Official 12th Annual 2018/19 Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge Thread

**Was on track for sub 2:25 through 21 but my body had other plans. **

Ha, aint that the truth!! Mine was 2;32 pace at 24 miles, then an 8 and 9 minute mile to finish off in 2;36+… I swear the 27 mile was going to be 20 minutes too, the tank was more than empty, and I was coasting in on fumes…

I ran 2:33 at CIM. But, like what is every marathoner’s tale, had a glamorous blow up. Was on track for sub 2:25 through 21 but my body had other plans.

Only too true - last year at Dallas I was on track for just over 3:00, had the fitness, but my quads locked up at 22 because too many of my long runs had been on soft surfaces to race on asphalt. The last four were a miserable walk-jog for 3:17 overall.

So I need to call a time out and get a ruling on something. I was talking to dan and I asked him what if someone did lets say a 30 minute morning run, then did another 15 later that day.

The next day you do a 45 minute run. So here I where I need a ruling, is that 3 total runs, or does it just count for 2? Here is the applicable rules I believe, I’m just not sure how to interpret them in this situation…What says the ST judges???

  1. Twice per week you can run a session that is shorter than 30min if on the very next day you run a session that makes up the difference, i.e., a 23min run doesn’t count, but, if you run a 37min run the following day, then you’ve officially run 2 sessions.
  2. That same paradigm does NOT count for a double run on a given day.

My vote is 3 runs. It seems like the intent of rule 13 is that two 15 minutes runs on a single day do not count. Similarly, I think that if you ran 15 in the morning, 15 in the evening and 45 the following day, that is 2 runs.

Also curious about the interpretation of rule 12 regarding an off day if followed by 60+ minutes the following day. Is that 1 run or 2 runs? I think it’s a single day since resting is not a session at all and therefore is not a “session shorter than 30 minutes”. Now, had I run for only a minute or two after the bike in a brick and then ran 60 minutes the next day, that would would count as 2.

So I need to call a time out and get a ruling on something. I was talking to dan and I asked him what if someone did lets say a 30 minute morning run, then did another 15 later that day.

The next day you do a 45 minute run. So here I where I need a ruling, is that 3 total runs, or does it just count for 2? Here is the applicable rules I believe, I’m just not sure how to interpret them in this situation…What says the ST judges???

  1. Twice per week you can run a session that is shorter than 30min if on the very next day you run a session that makes up the difference, i.e., a 23min run doesn’t count, but, if you run a 37min run the following day, then you’ve officially run 2 sessions.
  2. That same paradigm does NOT count for a double run on a given day.

I say that’s only 2. I read rule 13 as the 45/15 can’t count toward a double, either on day 1 or day 2.

So I need to call a time out and get a ruling on something. I was talking to dan and I asked him what if someone did lets say a 30 minute morning run, then did another 15 later that day.

The next day you do a 45 minute run. So here I where I need a ruling, is that 3 total runs, or does it just count for 2? Here is the applicable rules I believe, I’m just not sure how to interpret them in this situation…What says the ST judges???

  1. Twice per week you can run a session that is shorter than 30min if on the very next day you run a session that makes up the difference, i.e., a 23min run doesn’t count, but, if you run a 37min run the following day, then you’ve officially run 2 sessions.
  2. That same paradigm does NOT count for a double run on a given day.

My vote is 3 runs. It seems like the intent of rule 13 is that two 15 minutes runs on a single day do not count. Similarly, I think that if you ran 15 in the morning, 15 in the evening and 45 the following day, that is 2 runs.

Also curious about the interpretation of rule 12 regarding an off day if followed by 60+ minutes the following day. Is that 1 run or 2 runs? I think it’s a single day since resting is not a session at all and therefore is not a “session shorter than 30 minutes”. Now, had I run for only a minute or two after the bike in a brick and then ran 60 minutes the next day, that would would count as 2.

My vote is 3 runs for Monty’s scenario, also.

My vote for yours is 1 run. Thus and off day should always be 60 seconds of running, minimum.

There are a lot of “TAKERS” who just go and log in the challenge, but never ‘give back’ and encourage others. We have 700+, and maybe only 50 actually talking about training. If no one is talking about training or racing, then in this context this challenge and any virtual camp may as well not exist.

So can you guys post about your workouts please and not just log in the spreadsheet?

Ok…so here’s my why. Its not as inspirational as getting run over by a bus, but it will have to do…

In 2006 while making my first attempt at training for IM, I was “undiagnosed” with some strange condition in my feet. It felt a lot like plantar faciitis (or a similar connective tissue overuse type of injury), but there were several differences noted by the various doctors that I visited over the course of 2 years. The pain was debilitating, and all thoughts of tension through the lower leg/foot anterior chain were ill conceived. I couldn’t pedal, run, or even walk very much…standing was limited to about 3 minutes at a time. The constant overstimulation of my nerves caused constant risk of cramping in my calves, feet, and toes. Any attempt to point my toes while swimming quickly resulted in such cramps.

