The power of love: How Trump connects with his base

I mean you yourself said that you have moved from “leaning right” to “firmly right.” (And you had to do it because the left made you sick.)

Just own that your views are that are of the far right.

This. I have always considered myself right leaning. I was stupid and naive enough to think Obama would be good for the country when he was elected because he would be a unifying force and help to make disenfranchised minorities feel like they had a voice. Boy, was I wrong on that. Obama had a great opportunity that was squandered on fomenting even more division in more ways than I ever imagined. Along comes Hillary, who is ten times worse than Trump will ever be by any and all measures. She is the worst liar on the planet, the LEAST respectful of women no matter how much she holds herself out as a promoter, the biggest fake in our country regarding respect for minorities, she is completely willing to trade our country’s interests for her own personal gains, flip-flops on major positions for political gains, and she is the most repulsive elitist that is so far removed from the middle class that she doesn’t have a clue what is going on in America. Yet, lefties think that anyone that voted for Trump is a knuckle dragging idiot because Queen Hillary called them such and, apparently, not too many of her base have a brain to form their own opinions. They are all sheeple blindly following the party line and believing that anyone that disagrees with them is racist, misogynist…blah blah blah… And, we all must get together and HATE TRUMP. Nothing else matters, we must HATE TRUMP! This hatred has completely defined the Democratic party ever since the election and is the basis upon which all leadership decisions are made. Running the country and lawmaking are so far off of the Left’s radar as to be irrelevant because it will sap energy for HATING TRUMP.

So, now, I have moved firmly into the Right. ***The Left’s agenda has been fully revealed since the election and it makes me sick. Fortunately, the party is imploding right before our eyes. They are relying on funneling illegals into the country so they can count their votes even though the current leadership of their party and our last President called sealing the border a top priority. They have lurched so far toward extreme positions that they have somehow rationalized killing children that have been carried to full term. I am pro-choice, by the way, but with reasonable limits. Yet, they claim concern about children being separated from their families at the borders. Give me f’ing break with that. But, being outraged about that facilitates fomenting more hatred toward Trump among the non-thinking sheeple that have become the Democratic party that the leadership believes can be bought with ‘free everything’. The fact that the Left is relying on hatred for Trump, turning illegal aliens into voters, and impeachment in order to win in 2020 just proves how desperate they have become. No workable policies to sell, no foreign affairs strategies, no economic knowledge or ability to implement rational fiscal policy (reference the number of Leftist cities and states that are essentially bankrupt), and no ability to silence or even muffle the freshman nut cases (and Maxine Waters) that got elected by the sheeple base. ***

Regarding Trump, he is a cheating husband and probably a scumbag businessman. But, I didn’t vote for him to be married to him and I don’t expect to be doing business with him. I voted for him because the alternative was Hillary and I thought Trump would live up to his campaign promises that I agreed with. So far, he has lived up to more of them than any other past President I can remember. Would I have a beer with him if he called me? Probably not. I personally don’t like the guy because his ego is too big and in some ways, he is childish.

So, this knuckle dragging deplorable with two graduate degrees will vote for him in 2020 in the absence of any alternative. You Lefties can just keep on with the current strategy of a campaign completely based on hate for Trump and free stuff for everyone. All of us on the Right would love that.


So, to summarise, you like Trump as our president because you hate Hilary and Obama more, and so you’re willing to look past his character flaws and mischaracterize the left and their policies to suit your per-determined narrative.

Kay, I guessed you missed the part bolded above. That pretty much summarizes the camp of Trump supporters (although I only have one graduate degree). You usually pick a narrative…we hate Hillary and Obama. Nope, not the case…they lied and were corrupt and had there own agenda that did not support working middle America. They got voted out. Has nothing to do with hate like you Trump “haters”. How many people looked past Bill and Hillary’s character flaws and continued to elect / place them in positions of power? Trump is trying to make America America again…bring back our values that made this country great. Contrary to Pelosi’s “immigrants make America more American”. That type of positioning won’t get a Dem elected regardless of who it is. C’mon board the Trump train and enjoy the ride. You don’t have to like him to reap the benefits. Stop with the hate.

Nope. Didn’t miss the bolded part. I specifically pointed out that Greg was mischaracterizing the Dem’s stance on most of these issues, which was the bolded part. This is typical of Trump supporters these days. Mischaracterize Dem positions as being extreme when they’re not (eg “Dems want open borders”), or take a fringe left-wing view and paint it as the party’s policy.

As for Hilary and Obama - I can’t stand Hilary and I was disappointed with some of Obama’s partisanship when he campaigned on bringing more unity to Washington, though the Republican party did their utmost to ensure that wasn’t going to happen. Obama did many good things though, including repairing the tarnished image of the US post-Bush, taking steps on the environment and climate change and reducing the deficit.

As pointed out by another respondent, I didn’t mischaracterize anything. As to your last statement…

“…repairing the tarnished image of the US post-Bush…” No, he did not.

“…taking steps on the environment and climate change…” No, not really (remember Solyndra?).

“…reducing the deficit.” Only because the economy, which he had absolutely NO control over slowly crawled it’s way toward recoveru IN SPITE of his policies. The debt, in the meantime, multiplied.


I mean you yourself said that you have moved from “leaning right” to “firmly right.” (And you had to do it because the left made you sick.)

Just own that your views are that are of the far right.

You are clearly desperate for some sort of ‘gotcha’ moment here. I suppose something in my original post really got under your skin.

You can view me any way you want to. I couldn’t give a shit and it isn’t you that will tell me what I need to ‘own’. I have my ‘own’ compass, thank you.

I think we are through.


Again, we do have a crisis at our southern border, but it’s a humanitarian crisis. It is not a crisis that can be fixed by building a wall. We need to treat these asylum seekers humanely, process them, and then deport those ineligible to come. We need more resources to do that. We need to stop using metering to block their legal efforts to seek asylum. We need to stop turning them away from legal ports of entry and telling them they have to get on a list in Mexico and will be called in due course, which ends up pushing them to cross illegally and then presenting themselves to border agents. We also need to address the root causes of why they are coming (the “push factors”). We should spend more than the current USD750m per year on programs in central America to help lift people out of poverty, avoid getting into crime and giving vocational training, as well as doing what we can to help the governments clean up corruption. Their coffee crops are also failing due to long droughts likely caused by climate change. These are difficult challenges, but if we don’t address them then the problems of these migrants coming will only grow.

To be honest I’m done with this discussion. You don’t actually have an interest in honestly discussing the issues. Instead you’re just looking to throw out partisan jabs based on the latest thing you’ve read on Breitbart or seen on Fox.

Never said you didn’t have your own moral compass. In fact earlier I said that everyone thinks their own moral compass points due north.

Wonder how he would feel if he was behind the fence?

Its not a subjective thing. Far right, centrists, far left, are all based on a frame of reference. Nationally and historically, trumps policies are far right.

No one thinks they are a bad driver. Everyone thinks they are a centrist because they put themselves in the middle, my policies could be even MORE extreme.

At least you have come to terms that politically you align with the far right.

My values align with traditional American values. If you view those as ‘far right’, I think it indicates how far left you have gone.

Good day to you…

Do they align with traditional American values? trump’s foreign policy goes directly against traditional foreign policy. He attacks our alliance and specifically avoids talking about human rights. We have traditionally always had human rights as part of our foreign policy. Now you may argue that trump’s foriegn policy is good, but there is no argument it is traditional American values. I mean attacking Canada and saying they are a threat to American national security is not traditional.

On domestic policy, why are these “traditional American values” so deeply unpopular? What are you thinking “traditional American values” even are? Are these the values that were shown by government before women and minorities could vote?

Its not a subjective thing. Far right, centrists, far left, are all based on a frame of reference. Nationally and historically, trumps policies are far right.

No one thinks they are a bad driver. Everyone thinks they are a centrist because they put themselves in the middle, my policies could be even MORE extreme.

At least you have come to terms that politically you align with the far right.

My values align with traditional American values. If you view those as ‘far right’, I think it indicates how far left you have gone.

Good day to you…

What are those traditional American values? You mean what was perceived as the traditional “Leave It To Beaver” American values? A time before the Civil Rights Movement? A time when homosexuals stayed in the closet? A time when creepy Uncle Bill came around and gave all the little girls extra long hugs? A time when priest were just moved from church to church instead of going to jail…wait, this is still being done.

Any way, this idea of “traditional American values” is just that, an idea and not reality. It was such a simpler life when we didn’t know what was going on in the rest of the world and we could ignore what was happening right on our own street corners.

Again, we do have a crisis at our southern border, but it’s a humanitarian crisis. ***It is not a crisis that can be fixed by building a wall. ***We need to treat these asylum seekers humanely, process them, and then deport those ineligible to come. We need more resources to do that. We need to stop using metering to block their legal efforts to seek asylum. We need to stop turning them away from legal ports of entry and telling them they have to get on a list in Mexico and will be called in due course, which ends up pushing them to cross illegally and then presenting themselves to border agents. We also need to address the root causes of why they are coming (the “push factors”). We should spend more than the current USD750m per year on programs in central America to help lift people out of poverty, avoid getting into crime and giving vocational training, as well as doing what we can to help the governments clean up corruption. Their coffee crops are also failing due to long droughts likely caused by climate change. These are difficult challenges, but if we don’t address them then the problems of these migrants coming will only grow…not if we build more barriers and change our ridiculous asylum/anchor baby laws they won’t

To be honest I’m done with this discussion. You don’t actually have an interest in honestly discussing the issues. Instead you’re just looking to throw out partisan jabs based on the latest thing you’ve read on Breitbart or seen on Fox…***…*always the out of a liberal democrat when they know they have a losing argument. Disappointed you couldn’t come up with something more original.

You keep saying this yet every DHS and NBP expert says a wall will be a big deterrent. Along with a change in our ridiculous laws. Who knows more about this issue…your "sources’ or DHS/NBP? And in case you really don’t think Dems want open borders, just one of dozens of articles proving you are wrong. Yes, you can do down and help grow crops if you want, but first things first.

You are so wrong in how you interpret the news its sad. Your moral compass is a nutsack.

“…reducing the deficit.” Only because the economy, which he had absolutely NO control over slowly crawled it’s way toward recoveru IN SPITE of his policies. The debt, in the meantime, multiplied.


I have been reluctant to join in the debate between you four and this may be a gotccha, but with regard to your above rebuttal about Obama’s performance, in like fashion using the terms used above - deficit, economy, control, recovery, policies and debt; could you provide your assessment of Trump’s performance.

I apologize in advance if in fact you have already stated same, but I grew weary scrolling through all the long posts.

You are so wrong in how you interpret the news its sad. Your moral compass is a nutsack.

Thank you for that insightful response.

By the way, SAD! is supposed to be in all caps and punctuated by an exclamation point.

At least not a golden calf.

(My entire narrative depends on my insisting that) It is now lead by a 27 year old bartender.

Fixed it for you. We’ll see, there have always between a far left and moderate wing of the Democrat party. The last time that the far left candidate won the nomination was 1988. We’ll see if Bernie (or Warren) wins this time… I don’t expect any shift in your narrative, regardless.

My values align with traditional American values. If you view those as ‘far right’, I think it indicates how far left you have gone.

Good day to you…

What are those traditional American values? You mean what was perceived as the traditional “Leave It To Beaver” American values? A time before the Civil Rights Movement? A time when homosexuals stayed in the closet? A time when creepy Uncle Bill came around and gave all the little girls extra long hugs? A time when priest were just moved from church to church instead of going to jail…wait, this is still being done.

Any way, this idea of “traditional American values” is just that, an idea and not reality. It was such a simpler life when we didn’t know what was going on in the rest of the world and we could ignore what was happening right on our own street corners.

Traditional Values means a “Not a Kenyan in the White House.”

My values align with traditional American values. If you view those as ‘far right’, I think it indicates how far left you have gone.

Good day to you…

What are those traditional American values? You mean what was perceived as the traditional “Leave It To Beaver” American values? A time before the Civil Rights Movement? A time when homosexuals stayed in the closet? A time when creepy Uncle Bill came around and gave all the little girls extra long hugs? A time when priest were just moved from church to church instead of going to jail…wait, this is still being done.

Any way, this idea of “traditional American values” is just that, an idea and not reality. It was such a simpler life when we didn’t know what was going on in the rest of the world and we could ignore what was happening right on our own street corners.

Traditional Values means a “Not a Kenyan in the White House.”

Or a woman in the WH. Unless she’s hot.

My values align with traditional American values.

So generalized as to be meaningless. I struggle to understand how your ATV differ substantially from mine, or most of the people that I know (spanning a wide range of political viewpoints). From what we have seen, many of Trump’s policies (to the extent that he has them) aren’t consistently “far right” as much as they are incoherent and shortl-sighted. Anyway, I would love to hear about those ATV’s, and how your’s are so different from the vast number of folks who swung to Dems the last midterm.

How many people looked past Bill and Hillary’s character flaws and continued to elect / place them in positions of power? Trump is trying to make America America again…bring back our values that made this country great. Contrary to Pelosi’s “immigrants make America more American”.

Oh really? Which ones are those?

The lying? Shameless self-promotion? Scapegoating minorities? Passing tax cuts that primarily benefit yourself and your rich buddies? Using public office for personal enrichment? Schmoozing w/ dictators? Alienating our allies?

As pointed out by another respondent, I didn’t mischaracterize anything. As to your last statement…

“…repairing the tarnished image of the US post-Bush…” No, he did not.

“…taking steps on the environment and climate change…” No, not really (remember Solyndra?).

“…reducing the deficit.” Only because the economy, which he had absolutely NO control over slowly crawled it’s way toward recoveru IN SPITE of his policies. The debt, in the meantime, multiplied.

Wait, you’re honestly dinging Obama for expanding the nat’l debt? That’s fucking priceless ~ I’m sure you must really be up in arms now then since your guy just kicked that train into an even higher gear…

How many people looked past Bill and Hillary’s character flaws and continued to elect / place them in positions of power? Trump is trying to make America America again…bring back our values that made this country great. Contrary to Pelosi’s “immigrants make America more American”.

Oh really? Which ones are those?

The lying? Shameless self-promotion? Scapegoating minorities? Passing tax cuts that primarily benefit yourself and your rich buddies? Using public office for personal enrichment? Schmoozing w/ dictators? Alienating our allies?

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