Resurrection of the 20lb weight loss challenge

Lauren, for me 1,2,4 & 5 are not a problem as I already do that. But can you clarify this:

  1. Portion size no bigger than your palm (approx 1/2 c).

What is 1/2 c? Is a portion the culmulative size of the meal or of the meal and the same size of veg/fruit/rice/potato/pasta?

I’m also in, and this is a first for me. I’m a short guy - 5’7" and currently around 155lbs or so…I’m definitely not in for 20 lbs, but I need to drop 5-10. Let’s do this.

Lauren, thanks for the tips. I adhere to most of them, but certainly slip every now and again (my nutrition focus has fallen off lately). What’s the target date?

I will lose 10 pounds by Oct.31st and 15 by Christmas

Will post updates every Sunday on My sig. Maybe I’ll post a before and after pic as well to justify and prove my progress.



188/6’4 09/06/06

"6) Portion size no bigger than your palm (approx 1/2 c).
What is 1/2 c? Is a portion the culmulative size of the meal or of the meal and the same size of veg/fruit/rice/potato/pasta? "

Each part of the meal:
Except for salad, veggies, or fruit, you can easily use your hand to portion-out your intake.

Salad/veggies/fruit will be self-determined by your stomach needs: most fruits are about 1/2 cup (think of 1 banana, or 1 apple, or 1 peach, for example): your stomach gets pretty full after each of these.

Salad is the same, except it’s just easiest to make a salad and eat until you are filled. DROP the premade salad dressings – they are high in high-fructose-corn-syrup: sugar! You can use flax seed oil for dressing… or olive oil + vinegar… or another whole-food based dressing if you need a dressing. I myself use either flax oil or cottage cheese as dressing.

Here’s a quality salad with all your macronutrients:

baby spinach
bell pepper
broccoli (go sparingly if they give you gas)
raw sunflower seeds and/or raw cashews
hard-boiled egg or cooked chicken or tofu
flax oil as dressing

Potato/rice/pasta should be used nearest to training as possible. Once again, I encourage you to purchase and read Friel’s Training Bible because he explains how food is used as fuel for training and recovery. He’s VERY specific, but it’s not too specific that these ideas can’t be followed for nutrition for the rest of your life.

As for the amount of food you should have: the 1/2c should be ok per portion for a normal training period, but high-training needs that you take in higher caloric amounts. ie; if you have 4000-5000/day (or more) calorie needs means that you need to raise the portion sides and/or frequency of food. HOWEVER, I’ve noticed that the people with 4000-5000 calorie needs are not the ones needing to drop 20 lbs :wink:

Additionally, a body can hold onto fat IF it doesn’t get ENOUGH calories also; use this calorie expendature estimator to estimate how many calories you need per day:

Hope this helps.


Lauren, I’m sure I speak for others when I say that we appreciate your help on this topic. It’s cool that you care, and it’s good to hear from you as a professional.

Question: How do you motivate people or help them motivate themselves? That’s clearly the source of the problem for me - the fire within is but an ember these days. I am sliding into sedentariness, and I can’t find the inner strength to stop this slide. How would you help somebody like me?


You are right man, when i lose weight my wife and nieces complain that I am not “comfy” anymore. Not that I want to be comfy so I am shooting to loose 25lbs but 20lbs will most likely be more than enough…


Why dont everyone that doesnt meet their goal sends the $20 to CAF. We group it all as the ST fatties donation for 06


I’m no expert. But for me it really helps to have to be accountable to someone.

How about in addition to the buddy system, we have a daily log online somewhere that we can check if we complete our goals. We can use Lauren’s guide, or add our own goals. Say 10 items like:

Ate no processed food

Followed weekly exercise plan

Drank X ounces of water

No alcohol

etc, etc.

Because we are all competitive people, we could have a little slowtwitch competition. It can just be for bragging rights, or whatever. But we could each get 1 point for each of our 10 goals per day. Extra points for weekly weight loss. In 4 months the winner could be crowned King or Queen of ST Health Challenge (I like this better than Weight Loss challenge…)

Just a thought :slight_smile:


I am in for this. Speedy’s weight loss challenge was incredible for me. I went from 136 to 122 (I’m 5’4")

A stress fracture/this summer has sidelines me a little and I’m up to 128-130 ( A lot of this is due to my ice cream habit). Lauren thank you for those guidelines. much appreciated.

My goal: 118 by December 1. I’m running a marathon in December to qualify for boston, and I’m much faster when not lugging around an extra 10…I want a legit number this time.

short term goal: 124 by Oct.1.

