Fit for new bike

I am in the market for my first dedicated tri bike and would like some input on which bikes will fit. I know I need to go to a good fitter, but different fitters carry different brands and I want to narrow the field of bikes before I schedule a sizing/fitting.

As background, I am 6"3", 210 lbs. w/long femurs requiring a fairly upright position when fit by FIST parameters. I just finished my first IM (Ultramax) and plan on doing Couer D’Alene in 06. For the last few years, I have ridden my Moots road bike with aero bars. It is a 59 cm w/ a 58cm top tube and a 17.1 cm head tube. When riding it aero, I use a no setback post w/ the saddle all the way forward to get a 76 degree effective seat tube angle. I use a shorter (10 cm ) stem w/ the aero bars (than the 12cm in road position), approx. one inch of spacers, and a one inch riser under my Syntace bars. The bars sit behind the handle bars. The arm pads are about an inch to an inch and a half below my seat. Pretty comfortable, but I want something dedicated.

As everyone recommends, I have started my bike search by reviewing geometry charts. A Litespeed Saber is the only bike I have seen with both a relatively short cockpit (57cm top tube in a 59) and a tall head tube of 18 cm. Fit aside, I have a serious lust for a Calfee Luna;however, a 58 has a 58 cm top tube and only 13.3 cm head tube (a 2 cm extension is available).

A few questions:

  1. With a steeper seat angle on a tri bike, is it appropriate to compare top and head tube length to my road bike? If not, what adjustments should I make in my thinking?

  2. Is the Calfee a possibility? If not, are there any other bikes that have tall head tubes like the Litespeed? I prefer carbon or Ti.

I find this procees very intimidating and would appreciate some input.

Thanks a lot.

BUMP…please help. I find some of this fit stuff very confusing. Thanks.

Do you have your fit #'s? If you send them to me I’ll take a look and see what bike you fit best on .

I’m 6’5" and fit many taller riders on bikes. You might also want to take a look at Elite Bicycles, My old partner Dave owns the company and we began Elite based on larger riders.

Let me know if I can help you…

Thanks. WHat’s your fax-I will fax #'s over.

ANyone else have any ideas? Please!

I don’t know where you are located, but for my money FitWerx in Vermont is the best place to get fittted. They truly are concerned about the fit first, and the manufacturer second. I went there in October and it took over 4 hours for my fitting. I have been fit for other bikes by some of the best shops in NYC and nothing even compares to Ian and Sarah. Get the fit done properly and then worry about what bike suits you. I went in hell bent on getting a GURU and walked out with a custom built ELITE. I would definitely check out Elite as they are focused on tri bikes and are great value for the $$$ (of course, you have to be willing to ride aluminum).

If you don’t live in the NE, find the best fitter in your area and go there. You might even want to call FitWerx and ask them if they no anyone in your area.

PM me if you want more info or have any questions.

IMHO you are way ahead of the game. Your first IM is very important data. How did the bike go for you? Were you able to ride in the aerobars for most of it? Did the bike handle well? If so do not change your position. If not make subtle changes based on your current bike geometry. Calfee (and others) can make any geometry you want.


FitWerx is an authorized Calfee dealer. Sorry, missed that in your post.

FAx is down, just email me some info.

Will do-would be easier to fax chart w/ measurements as some changes have been made. May take a few days, but thanks. The Elite’s do look sweet (but I am a little wary of aluminum for IM).

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

go to and fill out my fit chart. That will be the most accurate method for me to help you and any others. It’s free for Slowtwitch readers.


Been there, done that.

What I discovered, I was looking for a time trial bike, was that if I used the top tube measurement of my road bike, I was either too stretched out on the time trial bike or I had a stem length so short that handling problems were expected to be a consequence.

There are reputable fitters who will measure you and advise you what bicycles are well suited for your measurements. The better ones will give you the information, the exact measurements and what you need and what parameters allow minor variation, when you are done with the fitting. This is what you are paying for isn’t it? It always amazes me how some LBS “fitters” will charge you for a fitting and then refuse to give you the measurements/data that you paid for. I guess they figure you will take that data and go buy a bike somewhere else. You pay them for a fitting that they keep secret from you. And this is a reputable LBS/fitter?

Some, like Paul Levine, will advise you without trying to sell you a bicycle. If you are not near Signature Cycles and Paul Levine (New York City Area) then you could call him and he could probably refer you to someone he knows and respects close to you for a fitting. In fact, Paul has taught many bicycle fitters the advanced fit methods they use.

It sounds like this may be a better approach for you. What’s it worth to you in dollars, to get a bike that fits and optimizes your effort and performance rather than one that just “gets you in the Ballpark?”


THanks Wantstoridefaster-that was what I was interested in hearing.