Another convicted doper crushing IM dreams

More like the hardcore EPO, CERA and more recent derivatives perhaps just not as easy to come by as thyroid meds and micro “T” dosing…

These made for an interesting read…

I´d like to see thyroid meds require a TUE irrespective of whether they are being taken for disease based needs, if we are to learn anything from the Salazar episode it is that tinkering with thyroid meds definitely impacts performance.


More like the hardcore EPO, CERA and more recent derivatives perhaps just not as easy to come by as thyroid meds and micro “T” dosing…

These made for an interesting read…

I´d like to see thyroid meds require a TUE irrespective of whether they are being taken for disease based needs, if we are to learn anything from the Salazar episode it is that tinkering with thyroid meds definitely impacts performance.

I hope they never do said thing, there’s soooooo many of us who simply due to terrible genetics end up having hypothyroidism (which is still not worst I believe hyperthyroidism is wrose) anyways now I’d have to bring 10-12 yrs of medical history for people to see oh yeah he needs it… so stupid! I have to put my medical history out there for people to review as if it was a resume simply to do a race?! That’d be way too much!!!

Schumacher finishes 4th 09:02:11

It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

I dont think it’s IM that is saying “we dont care”. IM’s own customers seemingly don’t care.

Case in point- did you report any of that to doping agencies, or did you just “shoulder shrug”?

When saw he was in triathlon…I thought. ‘oh no I hope he doesn’t win anything’…so I am also not a fan of Michael Weiss either. On the broadcast they said that Schumacher had already qualified for Kona and my inside voice just groaned. Unfortunately he has served his suspension and therefore he can race. Considering that some of the research may (emphasis on may) indicate that the benefit of doping last years, this is really disheartening. Actually I think it sucks.

It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

If you do not report him to USADA, then you have no business complaining about it.

Gerolsteiner had a handful of dopers. Kohl, Leipheimer, Shumacher.

Beautiful jerseys though.

Jalabert, Vino, etc Are all allowed to race now, they are following the current rules, however we are all allowed to make fun of them and have no respect for them or their results.

JaJa passed me at the Worlds and it was amazing to see his speed. But f him anyway. He never repented or paid a price.

Jalabert, Vino, etc Are all allowed to race now, they are following the current rules, however we are all allowed to make fun of them and have no respect for them or their results.


He was reported by another person locally after he gained a massive amount of muscle. No tests have been completed and he is constantly racing so back to, maybe not Ironman, but somebody doesn’t care.

The more he’s reported the more likely they are to do an ooc test on him.

It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

Wow, was thinking T would give some improvement but that’s significant. What does a treatment program cost…asking for a friend😁

Yeah, unfortunately I feel most everyone I am racing against at the pointy end is on T (or something). A bit depressing to know I’m always racing people who already have an unfair advantage. I’m all for an extra fee to test age groupers. The flip side is I really do race for myself, so I try to just not worry about what other are doing (except when they beat me :-)).

If he’s been reported, there’s a probaly chance he gets tested. Obviously they’ll do a background check to verify and make sure it’s a worthy investment etc., but I’ve been impressed that many of the triathlon busts I think have come from “targeted” out of comp testing. Granted I’m sure they get tips weekly so some are going to just fall through the cracks.

It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

Wow, was thinking T would give some improvement but that’s significant. What does a treatment program cost…asking for a friend😁

Pardon my ignorance, but what is “T”?



It’s ridiculous. Ironman just says, “Look people, we don’t care so get over it!!”

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

I guess Ironman wouldn’t be sustainable if they tested everybody. I would guess more than 50% are doping somehow. Wasn’t there a statistic that showed the Triathlon population was aging? New people don’t feel like they fit in because they aren’t fast enough. The aging population is doping to get faster because of low T and other medical problems so what does the future look like for Triathlon? Sad.

50 percent? No way

I was told our Tri Club President is taking T shots in the butt because he “needs it”. He took 2 hours off his Ironman time last year then 2 weeks later 30 minutes off his 70.3 time.

If you do not report him to USADA, then you have no business complaining about it.]

That ^

If you qualify for world’s either Kona or 70.3 you should be tested, same with a random sample of age groupers. You submit the sample and your payment.