Over the course of two years I saw 3 internists, 2 foot/ankle orthopedists, 2 neurologists, an endocrinologist, 2 podiatrists, and countless PT sessions. I had every treatment you can imagine stopping just short of any type of surgical intervention. Given that no one had a definitive positive diagnosis I declined to let anyone cut into my feet to do “something”. I did have high-intensity ultra-sould as a last ditch attempt to treat it as PF. For those that don’t know…it’s similar to the effect of someone repeatedly slapping the bottoms of your feet HARD with a principals paddle (form the 70s). That’s exactly how I felt when I woke up, and for several days afterwards.

No one every truly figured out what was wrong, and no one ever found a treatment that made any difference. In 2008, I retreated from any thought of returning to endurance sports and looked for more foot friendly ways to occupy my time—car racing. That’s great fun, but it makes the expenses of even the most extravagant triathlete seem miniscule.

Fast forward, 8 years. By 2015, I’d gained 60 lbs and was up to a lifetime high of 210 lbs. I was put on blood pressure, and cholesterol meds…and I had borderline high fasted blood glucose. Something had to change. I decided to refocus on my health. I lost the weight over a period of 9 months. I mostly did walking, and just a tiny bit of cycling. My feet were still very sensitive and would frequently cramp up, but I kept at it. I secretly tried a little run/walk. Something like 30s run every 5 minutes. As the weight came off, the feet seemed to bother me less. I was actually able to pedal with some force without suffering major pain in my feet. I was up to running 4 out of 5 minutes.

Anyway, by June of 2016 I was back down to 155 lbs, and was able to run for 20 minutes or so, and bike for maybe an hour. After the car racing season ended I decided to see if I could really do some running, and biking of a more serious nature. Things went ok, and so I tried a little swimming. Again, all ok. So, in the fall of 2016 I got a Garmin 920xt…and announced my intention to return to triathlon to my wife and family. I trained through the winter, and all of 2017. I successfully raced my first triathlon in September 2017 (a local Oly Distance)…14 years after first having the idea (back when Gordo world, and Crucible Fitness were the shiz-nizzle, and it was called

Anyway, I found my way to ST in Feb 2017 while the 100/100 was going on. I wasn’t quite ready for it then, but I found it inspiring…and planned on doing it over 2017/2018. That didn’t work out, because I developed a sports hernia in my final race of 2017…and spent the entire winter and spring of 2018 rehabbing from it.

I restarted run training in 2018 following barryP, and rebuilt my volume according to that plan. I set countless run PRs through the fall and early winter, and have cruised into the 100/100 challenge ready to go. 11 years ago, I seriously believed that I would NEVER run again, and pretty sure I would never ride a bike again. I tried several times during the intervening years with abject failure every time. I don’t know what changed in the last few years…but, I’m excited to be back at it entering my 3rd year back in the sport.

So, here I am in 2019 and have joined the 100/100 challenge. I’m currently at 23/25…and I’m planning to double again tonight bringing me to 96% completed through the first 1/4 of the challenge. The legs feel surprisingly good after doubling yesterday, and running today at lunch—as do the feet. I entered the challenge hoping to manage 80+. But, today…I’m looking at 100+ and feeling good about my chances.

and your kids are cute! I like that they’re busy cutting and working together in your vlog.


Ok…so here’s my why. Its not as inspirational as getting run over by a bus, but it will have to do…

Excellent!!! To struggle like that with nagging pain and now here you are running again and increasing volume, good stuff. BarryP’s ideas helped me become a better runner too.

At least that’s what Garmin Connect says. It put me at 53 today, which apparently is superior for my age.
Quite a way to get back from smoking a pack a day for 25 years. Quit less than 4 years ago :slight_smile:

At least that’s what Garmin Connect says. It put me at 53 today, which apparently is superior for my age.
Quite a way to get back from smoking a pack a day for 25 years. Quit less than 4 years ago :slight_smile:

Hey thanks!

Today i managed my 3rd double day of the challenge and my second in back to back days. Even managed to do 6x30 strides at 6mpm pace in the last 10 minutes. Really felt good after 16 miles in 36 hours, and 10 runs / 40 miles in the last 7 days.

Your pace in the challenge(bluestack), well lets just say it is unchallenged. But I have to give a shout out to the rest of you all, I have missed one day only, and I barley break the top 150!! Dan likes to say we are tied for 123rd(everyone on the same # is the same) but I count mileage run as the tiebreaker, as does the challenge rankings.

You all are definitely upping our game, gonna have to start doubles soon as the legs say it’s ok. I just figured out if I need a break, I have to just run even slower, maybe I will try one of those make up runs to even get in an even lighter day. My problem is as soon as I feel good, I up the pace, or the incline, or do intervals, and then my calves are sore again. Old days would just be a few days off, heal up, and be back at it. But not with this bunch of overachievers!!!

