ITU Discussion Thread

They took 7 seconds out of the chase pack on the 2nd lap…

That last Persicope of the climb was the first one to really show the severity of it don’t you think?

How do you find the links? I installed the app, I’ve searched for triathlonlive, triathlon… various others. also Rio on the map. Nothing. Can you help :slight_smile: ?


I link from’s twitter feed. Periscope just opens …

Brilliant, thanks so much guys

Chase pack has merged with its own chase pack, but lost another 10 seconds that lap … so not looking good for Mola and Murray.

Fabian and Varga’s names suddenly missing, wonder if they crashed out? Irving Perez dropped. Then there were 8! Took another 8 seconds out of the chase pack though…

If all are fit, it would be a Gomez, Luis, Brownlee podium …

Maybe dropped on hill? Sounds like a torrid pace. Keep the updates coming!

is it safe to assume that the lead pack of men are drilling the bike? the chase back keeps on getting further and further back and it looks like mola is doing a lot of work.

varga and fabian are out.

Hell of a race so far.

Varga and Fabian are out of the race, no idea why though.

If the Brownlee injury rumours are true, we may see him try to break this lap …

You mean your rumours :).

so gwen, sarah, non and vicky all booked rio tickets. who else qualified today as per their federation’s rules?

Haug qualified, I think Riveros qualified but non of the brits have qualified yet.

Top 3 in Rio & Chicago = GBR qualification by right.

tommy z is having the race of his life right now and holding on to 4th after the first lap of the run!

Gomez and Luis leading after first run lap, Brownlee 3rd but 16s down so FeketeBlob might have been onto something :wink:

Where did the rumour come from re Gomez not being particularly keen to race? Was it his own twitter?

He certainly seems to be going after it at the mo.

Mola and Murray 1:34 down in 8th and 9th place

tommy z is having the race of his life right now and holding on to 4th after the first lap of the run!

Hope he can hang on to a top 8 finish. Decent gap back to the chasers.

It was his own instagram…

Sadly, the rumours regarding Alistair are being proven correct… I was told he hadn’t done any running since early July…