Fraudulent bicycle auctions on eBay

If you find bicycle auctions on eBay that you think are suspicious, shoot me a private message with the auction ID. Basically, what I’ve found is high feedback accounts listing Cervelos. They’re obviously fraudulent auctions because the component list bears absolutely no connection to what’s actually on the bike in the pictures. I used to just send nasty emails to the seller (ok, I still do), but when there’s a pattern between multiple auctions (in this case the same person has likely hijacked a bunch of different user accounts and is listing many different Cervelos) it gives ebay something to work with (they investigate and if they find a strange pattern in the account usage they suspend the account, thereby ending the auction).

I doubt we’ll send anyone to jail, but we can at least make it more trouble than it’s worth for the scam artists.

if you and a freind have an old ebay account, one of you can bid something like 15000, and then the other can bid 14000, and that will pretty much ruin the scam.

You could prolly get away with doing it with a good account; i’d be amazed if a scammer complained to ebay.

Yep. I just set up a second account for this purpose. You don’t even need another person to do it. Bid high enough and nobody will ever win (and if they do, well, they deserve to be defrauded of $50k for a bike).

I’ve noticed this a lot with Cervelos. People list them with different photos and don’t even know the frame size.

Like this guy for example. Don’t know if he’s legit or not, but it’s a one day auction for a “carbon frame” Soloist with no size. Look at his history and he’s never sold anything bike related before. At least the phot looks legit, whis is something you often don’t see.

This is one that I had my wife escalate. Here’s another just like it (this one’s actually quite humorous):

Let’s play “how many listed components are not actually on the bike.”

How could it be legit as Cervelo doesn’t make a CF Soloist. Or are you saying he’s legit just clueless on bikes? Look at those ancient aerobars and the seat post head flipped the other way, would be a little stretched out.

I reported a case to ebay last year when I asked a seller why the picture of their 2003 TCR was obviously a 1999 OCR and got some bullshit reply about being protected by ebay and making this deal now. The ad was gone the next day.

Come on- bid that puppy up!

Here’s a carbon fiber P2K. I saw it before and didn’t notice the CF. I thought it was weird that it has no frame size and lists two different size wheels.

Yep. This is one that I forwarded on to my wife.