What kind of water do you drink?

Have you considered the health implications of drinking RO water? We had one installed at a plant I work at and we were drinking the water. We found that RO water dissolved all our stainless steel lines as it has no minerals it leaches the stainless steel and our body of essential minerals.


RO water has a low ph when it hits air; that is what reacts with metal. But that must have been some really odd water to “dissolve” stainless steel which is usually fine.

Extrapolating that to mean it leaches minerals from your body is pure nonsense. If you are getting a substantial portion of minerals from water, then you have a very poor diet. And our tap water is pushing EPA limits for a lot of nasty stuff. I think I’ll pass on exceeding my MDR of arsenic…

After moving from Las Vegas, that had dreadful-tasting tap water, I am enjoying H2O from the tap again in Salt Lake City. My Brita filter is retired for the time being.

When we lived in Vegas, my mom came to visit. She made fun of us for not drinking tap water until she tasted it, and then she agreed that filtered and bottled water were the way to go there.

Have you considered the health implications of drinking RO water? We had one installed at a plant I work at and we were drinking the water. We found that RO water dissolved all our stainless steel lines as it has no minerals it leaches the stainless steel and our body of essential minerals.


RO water has a low ph when it hits air; that is what reacts with metal. But that must have been some really odd water to “dissolve” stainless steel which is usually fine.

Extrapolating that to mean it leaches minerals from your body is pure nonsense. If you are getting a substantial portion of minerals from water, then you have a very poor diet. And our tap water is pushing EPA limits for a lot of nasty stuff. I think I’ll pass on exceeding my MDR of arsenic…

Good to see you have no idea and dispute anything I say again although I even put a link to a study after the health risks to us were raised at work. We had an massive industrial RO plant to turn sea water to usable water and as I say it leached the minerals out of the stainless steel and it all needed replacing throughout a rather large industrial plant and they did studies finding it was due to RO water as it cost a lot of money to replace. Do you suffer from dementia? Maybe drunk too much RO water? Thanks for your valuable input on one of my posts once again with me just trying to share some valuable information to someone.

Spreading nonsense isn’t “sharing valuable information” no matter how much you believe in it.

Just how much valuable minerals are in your tap water? Not a lot. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1495189/ “Adults who drink 2 liters of tap water that contains at least 50 mg/L of Ca2+ and 16 mg/L of Mg2+ may fulfill more than 10% of the DRIs of these minerals.” That’s higher than most tap waters though.

Like I said, taking all the minerals out of your water isn’t a problem for most people because it doesn’t amount to much. And my tap water is loaded with all sorts of nasty stuff that needs to be removed anyway.

A desalination plant is going to have slightly different parameters than the RO system you put under your sink.

I didn’t say it was a desalination plant. I said it is a RO plant and it isn’t just the lack of minerals that the water gives your body, it is the water attracting minerals and removing them from your body. How about you let the grown ups do their own research as you obviously don’t understand and can’t read studies :wink:

I didn’t say it was a desalination plant.

Pardon me. As you said “We had an massive industrial RO plant to turn sea water to usable water”. If you use RO to turn sea water into “fresh” water, that is typically called a desalination plant. Just like the ones we put under our sinks, I’m sure…

If you’d like to believe that pure water (like rainwater) is bad for you, and what you really need is water pumped out of the ground that is full of all sorts of crap, then be my guest. But science isn’t on your side.

Lol really? I think the nurse is calling for your medication now bye…

PS Stick to giving poor bike position advice…

Warm tap water.

Berkey water Filtration. Super healthy for you. Worth the one time cost.
I use sodastream to make it bubbly.

@Trigirl, I know this is a few months late, but I’m confused. What’s the difference between that site and this one?? https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/

They just sent me a “fun5” coupon, but I first want to understand why there’s 2 websites before I go placing any orders. These things aren’t cheap. :confused:

Appreciate your help ahead of time! :slight_smile:

Essentia Water

Alkaline water, tastes great…

Light beer

Berkey water Filtration. Super healthy for you. Worth the one time cost.
I use sodastream to make it bubbly.

@Trigirl, I know this is a few months late, but I’m confused. What’s the difference between that site and this one?? https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/

They just sent me a “fun5” coupon, but I first want to understand why there’s 2 websites before I go placing any orders. These things aren’t cheap. :confused:

Appreciate your help ahead of time! :slight_smile:

@longdstcrunner, the site Trigirl linked to is the manufacturer’s site. The site you linked to (with the coupon) is a 3rd-party dealer that sells their filters, so they should be the exact same thing. I’d go with whoever is cheaper. BTW, we love our Berkey.

Berkey water Filtration. Super healthy for you. Worth the one time cost.
I use sodastream to make it bubbly.

@Trigirl, I know this is a few months late, but I’m confused. What’s the difference between that site and this one?? https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/

They just sent me a “fun5” coupon, but I first want to understand why there’s 2 websites before I go placing any orders. These things aren’t cheap. :confused:

Appreciate your help ahead of time! :slight_smile:

@longdstcrunner, the site Trigirl linked to is the manufacturer’s site. The site you linked to (with the coupon) is a 3rd-party dealer that sells their filters, so they should be the exact same thing. I’d go with whoever is cheaper. BTW, we love our Berkey.

Thanks for getting back! Yea, I reached out to both of them yesterday. They’re actually both dealers. The manufacturer is at berkeywater.com but they apparently stopped selling retail at the end of last year, so you can only get them from a dealer like the 2 we’ve mentioned. Its kinda confusing, lol

Liquid Death

I grew up in CA in the 70’s-80’s and we just drank out of the tap. Moved to Seattle in the 90’s and did the same since the water was great. Now I’ve moved to the Phoenix area and the tap water is awful (conditioned with salt and super hard).

So what’s the best water to drink? Filtered (Brita), alkaline (this makes some sense given the high-acid production from workouts and a generally acidic diet), purified or simple bottled water?

My choice was a Berkey with white filters because I had experience with the white as being easier than the black filters.

Was hauling bottled water while renting and that got old. What I didn’t like about tap water was the changing taste as I moved and the changing taste as they would alter the water treatment during the year. Not to the level of boil your water; yet, it was to a level of we are going to flush the lines for maintenance or do something to the water for maintenance.

To even out the taste/chemicals in water in changing conditions, I got a Berkey. It would also be handy if I ever did get into one of those boil your water situations.

PS Besides the other negatives of RO already mentioned: It uses energy to RO and wastes water to RO.

…So what’s the best water to drink? Filtered (Brita), alkaline (this makes some sense given the high-acid production from workouts and a generally acidic diet), purified or simple bottled water?
Just don’t drink water contaminated with pathogens. Otherwise drink what’s available, and doesn’t cost much, for you or the environment.
The whole idea that water should be as pure as possible is nonsense, bred out of ignorance. Sure you might want to do some basic filtration with a Britta unit or similar to reduce levels of contaminants or additives that you don’t like the taste of, but don’t obsess over it and don’t put purity on a pedestal.

I work in pharmaceutical plant commissioning, I’ve come across plenty DI water, purified water, water for injection, and ultra purified water systems. Excessively pure water is not safe to drink. Ultra pure water is a solvent.

We’ve finally replaced our broken circa early 90s water softener; I can definitely taste the difference in the water now it’s being softened again. Apparently it adds way less sodium to a glass of water than you get in a glass of low-fat milk; but there’s no getting away from the taste imho.

That reminds me of the real-life MCX Razor Water.

Tap Water


Finally, a sensible response.
When in doubt, drink beer.