I vote for charity donation !!

"Question: How do you motivate people or help them motivate themselves? That’s clearly the source of the problem for me - the fire within is but an ember these days. I am sliding into sedentariness, and I can’t find the inner strength to stop this slide. How would you help somebody like me? "

Unfortunately, (as we have already threaded about this topic), no one can ‘motivate’ anyone else to change. (You have mentioned that you cannot get your family to listen to you, as you hope to get them healthier and fitter…)

Motivation is very personal to each person. How I do it is to bring each person through a series of questions to help discover what really motivates him/herself INDIVIDUALLY. It’s hard to explain in one sentence… but the upshot is that some people are motivated by going TOWARDS something (“I want to be healthy, fit, and sexy…”) and some people are motivated by moving AWAY from something (“I don’t want to die early from obesity-induced heart attack”).

My own motivation is easy: I like being fit, muscular, and feeling energetic. I used to be fat, tired, and depressed. To stay fit and full of energy I MUST eat well and train. However, as my goal is not any specific race, I will accept almost ANY interesting activity which might give me excitement and exercise.).

What you are truly asking is how is someone coached… this, again, is individual to each person. Some people like being told exactly how to do something; some people like to figure things out on their own, but want support while doing it.

If you yourself (or anyone reading this) can’t stop an inner slide, perhaps it’s because you haven’t found the big enough “why” (‘motivation’) to get going again. Perhaps you’ve deprioritized your health in favor of computers or TV… and suddenly both those seem much more interesting than training. If I presented you with a GREAT training ride (or run or brick), I’d bet you’d get off your ass to do it – and you won’t be looking back at your TV wondering if it missed you!

This is why many people race: it is goal-oriented; it has a beginning, middle, and end, and it may lead to the next stepping-stone of a goal. You see many people start with 5k’s and then through the years move on to other sports – or IM. The goal-setting process is addictive to many people.

So, you ask, “How would I help someone like you?”

Answer: ‘Individually’.

…THAT’s why I coach. I coach so you (or others like you) get individual attention to uncover your OWN motivation, techniques, schedule, time issues, food issues, surpassing obstacles, challenge mental roadblocks, tear down the walls. I LOVE when clients “graduate” from not needing me anymore. That means we have set them on their own paths and own techniques; they solve their own problems using the skills we individually crafted for THEM.

How can YOU motivate yourself?

By awareness: “know thyself”. You know what turns you on and turns you off. You know what pushes your buttons in the good way (and in a bad way). By learning how to tap into your strengths (and weaknesses) you can create your own path. But you HAVE TO WANT TO.

Two things to help you consider:

Hope these help…


I agree, for me it needs to be a competition, however I think it needs to be evenly measured and easily measured. % improvement seems easy to me. If I want to lose 15 pounds and to date have lost 6 or 40% of my goal and the next person is at 38% of their goal and I am the leader on the course. At Dec. 31, whoever has the highest overall % wins. We could also put people in flights to even it out.

Flight 1 - goal weight loss 10 or less

Flight 2 goal 11-20 lbs

Flight 2 goal more than 20 lbs

Instead of age groups its weight groups.

Somebody tech savvy maybe can create a website for daily/weekly tracking.

I was at 177 lbs this morning.

Based on my frame and height (5’10"), I should be around 156 lbs, but I would like to aim for 162 lbs for a loss of 15 lbs. I am going to be adding some muscle too.

Good diet advice above. Much of which seems like it can be summed up as “drop simple carbs/sugars”.

As for the 5-6 meals a day, for mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, how well do (i) apples work and (ii) can people recommend any particular type of energy or snack bar as the healthiest for an athlete (working out 5 times a week) trying to lose weight?


“when i lose weight my wife and nieces complain that I am not “comfy” anymore.”

This is something that many friends and spouses tell the weight-loss person. This statement has nothing to do with ‘you’ but everything to do with that person’s IMAGE of you, or what they WANT from you: someone to lean on? A pillow? Are you really supposed to be a human pillow?

Please consider having a talk with them about how you are uncomfortable at whatever weight you are now, and would like to get fitter FOR YOU as well as for them… if your wife needs incentive, tell her that you will be sexier (on the inside and the outside) when you are fitter… that may translate to “benefits” for her as well! :wink:


"how well do (i) apples work and (ii) can people recommend any particular type of energy or snack bar as the healthiest for an athlete (working out 5 times a week) trying to lose weight? "

Apples are fine… but my suggestion is no more than 2/day. You don’t need more than that.

