Affordable Recovery Boots from Amazon

Ordered a tall pair this morning… I’ve been contemplating ordering for a while, getting them in the tall size and before the price hike sold me. $414 shipped after Gerlach’s discount code. Thanks Thomas

Ordered a tall pair this morning… I’ve been contemplating ordering for a while, getting them in the tall size and before the price hike sold me. $414 shipped after Gerlach’s discount code. Thanks Thomas

Very nice. You will have to let me know how the longer legs workout. I am also getting a pair of the longer legs. I am not the 6 1+ but my inseam is very long for someone who is 5 feet 9 at 33.63. I also got a new Normatec Pulse Pro system as well so I can start a new long-term comparison for durability.

I’ll be seeing how their customer service is now - the seam on my right boot split by the foot cuff. They have a process, but the instructions say you have to ship it back in the original box. I don’t have the original box, so we will see what they say.

What’s the best way to go about ordering just the longer boots.

What’s the best way to go about ordering just the longer boots.

I will check. I know they only got in a very small run of the larger boots.

What’s the best way to go about ordering just the longer boots.

I will check. I know they only got in a very small run of the larger boots.

Thanks. I’m highly interested in two pairs of the larger boots.

What’s the best way to go about ordering just the longer boots.

I will check. I know they only got in a very small run of the larger boots.

Thanks. I’m highly interested in two pairs of the larger boots.

Ok and I assume you already have one of the newer dark Air Relax units?

What’s the best way to go about ordering just the longer boots.

I will check. I know they only got in a very small run of the larger boots.

Thanks. I’m highly interested in two pairs of the larger boots.

CabDoctor sorry for the late reply. I did check with Air Relax and they are not listed on the site as they have very few for purchase. If you are interested in the longer boots all you have to do is send an email to: and they will get you all setup. Code to save 5% changes every month. For Feb it is: BESTOM02

Thank you very much I appreciate it

Thank you very much I appreciate it

If you do end up getting a pair I would appreciate some feedback. I just got a pair myself for testing, but they are likely going to be too long for me to test. They are a couple of inches longer than my Normatec regular size. I thought maybe giving my really long inseam that I might be able to give them a shot but it is doubtful at 5 feet 9 inches.

I’ve been using the long pair for a week and a half now… I’m 6’2" and yes they most certainly are long! If I were any shorter they would be too long, as it is they come all the way up to the boys and my toes are a good 2-3 inches away from the edge of the boot.

Could I ask where does the third chamber sit on the long ones? Above or on the knee?

With the shorty’s I stick my foot all the way through getting two chambers on the calf & two on the quad (knee between 2 & 3)

I’ve been using the long pair for a week and a half now… I’m 6’2" and yes they most certainly are long! If I were any shorter they would be too long, as it is they come all the way up to the boys and my toes are a good 2-3 inches away from the edge of the boot.

What kind of leg/torso ratio do you have, or inseam for that matter. I realize height guidelines are to make it simpler for the user but total height only shows part of the story.

So-called ‘recovery boots’ are for the most part an additional sales channel for a product that has existed for decades: sequential circulator to treat lymphedema. These supposedly medical-grade systems sell for thousands of $s, and require a prescription. By changing the range of available compression the prescription requirement is by-passed, and voila, a product for the masses exists. Most name-brand so-called recovery systems are an off-spring of a medical device parent: for Normatec Recovery, see For SportPump, see Etc. Even visually, it’s easy to see the similarities. The so-called ‘recovery’ system is merely a re-badged version of the medical one. Of course the manufacturers don’t tell you that, and they also don’t tell you that via e.g. craigslist you can find the medical version for pennies on the dollar.

For example, the SportPump SP4 pump retails on their site for $1199. Two leg sleeves will set you back another $300+ (depending on size). The medical version (BioCompression) does not list a price, from what I have seen they sell for 2x or more. Funny thing is, in my local craigslist I see a full BioCompression system (pump and two leg sleeves) for $240. They keep coming up, frequently and regularly. The difference? Branding, and the ‘medical’ version does not have any flashy logo with the term ‘sport’ in them.

