"sockless shoes" - marketing gimmick

Would you wear a shoe without socks for a marathon or half-marathon? No.

What about a 10k (for Oly distance racing)? Sure… I have and would.
However, then I’d just use a real racing flat. I blister a bit… but the race is over before it becomes an issue.

Therefore, sockless shoes, like the new Zoot shoe, are nothing but a marketing gimmick.

I don’t agree with you, which is fine, but here’s my question to you:

Why is it that you think that you can’t wear socks in sockless shoes? Why do they have to be mutually exclusive? I’m assuming you think they have to be, otherwise what difference would it make to you that shoes are made “sockless”. Honestly, isn’t that just a euphemism for saying “our shoes don’t have seams on the inside?” Why is that a problem?

However, since I can run under 40min for the 10k, I’d use a real racing flat. I blister a bit… but the race is over before it becomes an issue.
If I was a slower runner, . . .

This is a bit of a non-sequitur. I’d think any number of fast runners could easily pose the question of why a slow, sub-40 minute 10K runner would bother with racing flats. They’d tell you that your blister isn’t worth it since you’re nowhere near the front.

Why the arbitrary 40 minute cutoff? And if not 40, then what is the cutoff? Regardless, won
t it be just as arbitrary? So, are flats a gimmick?

I actually have run a half marathon sockless in my Nike Haywards during the SOMA HAlf Iron and was fine. I slao run sub 40min 10k Olympics and never wear socks. The Hayward is the only shoe I have been able to do it in. I did mention that the ZOOT’s are very comfortable with sock, even more so than my Haywards, but they still give moe some blisters. Although it is a marketing thing, I don’t think it’s their only benefit or potential stregnth as a shoe and they do work sockless for many people it would seem.

If you are calling it a marketing “gimmick” in that is used to sell the shoes but has no applicable use or does not work at all I would disagree with your statement.

What works for me is going sock less all the time in training. The skin on your feet toughens up and then come race day you are good to go.

Above about 55 degrees i don’t wear socks for anything except trail running to keep the grit out.

I’d say a real marketing gimmick is holes in the outsole for drainage…

I’ll agree with that too.

My Asics Hyperspeeds have holes in the sole… rocks stick in them and my feet get wet even on moist pavement…

I never never ever wear socks

How fast do you run?

does it matter ??? i would think distance would be the factor

Yep. It matters.
I can walk a marathon in slippers, but I sure as hell couldn’t RUN one.

How fast do you run?

When the temp gets above freezing, I do ALL my running and racing sockless. I’ve done my half marys sockless, and have run 2+ hours in training that way as well. A “sockless” shoe may be a marketing ploy, but frankly…it’s exactly what I’m interested in.

And, FWIW, even if I never did another tri in my life, I would continue to run sockless. I just find it more comfortable.

When the temp gets above freezing, I do ALL my running and racing sockless. I’ve done my half marys sockless, and have run 2+ hours in training that way as well. A “sockless” shoe may be a marketing ploy, but frankly…it’s exactly what I’m interested in.

And, FWIW, even if I never did another tri in my life, I would continue to run sockless. I just find it more comfortable.
well i live in florida so maybe thats why its better for me, I also have done half marys, off road marathons and ironmans all sockless. I wonder If I wore a pair what would happen, lol Then again I have hiked and climbed out west in Flip flops lol! I can run short distance kinda fast I suppose , but not super fast, like a 20 minute 5k. (answering previous post)

I have ran 32:10 for a 10k and don’t wear socks. I don’t think speed is an issue, as I have trained without socks and am used to it. I will say, in regards to holes in the shoes, I have done research on this topic and what we found is that in a test group of 20 people competing at a half ironman, their shoes gained an average of 30% of their body weight. The socks they wore gained over 130% of their water weight. Why is all this important? One ounce of weight gain equates to roughly 1 sec on a mile time. Another aspect of the holes, although getting wet when there is water on the pavement, it does allow a bit of airflow. I realize this can’t be measured so it is up for some scrutiny. Most heat if not all comes from the top of the feet thus the breathable uppers. I don’t think they are gimmicks, just an honest attempt to make something more sport specific.

I have ran 32:10 for a 10k and don’t wear socks. I don’t think speed is an issue, as I have trained without socks and am used to it. I will say, in regards to holes in the shoes, I have done research on this topic and what we found is that in a test group of 20 people competing at a half ironman, their shoes gained an average of 30% of their body weight. The socks they wore gained over 130% of their water weight. Why is all this important? One ounce of weight gain equates to roughly 1 sec on a mile time. Another aspect of the holes, although getting wet when there is water on the pavement, it does allow a bit of airflow. I realize this can’t be measured so it is up for some scrutiny. Most heat if not all comes from the top of the feet thus the breathable uppers. I don’t think they are gimmicks, just an honest attempt to make something more sport specific.
could not agree with you more, hey nice 10 k dude!

Nice Troll first time poster. You work for Zoot or what?

If your feet get wet when you have holes in the bottom of the shoes… then how the hell are you supposed to keep them dry at an aid station?

Here’s some advice to people who soak their feet/socks in races: STOP POURING WATER ON YOUR SHOES. Wow… tough concept.

“One ounce of weight gain equates to roughly 1 sec on a mile time”
Yeah, I wonder how much heavier a Zoot shoe is than a racing flat and how much slower they make you run… hmmm…

I believe they are anywhere from 3 to 5 seconds per mile heavier than racing flats. :wink: