There is always someone faster

I wish I was that good. I am not even close to front pack. I am 53, don’t race anymore since my running days are behind me, and am not fast. I was working hard and could only manage 22+ mph for an 8 minute interval.

I hope my PM pedals are accurate. Not sure how I would test that, but I have been using them a long time and they appear to be accurate. For instance, last week I did 20 minutes at about 90 percent effort at 258 watts on the trainer. I have always been able to produce more power outside.

But still, the average speed for my 8 minute intervals is not great. The power I was putting out should have resulted in a much faster average speed I would think.

It’s possible that your PM numbers might be off (?miscalibrated).

Even though you don’t race, with a real FTP north of 270, you should feel like one of the fastest riders in public, even in a bike-crazy place where I live in Norcal where serious road cycling is prevalent. You should literally be blowing by the vast majority of riders at what seems like 2x the speed while doing steady state or higher efforts. You should certainly feel ‘fast’, if not ‘super fast’ compared to every other cyclist you randomly encounter on the roads.

For sure, if you did race in triathlon though, FTP 270+ will have you dominating your AG on the bike in local/regional races. You definitely will not be just front of middle of pack even with terrible aerodynamics on a road bike, with that kind of FTP.

I finally got the hang of staying in the pack with minimal energy.
This is something I cannot comprehend. You are cycling. Indoors. Presumably, for the sole purpose of getting in better shape. On a video game. Giving up the chance to get better in real life to do better on a video is a odd goal that I cannot quite wrap my head around.

On this note, does Zwift offer non drafting rides/races?

I finally got the hang of staying in the pack with minimal energy.
This is something I cannot comprehend. You are cycling. Indoors. Presumably, for the sole purpose of getting in better shape. On a video game. Giving up the chance to get better in real life to do better on a video is a odd goal that I cannot quite wrap my head around.

On this note, does Zwift offer non drafting rides/races?

Minimal energy, in this case, is still going hard. You’re just not burying yourself in the red the whole race. You still are going to have moments in the race when you are go8ng to have to dig deep. Smart Zwift racing will still make you stronger.

To answer your question, yes they have iTTs. They get some decent attendance, but not as much as normal racing

I finally got the hang of staying in the pack with minimal energy.
This is something I cannot comprehend. You are cycling. Indoors. Presumably, for the sole purpose of getting in better shape. On a video game. Giving up the chance to get better in real life to do better on a video is a odd goal that I cannot quite wrap my head around.

On this note, does Zwift offer non drafting rides/races?

Zwift drafting is not like real world drafting where you often can really coast in the draft. In Zwift, the draft effect feels less pronounced that real world. If the pack is putting out 250w, being the draft will mean you will be 220-240 watt range - it’s certainly not coasting unless the 250w pace is already easy for you. Not at all like real world crit riding where it may spike to 900w-1100w and then zero pedal, back and forth.

More importantly, in Zwift though, is that if you fall out of that pack that’s ‘only’ putting up 220 watts, you will suddenly need like 300+w for a sustained push to latch back onto the group. It’s really dramatic, so in Zwift it’s absolutely a kiss of death in the race if you lose touch with the pack.

Since you ask, I’m new in the last 2 years to swimming, cycling and running, I did my first triathlon and first full Iromman last year and once COVID passes by I’d like to try and qualify for 70.3 WCs (other commitments pending!)

At my current rate of progression I’m confident I can get somewhere in the region of 390W - 400W FTP in the next 3 months but I’m really not sure whether that should be a goal or whether ultimately that will actually help speed up 70.3 distance bike leg. I’ve been considering whether to start a thread on that very topic, but imagine it has been done to death!

Oh ok cool! Sounds like some serious power. Yeah I’m trying to qualify to 70.3 WCs too this year for Utah 2021.

Cheers -

OK nice, good luck! Would be interesting to share training tips.

I decided to do an FTP test last night outside. Most times I just use the trainer. I found a flat slightly rolling stretch of road to do the 2x8 minute test. I was proud of myself that I was able to hit an all-time high power average. So I start my cooldown and then gradually picked up the pace to steady (zone 2) but not hard as I made my way home. My Garmin Varia picks up a cyclist behind me. All of a sudden a guy comes flying by me on a rode bike and passes me like I am barely moving. He was absolutely flying. I tried to pick up the pace and at least get close to him but there was no chance of that happening. He had to be going over 23 mph and was not even riding in the drops with his head down.

So I went from excited about my new FTP to deflated in a matter of minutes lol. There is always someone faster. Why couldn’t he have been behind me when I was doing the second 8 minute interval?

I have to say…when I am out training, having come from a time trialling background as a novice growing up, there is something about hunting down that person in front and then making sure you overtake them at speed to really stroke ones own ego (I know, I know, shoot me now). I will freely admit that when passing others these days I don’t tend to go for a soft pass (in part as I hate people jumping on the wheel and drafting for ages), I tend to make sure I pass at speed (but try and make it look effortless LOL). I am sure the person passing you probably was doing the same…

I wish I was that good. I am not even close to front pack. I am 53, don’t race anymore since my running days are behind me, and am not fast. I was working hard and could only manage 22+ mph for an 8 minute interval.

I hope my PM pedals are accurate. Not sure how I would test that, but I have been using them a long time and they appear to be accurate. For instance, last week I did 20 minutes at about 90 percent effort at 258 watts on the trainer. I have always been able to produce more power outside.

But still, the average speed for my 8 minute intervals is not great. The power I was putting out should have resulted in a much faster average speed I would think.

It’s possible that your PM numbers might be off (?miscalibrated).

Even though you don’t race, with a real FTP north of 270, you should feel like one of the fastest riders in public, even in a bike-crazy place where I live in Norcal where serious road cycling is prevalent. You should literally be blowing by the vast majority of riders at what seems like 2x the speed while doing steady state or higher efforts. You should certainly feel ‘fast’, if not ‘super fast’ compared to every other cyclist you randomly encounter on the roads.

For sure, if you did race in triathlon though, FTP 270+ will have you dominating your AG on the bike in local/regional races. You definitely will not be just front of middle of pack even with terrible aerodynamics on a road bike, with that kind of FTP.
That assessment seems rather optimistic based on my experience.
My 20min max is around 310-315W, but I don’t use the 95% figure for my FTP (it would be ~300W), I think around 90% is closer to the mark so an FTP in the 280-285W range.
I’m confident that’s fairly accurate having cross referenced my spider based PM, Tacx Neo trainer, previous KK Road machine power curve data and BBS comparisons to actual rides.

I’m usually in the top 20% of riders in a most races but have never been in the top 5 even in small local races with ~100 competitors. I’m strong on the bike but I wouldn’t say I “dominate”.
Half a dozen of my club mates are about as fast as me, while at least another 2 or 3 are significantly faster. So again I’m probably in the top 20% but not at the top.
Aerodynamically I’m reasonable, although there’s room for improvement.

Sure you might not win the overall bike split podium, but are you only to 20 percent bike in or compared to m50-55?

OP should dominate m50-55 on the bike for his age in local and regional races with ftp280ish.

At 70kg that’s 4w/kg which is a strong ftp even amongst pure Roadies. Would place you as an A class racer in zwift which means you are racing against top amateurs and pro cyclists. And If you could restrict zwift racing to 50-55 years, op would likely be dominating his age group in zwift races if there were such a thing as most a class riders are younger than that.

Even at 90kg that’s b class zwift which is plenty fast for triathletes. Especially m50-55

I understand how it works mechanically. I just can’t comprehend the desire for “drafting”. In a video game. Maybe I will change my mind one day if I try it.

I used to think I was a pretty good runner - then I did a fell race, and discovered that I wasn’t.

I understand how it works mechanically. I just can’t comprehend the desire for “drafting”. In a video game. Maybe I will change my mind one day if I try it.

I too was like you. Why the F would anyone want to ‘draft’ or even coast downhills in a Zwift video game where training is the point?

Then I actually did a Zwift race. I thought I was going to die of a heart attack, and I’m well, well versed in serious suffering. It’s as bad as all those youtube livestream videos are of pros. When the race is that hard, you will gladly welcome the draft, as you’ll be riding so hard otherwise that riding at your FTP becomes he only rest you will get while on the zwift draft.

I do agree though that I’d probably be annoyed if the Zwift draft was more extreme and took a 350 watt effort in the lead and reduced it to 200 in the back position or less. I’m sure it would be just as hard, but just more wattage yoyos, like in true real life crit.

To turn this to other sports, like run…I run as a cyclist to try to be better rounded. Not be fast.

Today at lunch it was blowing a misty rain, ran anyway. Just some tempo, but looked at 1.5mi to go I had a shot at my PR for a 10k. Turned it up a touch and got it. I had finally broken 50min.

LOL. People run way way faster than that for like 10x that far. People run 6’s per mile nose breathing. Ha ha. My pitiful little 49min 10k.

Still special to me though! I’m almost into the “7’s” min per mile for runs. It’s taken a while. But it’s still very pedestrian of a pace.

Something really doesn’t add up if you’re not even top20% at these power nr’s. Are you competing agaist pro/elite only or your power numbers are off??
In my experience, 280-290W (avg) / 4wkg will place you at the very pointy end overall (if not plain out fastest) … not even close to 20th%, more like1%. Cannot imagine that many riders doing sub 57 on a flat course

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

For me it’s just like on a road ride. I ride alone and hoofing it to hold a 20mph average over an honest course with some elevation. But to get with a group and work together and do the same route at 22 avg is still fun. Same in Zwift, just a little bit of fun riding faster through a segment that I normally would.

Back on topic though, I learned a long time ago you never show up to a ride and judge who is going to be leading out the group and pulling away. If you do, almost always wrong. Yea there is that youngster who weighs 125#s wearing a team kit, he’s fast. But there will undoubtedly be someone else in a mismatched kit riding an old Eddy Merckx bike that rides right up there with him all day.

Hmm you are definitely doing something wrong, if you are 5 w/kg ftp, you shouldn’t have any issues hanging on even at A level.

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

Same in Zwift, just a little bit of fun riding faster through a segment that I normally would.

There’s definitely something fun to riding along in a paceline at 25 (or whatever) MPH. I’m it trying trying to be argumentative, but i fail to see how there is any “fun” or equivalent adrenaline or satisfaction in doing the same in a video game as you don’t actually feel the sensation of improved speed. Sorry, I’ve sidetracked this thread WAY too much already but just things I‘ve thought about as I consider Zwift!

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

Zwift has TT races (no draft) and if you select the TT bike then you don’t get the benefit of a draft either. Regardless, you can just ignore it.

I have yet to select the TT bike, but for the most part I’ve just been ignoring the drafting when doing workouts and paying attention to the power numbers. I’ve only done one race, but I’ll probably do another one today. for racing, the drafting is just part of the tactics.

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

Same in Zwift, just a little bit of fun riding faster through a segment that I normally would.

There’s definitely something fun to riding along in a paceline at 25 (or whatever) MPH. I’m it trying trying to be argumentative, but i fail to see how there is any “fun” or equivalent adrenaline or satisfaction in doing the same in a video game as you don’t actually feel the sensation of improved speed. Sorry, I’ve sidetracked this thread WAY too much already but just things I‘ve thought about as I consider Zwift!

Dude, you just have to try it. It does not equal the thrills of outdoor bike racing or hard training, but I was a doubter as well yet I was amazed at how fun it was, and more importantly at how hard I work in every single Zwift race I enter, even if I’m planning to not put up an A effort. I don’t even go that hard in outdoor riding, ever! It takes an activity that can really be a soul-sucking endeavour, and makes the deep suffering almost enjoyable. Almost, but not quite!

Make sense. And I get that it is still hard. It’s not like I never draft when doing group rides. But, I would prefer there was no drafting. I guess Zwift is just catering to roadies who are used to it. Personally, I would just rather see how things stack up with no draft.

So Zwift has time trials too, where you are on the same course as others, phased set off and drafting disabled.

What I’ve found is the drafting races are great fun and keep you extremely focused. The time flies by as you are absorbed in the race and the tactical element is fun. Also if you are in a competitive race whilst lasts dead on 20 minutes I almost guarantee you’ll annihalate you FTP. I can punish myself on my own, but can’t get near the power I can put down in a competitive scenario.