A couple years ago when I became interested in these systems I called SportPump, chatted a while with a rep, and he basically told me that yes, they are selling technically identical and merely re-badged product.

Disclaimer: I am no medical professional or anywhere close, the above is based on personal research from a couple of years ago, and may or may not be considering all applicable details. That said, the BioCompression pump I bought for a couple hundred $$s off craigslist a couple years ago still pumps strong, and has the desired effect. YMMV.

Most of those devices are saying:

Venous insufficiency, that means compression socks or stockings work exactly the same, the difference is probably in pressure, having said that, boots will apply higher pressure Normatec 50-250mmHg and release in series of intervals vs stockings 50-60mmHg constant pressure.

What is better ? Who knows? someone would have to do some research, for sure one look more “pro” in the pump up shoes, but while wearing the stockings you can do a lot of other things while you recover, and you are always running the risk of being taken as cross dresser but hey…it might be fun :slight_smile:

Constant pressure of the stocking my be better than higher but pulsation based pressure of the pump shoes, I’m sure both sides will argue, and both sides are right wrong.

Simplest way to recover, just lift your legs up on the wall. Traveling with huge shoes and the box is just PITA, I have seen somewhere pic of the guy that puts those on on the plane…Can you imagine distraction he creates, he is THE Athlete for entire flight BSing about his shoes and how fast he is. Instead of wearing special flight compression stockings, but then nobody would see it and ask questions…He would not be “The Flight Athlete”, but simple guy in stockings :slight_smile:

Chamber one is the foot and Achilles
Chamber two gets the rest of the calf, up to the very bottom of the knee cap
Chamber three does cover the knee, but also comes up the quad ~ 5"
And Chamber four gets up the rest of the quad.

I have a 35" inseam.

Most of those devices are saying:

Venous insufficiency, that means compression socks or stockings work exactly the same, the difference is probably in pressure, having said that, boots will apply higher pressure Normatec 50-250mmHg and release in series of intervals vs stockings 50-60mmHg constant pressure.

What is better ? Who knows? someone would have to do some research, for sure one look more “pro” in the pump up shoes, but while wearing the stockings you can do a lot of other things while you recover, and you are always running the risk of being taken as cross dresser but hey…it might be fun :slight_smile:

Constant pressure of the stocking my be better than higher but pulsation based pressure of the pump shoes, I’m sure both sides will argue, and both sides are right wrong.

Simplest way to recover, just lift your legs up on the wall. Traveling with huge shoes and the box is just PITA, I have seen somewhere pic of the guy that puts those on on the plane…Can you imagine distraction he creates, he is THE Athlete for entire flight BSing about his shoes and how fast he is. Instead of wearing special flight compression stockings, but then nobody would see it and ask questions…He would not be “The Flight Athlete”, but simple guy in stockings :slight_smile:

I took the Norma boots on every trip I took last year except for the one trip where my homestay said he would bring his set of podium legs. Amazing the stuff I am willing NOT to pack just to pack the boots. For the record, I had been wearing compression socks for a good 12+ years on flights. There is really no comparison in terms of effectiveness between the two, but I will admit, with the boots you get a lot of questions in the airport from on-lookers and occasionally security comes over and checks on you, both of these really eat into productivity.

With that being said, a nice solid walk after a long-flight is a very effective way to help freshen the legs.

Sounds as though size large maybe too big.

Sounds as though size large maybe too big.

Frankly, I am not really sure. They are about 2 inches longer than my normal size Normatechs and are meant for people would opt for the large size of Normatecs. I have no idea how much larger the large Normatec are as I don’t have a pair for comparison. The regular Normatec IMO are already on the verge of being too long for me even though I fall right in the middle of the size based on height, although using my inseam 33.63 would push even further to the other end of the range.

I think it is pretty fair to say that unless you are at least 6’1" or taller I would just go with the normal version.

Well, the warranty experience so far has not been great. I’m back from a 10 day vacation and opened up the package from them. Turns out they fixed the T connector and not the seam that was coming apart on my right boot… :frowning: