Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??

I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??
I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


We’ll it could be that your 808s are 2011 models, and they are going for cheaper new for that year at most shops used online is about 1300.

The 404s that zero mentioned also 2011 model and I just sold mine for 1350 with tires, tubes and cassette.

Good luck with sale

Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??
I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


We’ll it could be that your 808s are 2011 models, and they are going for cheaper new for that year at most shops used online is about 1300.

The 404s that zero mentioned also 2011 model and I just sold mine for 1350 with tires, tubes and cassette.

Good luck with sale

Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??
I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


We’ll it could be that your 808s are 2011 models, and they are going for cheaper new for that year at most shops used online is about 1300.

The 404s that zero mentioned also 2011 model and I just sold mine for 1350 with tires, tubes and cassette.

Good luck with sale

I’d love for to post a link to a set of 808’s with less than 300 miles on them for $1,300. M. Local shop has a new 2011 set for $2,500- the rear is $1,700. Other than the hub there is ZERO DIFFERENCE between 2011 and 2014. Someone got a smoking deal from you on those 404’s!!

Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??

I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


I buy and sell a good bit of stuff. All of it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

I would typically expect to pay less for something on here than on ebay. Less hassle for the seller and less protection for the buyer.

Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??

I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


I buy and sell a good bit of stuff. All of it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

I would typically expect to pay less for something on here than on ebay. Less hassle for the seller and less protection for the buyer.

That’s because eBay is full of scam artists!! The triathlon community it pretty damn honest! With a little bit of research you can see who you are buying from on ST. I would never buy ANYTHING from someone here that just opened an profile though…:slight_smile: A lot of pros and elite AGer’s looking to off basically new gear due to sponsor changes and the like…


To be clear, I wasn’t suggesting that the price is at all out of line. Especially with the mileage and condition.

Just that the market here seems to set itself with sales that are way too low. Guys wanting to dump stuff quick to pay for other stuff and such.

Bump for awesome wheels, I’m also selling some 404’s. I have to ask, why does everyone expect us to give these treasures away??
I was wondering that too? Retail is 3k then you have tax… No one puts the set on sale either!


We’ll it could be that your 808s are 2011 models, and they are going for cheaper new for that year at most shops used online is about 1300.

The 404s that zero mentioned also 2011 model and I just sold mine for 1350 with tires, tubes and cassette.

Good luck with sale

BTW- This is least expensive pair I could find on ebay. Other than these, single wheels are going for $1,000 to $1,600.

I’d love for you to show me were you can get 808 CC’s with less than 300 miles on them for $1,300 but my guess is you were just making an unsubstantiated claim for dramatic effect- you should find better things to do with your time… :slight_smile:

Not sure about mileage, but I just lost a set of 808 firecrest clinchers with a powertap ant+ for $1600 on eBay.

Not sure about mileage, but I just lost a set of 808 firecrest clinchers with a powertap ant+ for $1600 on eBay.

You were biding on wheels having no idea how much they had been used? These wheels might as well be brand new- not a mark on them and less than 200 & 300 smooth pavement miles… :slight_smile:

Yep, leap of faith. Going by word of mouth…kind of like this classified. I would have to trust you that these have the mileage as written. So what makes the wheels I lost out on eBay any less road worthy than yours? For all I know, the wheels had 10 miles on them.

Btw, I think your price point is fine, but there are “steals” out there. It’s not just smoke. Yours are still a good deal. I just really want a powertap. I don’t even care if it’s not a carbon clincher.

Yep, leap of faith. Going by word of mouth…kind of like this classified. I would have to trust you that these have the mileage as written. So what makes the wheels I lost out on eBay any less road worthy than yours? For all I know, the wheels had 10 miles on them.

Btw, I think your price point is fine, but there are “steals” out there. It’s not just smoke. Yours are still a good deal. I just really want a powertap. I don’t even care if it’s not a carbon clincher.

There is a difference in “trust” when you compare triathletes on ST and a someone on ebay. I just sold 2 TYR Cat 5 suits and a Torque Swim skin. about a month ago- anyone can feel free to look-up the thread and contact who I sold them to… . You will not get far on a forum like this mis-representing the condiiton of what you are selling…our community to too small.


Jason Goldberg…Have fun searching the archives.

Now I’m crying…

$1400 and I missed it.

Yes, I’ve noticed with ST users there is more expectation of honesty. I also uphold total honesty with the things I’ve purchased and sold to this community, pay it forward. Ebay and CL well, best of luck with your assumptions.

Oh and Pratt that is pretty rude to dump on on a fellow board members ad with blowout Ebay or whatever link pricing, for similar product. Karma is a bitch, good luck.

wow… that is a good deal.

Get a clue buddy. Not dumping on his ad. Op challenged that such deals didn’t exist. I pointed them out.

Get a clue buddy. Not dumping on his ad. Op challenged that such deals didn’t exist. I pointed them out.

no point to argue “deal or no deal” …no one forces one to buy in this forum…simple as that. Let’s not sully the thread? Free bump…

I’ll take the rear if it’s still available and you’re willing to split. Let me know how much