I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge? I got an email from a very old friend who puts on races in the Palm Springs area, and he has a flat and fast 5k coming up on the 20th. I really would like to do it, but I have all these notions in my head that it might screw up my challenge performance! But nothing ventured, nothing gained, and before this all started, I said I would be happy with 60(not anymore). Can I run myself through recovery after blasting a 5k, I’m beginning to think so…

Can I run myself through recovery after blasting a 5k, I’m beginning to think so…

Why the hell not, Monty? It’s only a 5k. You will still need a cool down after the 5k to round out the 30 if you want credit. :slight_smile:

I don’t have any plans, yet. But, might look around for one maybe in early Feb. It would be a good progress check headed towards my early season races (march Sprints).

I’d like to settle into this 40mpw pace for a few weeks and add in some tempo in late January.

So far during the challenge, about once per week, I’ve indulged in running something that has worried me when I thought about recovery and running the next day. Those epic runs (fast, long, double, triple, whatever) are the spice of life! This morning I ran my favorite 5 mile Super-Charger. I always run it too fast. It makes me happy.

This afternoon on my second run, my first mile was 11 minutes! I just took it easy and slowly things loosened up. Eventually my knees started bending again. By the third mile I was down to 8:30.

I’d like to race you, but Palm Springs? That’s such a long drive!

I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge?

I will be.

tom, interesting story.

There are a lot of “TAKERS” who just go and log in the challenge, but never ‘give back’ and encourage others. We have 700+, and maybe only 50 actually talking about training. If no one is talking about training or racing, then in this context this challenge and any virtual camp may as well not exist.

So can you guys post about your workouts please and not just log in the spreadsheet?

I actually didn’t know people WANTED details. Sorry! I mostly just look at that guy at the top in amazement

I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge? I got an email from a very old friend who puts on races in the Palm Springs area, and he has a flat and fast 5k coming up on the 20th. I really would like to do it, but I have all these notions in my head that it might screw up my challenge performance! But nothing ventured, nothing gained, and before this all started, I said I would be happy with 60(not anymore). Can I run myself through recovery after blasting a 5k, I’m beginning to think so…

Already did on Saturday, and if I can run the day after 6hrs on a 215m track you can run after a 5k - I haven’t actually taken a day off since the race, though tomorrow may be interesting as my new physio just introduced my calves to dry needling this evening. Yowza.

Have a 3hr trail race on the 19th - plan is same as last year, to wait an hour after I finish then go out for a couple more loops with the 6hr runners to get a double in.

Not sure how the snowshoe race in February will go, though -it’s only 7km but we haven’t had snow that lasted more than a couple of days yet, so training hasn’t been a thing.

Your pace in the challenge(bluestack),

I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge? I got an email from a very old friend who puts on races in the Palm Springs area, and he has a flat and fast 5k coming up on the 20th. I really would like to do it, but I have all these notions in my head that it might screw up my challenge performance! But nothing ventured, nothing gained, and before this all started, I said I would be happy with 60(not anymore). Can I run myself through recovery after blasting a 5k, I’m beginning to think so…

I have a 15 mile x-country ski on the 26th and a 5k snowshoe on the 27th. I am just hanging on to running every day basically running 0/miles week or the occasional Sunday run before the challenge started. There is zero snow here yet except for a man made course, so the running is very important.

Yes, did a disorganized ‘resolution run’ on December 30. 20:22 or something, so not overly fast.

Did the first ‘track’ session this morning, not overly fast. Next 5k is January 27. One after that is February 17 I think. The -MrsTex wants to go sub-19. We’ll see. My mileage has gone from 12ish to 27ish a week.

Could just double up a couple of days after or ‘just’ do the 15 + 45 minutes on the next day and 2 days after.

Added: We did a warm-up, race, and cool-down. Strava picks it up as 3 runs, but I don’t think that any of them counted as a single 30 minute. So, I edited my challenge to be 2 runs of 8" so that strava does not re-download those, and one run of 30-whatever minutes so that it counts.

I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge?

Headed down to Phoenix to run the RnR 1/2 Marathon on the 20th of January. Other than that, a 5k and a 10k later in February.

Shouldn’t matter: was going to run before and after these events anyway.


I would be interested to know if anyone is planning on doing any running races soon, during the challenge? I got an email from a very old friend who puts on races in the Palm Springs area, and he has a flat and fast 5k coming up on the 20th. I really would like to do it, but I have all these notions in my head that it might screw up my challenge performance!

I’m doing the Austin Half in mid-February. Part of the reason I’m banking extras now is that I suspect taper and recovery won’t allow daily runs, and race day warmup/ cooldown won’t be multi-run compliant. And after that, training will (I assume) focus on cycling more.