe, a dog gets on each end of the pipe and barks repeatedly, reasoning i guess that enough barking will convince the varmint to come out and get eaten. that tactic never works. it’s cathartic for the dogs, i guess, but it never coaxes the varmint out. in fact, it probably convinces the varmint to stay put.

to you, and to dev, there is a school of thought that forgiveness can be extended, but it’s not granted unless it’s accepted. everyone to whom i have spoken feels this way about this situation. even her supporters to whom i’ve spoken are supporters rather than abettors. they support her, and maintain their confidence in her, but don’t absolve the acts.

i have not spoken to anyone who thinks she ought to be given a pass, absent her accepting the forgiveness and that means acknowledging the need for it. nobody wants to be forgiven for an act that he or she does not acknowledge requires forgiveness. that’s the stand-off. last i knew, that’s where we’re at. i just don’t know that 100 more posts reiterating this serves the purpose.

i have 3 dogs, and there’s a 12-foot long, 4" diameter piece of PVC pipe on the property where we walk in the morning. when there’s a varmint in that pipe, a dog gets on each end of the pipe and barks repeatedly, reasoning i guess that enough barking will convince the varmint to come out and get eaten. that tactic never works. it’s cathartic for the dogs, i guess, but it never coaxes the varmint out. in fact, it probably convinces the varmint to stay put.

Dan, given that I don’t know the course cutter athlete, I don’t really care if she admits to it or not.

What I care is that what was taken from others is restored (podium placements, Kona slots etc) and that measures are put in place so that neither Julie Miller nor anyone in our community can easily circumvent the system. The most important thing is that courses are properly designed and timing wires put in place for early alert of course cutting (intentional or unintentional makes no diff from a pure results angle).

I don’t care if she repents or not, because unlike a pro athlete who I might have a vested interest in following, I have no vested interest in this athlete. I only care that she nor others have future chances to steal podiums, Kona slots or placements that rightfully were earned by others.

I sat down with Marc Roy CEO of sportstats and he showed me the complex analytics they run on the data to catch the 5-10 athletes at every race that either try to intentionally or non intentionally cut corners. You don’t hear about all these folks who get DQ’d. Sportstats on the night of IM Whislter, alerted WTC to the course cutting and recommended a DQ. Marc was timing at IMLP and was also helping his team remotely who were in BC. They check all the top 40 age group finishers who might be in line for a KQ immediately the night before rolldown and can see where entire segments are being cut, or where there are sudden “speed ups” (for example, an athlete could get a lift in a car, but if that athletes pace on a segment was out of line with the median change in pace and their own pace, it shows up rather glaringly). They go through a fairly complex analysis of Mdot race results, but they can only work with race course set up and where timing wires are put in place or not. They make recommendations on placements of wires etc to ensure there is no course cutting, but RD’s due to budgets may or may not pay for that.

I have gone to way too many races (including IM Branded) where there is no timing wire at the turnarounds on the bike or run, or in the case of Whistler, no return to land after swim loop 1 for chip “in” before swim loop 2. These are fundamentally flawed problems in course design. Part of the big value that WTC holds is the keys to Kona, but if they can’t put on a fair competition for those who strive to get access to the elusive KQ club, then they are de valuing their own Goose that is laying the golden eggs. After a while the eggs won’t look so golden, when you have course cutters, drafters and dopers rewarded (or as a minimum no means of catching them in action).

I sat down with Marc Roy CEO of sportstats and he showed me the complex analytics they run on the data to catch the 5-10 athletes at every race that either try to intentionally or non intentionally cut corners. You don’t hear about all these folks who get DQ’d. Sportstats on the night of IM Whislter, alerted WTC to the course cutting and recommended a DQ. Marc was timing at IMLP and was also helping his team remotely who were in BC. They check all the top 40 age group finishers who might be in line for a KQ immediately the night before rolldown and can see where entire segments are being cut, or where there are sudden “speed ups” (for example, an athlete could get a lift in a car, but if that athletes pace on a segment was out of line with the median change in pace and their own pace, it shows up rather glaringly). They go through a fairly complex analysis of Mdot race results, but they can only work with race course set up and where timing wires are put in place or not. They make recommendations on placements of wires etc to ensure there is no course cutting, but RD’s due to budgets may or may not pay for that.
Thanks for sharing this with us! I’m curious why WTC choose not to DQ as recommended by Sportstats initially and only DQ’d now? I’m like you Paul in that I personally don’t care if she admits to it, but I will be disappointed if WTC or Canada’s triathlon governing body doesn’t come down with at least a two year suspension. It is quite obvious that she has cut courses at multiple races and is a habitual cheater.

Dev, the technology is there is catch most, if not all, folks that do not do the full swim correctly, the full bike correctly, or the full run correctly.

I have been to a number of world events where there was no technology used on a multi lap bike or run course. There ended up being a number of
issues with folks doing only 1 lap or cutting the course. Since these races had not installed timing locations such that this was impossible to not catch,
things were a real mess. I have seen them in my AG. I have seen them impact other racers at these world events. For what we all pay, to have
these level of races “cut the corners” to save a few dollars is, well, …

So, any race that wants to do it right

Needs to have a timing mat at the beginning of the swim. And if a multi lap, we need to come out of the water and go across another timing mat.

I really like the post about a timing chip that is put on the bike helmet so there can be timing mats at the the furthest part of the bike course.

Any run course, needs to have mats at the furthest point on the run. And depending on configuration, multiple mats.

So easy to do and it really dose not cost that much compared to us athletes having to “prove” to the RD that someones races results are in question.

“What I care is that what was taken from others is restored (podium placements, Kona slots etc) and that measures are put in place so that neither Julie Miller nor anyone in our community can easily circumvent the system.”

so, i called triathlon canada about this. you have this athlete. do you have an interest in what’s going on? either helping her be vindicated, or if she’s guilty helping inoculate future competitors against the specter of course cutting?

at first, it took me one entire conversation just to convince the media liaison person that, yes, IM Canada was sanctioned by the NF. but i got a follow up email:

“please note that while the course was sanctioned by Triathlon BC, the race competition rules for the event are enforced and sanctioned by World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) and its franchisees, and therefore any participant infringement and/or appeal will be a matter for WTC. As noted previously, I therefore suggest you direct your queries to the WTC organisation or Ironman Canada for further comment and information.”

so, the idea that you’re going to get triathlon canada to take ANY interest AT ALL in anything that includes participation in an ironman race must be considered against the paragraph quoted above.

so, somebody cuts a course, and let’s leave ms. miller out of it. somebody cuts a course. an american man. an australian woman. just, in general. let us assume that the course cutting was found to be deliberate. you might determine this because of multiple factors (no chip + course cut), or multiple races where this occurred, or eyewitnesses. i won’t recommend what constitutes proof, just, let’s assume that you’re pretty confident there’s proof of the intention to cut the course.

in which bucket to you throw this infraction? is intentional course cutting a single-race-specific violation, like littering? or a suspension-from-racing violation?

most competitors think it’s a suspension-type violation, but most race organizations and federations do not treat it with the same ardency.

i’m not going to opine right now on where we ought to be on this; what we ought to do, as a sport. i don’t know. i just know there’s a gulf between what athletes probably want and what federations are prepared to do. they have no problem suspending you for a year if you use your buddies ID in a race, but how many of these other suspensions occur?

ty, i just removed your latest post. we get it. there is nothing you wrote that we don’t all already know. this is like a few good men where demi moore says, “i object.” overruled. “i strenuously object.”

don’t think our condemnation is not understood and appreciated. your strenuous condemnation is unnecessary.

ty, i just removed your latest post. we get it. there is nothing you wrote that we don’t all already know. this is like a few good men where demi moore says, “i object.” overruled. “i strenuously object.”

don’t think our condemnation is not understood and appreciated. your strenuous condemnation is unnecessary.

But Dan - he ** strenuously ** objected.

Typically these types of people rarely demonstrate any form of contriteness and will not issue an apology even when they are faced with irrefutable evidence that they cheated. Australia’s answer to Jane Miller cheated in a very similar pattern to JM. Cutting bike/run courses and starting in different waves so was ending up with extraordinary splits. I think one IM he would have had to cover 7kms in 22 mins, so averaging just over 3 min/km (not bad for an overweight 44 year old)… when provided with this information (plus a ton of other data) during his tribunal with Triathlon Western Australia he continued to deny he had cheated. Very bizarre… I think he would have garnered a bit more sympathy and people would have been a bit more forgiving if he’d stuck his hand up and admitted he cheated - sometimes people go through tough times in their lives and do stupid things - but to continue to lie…

ty, i just removed your latest post. we get it. there is nothing you wrote that we don’t all already know. this is like a few good men where demi moore says, “i object.” overruled. “i strenuously object.”

don’t think our condemnation is not understood and appreciated. your strenuous condemnation is unnecessary.
Hey got it. No hard feelings. I will in the future try to control my passionate objection. And redundancy.

Oh and I always did love that movie. And Demi with those thick black glasses and goofball demeanor.

