Bike or run workout first

Hey everyone…when you have a bike workout and run on the same day do you normally do the bike workout first and then the run or do you just go by whatever you feel like doing first? Thanks!

Depends on the focus and the day.

I do most of my easy runs at lunch from work, even if I’m riding or swimming that day. One exception to that is I’ll run after riding on Tuesday for my club brick event.

Another exception is that sometimes I’ll ride easy for 45-60 min before a long run to help get warmed up.

That depends. A few points for you to ask yourself. Am I prone to injury due to my running? Run first. Is one workout high intensity and one low? Do the high one first. Is one sport a strength, the other a weakness? Do the weakest sport first.

Your thoughts?

Well…the sports intensity is relatively similar…4x8 intervals on the bike with TR and 5x1 km running. Since I have no weaknesses (yeah right) i think the bike will come first. Let’s see what happens 😁

Good call for now, meets the specificity principle. Adjust as your needs change.

During the weekdays I always get my swim and run done early AM when its dark so that I can spend time in the sun later in the day whilst biking. The weekends its typically more specific and I will run after the bike.