Introducing Kancman Epic Triathlon

Slowtwitchers -

I just wanted to keep you apprised of an awesome new event in the triathlon community this coming October.

‘Kancman’ features a metric mile swim in picturesque Echo Lake, a 150k sufferfest on the bike over four mountain passes (the Kanc, Bear Notch, Kinsman Notch and Crawford Notch), and wraps up with a rolling 10k through Franconia Notch. The bike-heavy event is designed for athletes looking to cap off their season with something challenging, or for athletes to help prepare for a late season full or half distance race.

Please note that this is an unsanctioned, unofficial, and underground ‘event’ amongst friends. There will be no officials, no signs, no marshals, no road closures, and no liability. Race organizers accept no responsibility for anything that happens before, during, or after the race (bear attacks, moose attacks, zombie attacks, etc). This is a glorified training day, and as such, there are no aid stations, no support vehicles and minimal signs. As with any training scenario, organizers encourage participants to use the buddy system, since there will be no one on the course checking on you. You don’t have to hold hands, but it would be good to have someone near you in the event that something happens. We’d like to cap the field at about 50 athletes to ensure we don’t overwhelm the course or the beer supply.

Speaking of beer supply… Race entry is FREE, but donations will be accepted to supplement the bountiful prize purse we’re offering:

1st place: Case of Harpoon Octoberfest
2nd place: 12-pack of Harpoon Octobefest
3rd place: Six-pack of Harpoon Octoberfest
4th through 50th: Octoberfest!!
DFL: Case of Michelob Ultra Raspberry Pomegranate ‘Beer’ (yes this is a thing).

You can read all about the race at, and email inquiries to

Will definitely make for one of the greatest “hard” training days around. Looking forward to challenging myself on those mountains. Those frigid October waters better be chilling those Harpoons down while we’re riding.

Also, for those not willing to do the full Kancman, a baby Kanc may or may not be in the works. Come camp, swim, ride, run, and imbibe with a great family of New England triathletes!

Side note, for those of you who always “complain” about a certain triathlon corporation, here is your way to get out without the cost, pressure, planning, etc. Bringing underground triathlon back and reconnecting the sport!


That looks like good fun! I’d been thinking of backing down my bike volume and running a HM that day, but I may have to reconsider…

This looks absolutely incredible. 90% sure I’m in.

It looks like you’re actually hitting 4 passes on the ride. Kinsman Notch, Kanc Pass, Bear Notch, and Crawford Notch.

That last section up Crawford is an absolute beast.

I hope it snows.

Ah yeah, good call. I actually haven’t ridden that section of 112, so forgot about Kinsman Notch.

We’re still debating whether to have the route go clockwise or counterclockwise… going clockwise would allow for some water stops at campgrounds, lincoln woods trailhead, and lincoln in the second half of the ride… since there’s not much along 302 and 3.

Took me a bit to find this again, I guess it got moved to Notices…

I guess it doesn’t really matter which direction it goes. If you did it clockwise it would be all right hand turns, but theres only a few them so it probably doesn’t even matter that much.

Update: Kancman officially sponsored by Harpoon Brewery!

We will have plenty of frosty Harpoon Brewery Octoberfest brews for all those who participate and are of legal drinking age.

DFL still has to drink the Michelob Ultra Raspberry Pomegranate ‘Beer’

This looks great. I’m planning on it.

Everyone interested in the event should shoot an email to so we can add you to email list!

Email sent. Where are all you guys located? I’m in Cambridge.

Nice. We’re in Boston. I’m in Fenway and Grizzly is in Backbay.

Sorry I missed out. I’m not in iron-distance shape, but could have helped on the course. I’m in Sudbury, but we have family property just down the road a piece from the “venue”. Since it was wifey’s birthday weekend I stayed local. That was a bust - she had other plans. I should have made the trip north. Maybe next year!