Typically these types of people rarely demonstrate any form of contriteness and will not issue an apology even when they are faced with irrefutable evidence that they cheated. Australia’s answer to Jane Miller cheated in a very similar pattern to JM. Cutting bike/run courses and starting in different waves so was ending up with extraordinary splits. I think one IM he would have had to cover 7kms in 22 mins, so averaging just over 3 min/km (not bad for an overweight 44 year old)… when provided with this information (plus a ton of other data) during his tribunal with Triathlon Western Australia he continued to deny he had cheated. Very bizarre… I think he would have garnered a bit more sympathy and people would have been a bit more forgiving if he’d stuck his hand up and admitted he cheated - sometimes people go through tough times in their lives and do stupid things - but to continue to lie…

This is why I think that whether or not she acknowledges her behavior is irrelevant to the triathlon community as a whole. What’s important is that she is punished for her actions and that those whom she harmed are made, at least to the extent available, whole. That said, she probably should apologize to the ladies she harmed. That would be the decent thing to do.

no harm, no foul.

The best thing about my close friends is when one of us “phuck up” regardless of what it may have been, we will hug the moron, and then slap them in the head and say “what the hell were you thinking”…pressure doesn’t build character, it reveals it…


(I have phucked up plenty in 49 yrs and have a bruise on the side of my head to prove it)

“it is Dan’s sandbox”

no. it is your sandbox. i moderate it. if this was a government-owned enterprise you all would still demand moderators. you’d elect them. or you’d elect a CEO to appoint them. either way, you’d want them. that moderator is going to make decisions that are variously popular and unpopular, depending on the person.

the guidelines here are also generally not my rules, but yours. in the classifieds, in the lavender room, i ask the folks who spend their time there what they want. they tell me and that’s what they get. but i’m the one who has to filter the crap out when some pussy* sh!ts in it

  • not a reference the person Dan was responding to.

I want to go back to Tonythetriguy’s question - about further repercussions from the WTC or other authority. I’m not talking about the person here exactly, but the situation that presents itself: say for example we have a repeat cheater. say the athlete has multiple DQ’s at WTC events for cutting courses. When and how would they assign a penalty/ban for multiple infractions (or would they)??

to you, and to dev, there is a school of thought that forgiveness can be extended, but it’s not granted unless it’s accepted. everyone to whom i have spoken feels this way about this situation. even her supporters to whom i’ve spoken are supporters rather than abettors. they support her, and maintain their confidence in her, but don’t absolve the acts.

i have not spoken to anyone who thinks she ought to be given a pass, absent her accepting the forgiveness and that means acknowledging the need for it. nobody wants to be forgiven for an act that he or she does not acknowledge requires forgiveness. that’s the stand-off. last i knew, that’s where we’re at. i just don’t know that 100 more posts reiterating this serves the purpose.

i have 3 dogs, and there’s a 12-foot long, 4" diameter piece of PVC pipe on the property where we walk in the morning. when there’s a varmint in that pipe, a dog gets on each end of the pipe and barks repeatedly, reasoning i guess that enough barking will convince the varmint to come out and get eaten. that tactic never works. it’s cathartic for the dogs, i guess, but it never coaxes the varmint out. in fact, it probably convinces the varmint to stay put.

That “story” is awesome. It’s like a writing work of art - and, I’m serious.

Priceless…Ya lose your sense of humour…all is lost! Nice one.

My understanding is that the guy from Australia was banned by Triathlon Western Australia from all sanctioned triathlon events in Australia for 2 years. He was also banned by WTC from all WTC events worldwide for 2 years. This would indicate that WTC can and have banned people from their events and could be applied in this case.

From what I have read on another Tri forum the Australian guy has ignored the ban and has raced at WTC event last week. It will be interesting to see what WTC does, if this is the case.

yeah, my feeling is that if it can be shown (again, how?) that the course-cutting has been intentional and repeated, you have to go for a ban. treat it essentially as doping, since it is a concerted effort to game the system undetected, improve your ranking, and deprive your competitors. that puts it in a different category, for me, from ‘sin bin’ rule-breaking like littering, positioning fouls, and so on.


so, dan - if i could mix several metaphors here (which i know you’re not allergic to): is this the tip of the iceberg, or a storm in a teacup?

dev’s report of his conversation with sportstats is interesting - how common a problem do with think that this form of cheating (considering course-cutting, chip-losing, and wave-start manipulating all together) really is?


Dan, your keen insight into human psychy is pretty amazing. I think one reason these threads catch fire is that we all have a little Julie (or Lance, or Starky, etc) in us. I sure do . . . I call him “bad david!” Further, of the finger pointers who all picks and chooses their rules (like me). Anyone ever get a speeding ticket? Shame, shocked, aghast, oh my! By extension, could it be we are dopers? Worse yet, someone like me who got a speeding ticket and then got it fixed because, well, I know how it works and I can. How bad is that!! We all have sins and we can hate the sins, yet not the sinner. We can all hate the course cutter, doper, loud mouth, speeder, etc and still accept the person.

Thanks for accepting and pointing out our humanity,