Energy bar or snack bar? That’s processed (remember the guidelines of eating whole foods)… Eat real food. You can easily eat part of a whole-food meal as a snack. What can YOU devise which you can pack easily? Nuts, nuts + raisins, veggies, part of a healthy sandwich, fruit, cottage cheese, part of a salad…

I agree on the change in taste, I used to be addicted to diet coke, now I can not take more than a sip and go YIKES…
however, I find it pretty hard to try and eat whole foods all the time, it takes so much time to go to the store, buy fruits, veggies, water, pack snacks for work, make sandwiches etc etc…but I agree with you in general;

now, my question, I used to be really skinny, 5’ 7’’ weighing <118 lbs.
and I wasn’t eating healthy then, as I said, addicted to diet soda and the likes, drank a lot (booze) too.

Ever since I started tris I gained weight. Around 15-20lbs actually.
When I started the season this year I was around 122lbs, now with IMMOO this weekend, I am 130 as of this AM. I saw a steady increase in about 2lbs increments per month or so. My clothes still fit reasonably though I feel heavy…
It is depressing, putting all this training in and gaining weight. Maybe the stress??
What do you think? I eat reasonably healthy, and no junk for the most part…


thanks for your comment. Yes, its totally for their comfort when they watch TV :slight_smile: I just have comfy shoulders… Their complaint is mostly joking, they know the level of comfort is on the downsize.

The wife is totally insync with me and the loosing weight and eating better. I am usually very picky about trying to eat better stuff and so is she but she cant give up the ice cream… she is blessed with a lean body and high metabolism but not me.

Your tips and knowledge are great, really good to have someone around willing to spread some truth. I have a couple of questions, I know is kind of an oxymoron but are there any good or at least not that bad salad dressings? I do eat lots of salads but sometimes want to move away from the the just oil/vinegar stuff. Also what are your thougths on oatmeal?


"What do you think? I eat reasonably healthy, and no junk for the most part… "

I can’t answer any specifics because there are so many factors, one glaring one is when people say, “I eat reasonably healthy”. That could be anything to many people! :slight_smile:

If you (or anyone else) want specific help, I’d be happy to coach individually, looking carefully at your current food, stressors, lifestyle habits, training habits, etc. You may even be allergic to a certain ingredient in your food… or the stress is making you bloat in retaining water… or you’ve been training so much you’d added vast muscle.

Another thought may be that you are actually eating WELL (finally!) and your cells are sucking up such GREAT nutrition (now that you stopped with sodas and booze) that you are finally getting to a healthy weight! This type of re-nourishment is discussed by a leading endocrinologist, Dr. Dianne Schwarzbein, in her books on healing the hormonal systems of the body.

Hope this helps,

"I know is kind of an oxymoron but are there any good or at least not that bad salad dressings? I do eat lots of salads but sometimes want to move away from the the just oil/vinegar stuff. Also what are your thougths on oatmeal? "

Salad dressings:
Most commercial dressings have terrible ingredients. Many have high fructose corn syrup (sugar! sugar! sugar!) as one of its main ingredients. Your body doesn’t need the extra empty calories and cell-cloggers.

You can make your own salad dressings with whatever you want. You can put spices in oil/vinegar. Or just use olive oil alone. Or Flax oil. ANYTHING which is a pure food ingredient – if you need dressing at all! (As I said, I use cottage cheese). Why should there be any rules as to what foods are traditional for salads? If you know that you need a carb/protein/fat in the foods, just devise a sticky dressing which tastes good but provides a good source of one (or several) of these macronutrients.

I also use organic plain whole-milk yogurt, but just a dab.

I personally like oatmeal. Friel + Cordain’s book “Paleo for Athletes” don’t like it but I think it’s fine. Just use the real stuff (not ‘quick oats’) and don’t sugar it.


Thank you, Lauren.

I will look up the book/doctor you mentioned. In fact, I feel that I tend to gain weight when I eat mostly healthy things (fruit, veggies, plain yoghurt, sandwiches I make etc) and I tend to eat less overall and maybe even lose weight if I eat some of the fatty not-healthy stuff (like Cuban empanadas and the likes).
But I still eat junk like the store made salad dressings and stuff like that.

Years of EDs have made me pretty aware of the nutrient composition and calorie content of foods, so I guess in theory I should know where to look…

OK, I’m in. Bar Exam and just plain laziness has me up around 195… need to get to 180.