Cooking tips for replacing butter in cookies

If I wanted cooking tips, where else would I go besides The Womens forum? :wink: I’m just kidding. I’m actually posting this in here because it seems to me that women tend to have more food allergy/issues than men so I wanted to post somewhere where there is a lot of knowledgeable people.

I’ve found a great chewy gluten free chocolate chip recipe. I tried experimenting with it last week and here is what I did. In that recipe, I replaced the 8oz of butter with 6oz of unsweetened applesauce and 2oz of refined coconut oil. Then, I replaced the 2tbl of whole milk with goat milk. For the chocolate chips, I replaced them with dark chocolate (60% cacao) chips. By doing these substitutions, I was trying to make these gluten free cookies into gluten, lactose, soy free cookies. Well, the dark chocolate chips has a little bit of milk fat and soy lechtin so I wasn’t completely successful.

I made these experimental cookies on Thursday night and here is how they turned out. I made the GLSF first and then the GF cookies afterwards. I did this to notice the differences in the recipe substitutions. Immediately, I noticed that the batter for the GLSF was smoother than the GF cookies. I actually noticed this after I mixed the butter and the sugar so I’m assuming that my applesauce/coconut oil mixture substitution is the main cause of the differences. They mixture was a lot stickier than the GF mixture. Also, the cookies tend to come out pretty smooth I guess. The GF cookies had a really good texture and were lumpy and looked like cookies. The GLSF cookies didn’t have as much texture on the surface and looked very smooth. Also, they tended to stick together when I put them in the container. However, they definitely were not hockey pucks which is what most people think of when you tell them that you made gluten, lactose, and soy free cookies.

My question is what kind of other substitutions can I try next time that better replicate what the butter did to the original GF recipe?

In my experience, cupcakes and brownies can go low-fat (apple sauce, mashed bananas, or pureed prunes as substitutions for butter/oil) but cookies need the fat to work. Here is a vegan choc chip recipe – perhaps you could combine some of these ideas with the GF one?

Here are some pics. The first one is the uncooked dough of the GLSF on the left and then the uncooked dough of the GF on the right.

This is a closeup of the GLSF dough.

Here is a closeup of the GF dough.

It is obvious the difference in the texture of each dough.

You make a good point. I’ll replace the butter with some other fat like the canola oil in the vegan recipe. I may try to find another oil that is low taste or has a butter taste.

A popular vegan butter substitute is Earth Balance. My reggie grocery store carries it. It is not any better for you than butter, though: 100 cal/tbsp.

I’m not really looking to make these cookies healthier. I’m just trying to make some delicious cookies that many people can eat due to food allergies.

I’m not sure if you’ve looked there yet, but has several gluten-free recipes (a lot have nut butters to keep the cookies together in the absence of flour, so it still may not be much help if you’re trying to avoid nuts): (one of my favorite recipes because it’s so easy) (not allergy free, but if you replace the corn syrup with honey, a cheaper alternative to Power Bars)

If you are baking for someone with milk or caffeine allergies, carob chips do not contain cocoa. My sister, a true chocoholic, cannot eat caffeine, and she claims carob chips taste the same as chocolate. Other than that, I’ve used egg substitute in recipes before, and you can’t tell the difference. The oil and applesauce trick can also work, too. Even if a recipe calls for ingredients that you don’t want to use, sometimes if you read through the reviews, other people have posted what they’ve used to replace ingredients to which they’re allergic. It can be a waste of ingredients sometimes, but it really does just take trial and error to figure out what works. It can be a challenge, but hey, we’re triathletes. We like challenges.

THANKS! Now I want to eat some cookie dough!!!

I have heard of applesauce as a substitute.

I have used yogurt in stuff that has called for oil. Gave it a nice creamy texture, but some people might have thought to moist. I think it is something you could play around iwth tho.

BTw, for other recipes I use butter spray and find I can usually use a lot less than what is called for.

I use an organic oleo type of thing from Whole Foods. Makes the cookies beautiful but if you are a cookie dough eater then not so great but awesome cookies.

That’s really very good & also useful recipe.I like it so much.Thanks for sharing it with everyone.I also have some tips for cooking.

Cooking Tips

To make one cup of dal, add atleast 2-3 cups of water, depending on the type of dal.
Soak whole pulses overnight and other dals for one hour before cooking. Always add hot water to the gravy to enhance the taste.
Add 1 Tbsp of hot oil to the dough for making Kachories or Kulchas.
Always use heavy bottomed vessels to make desserts, in order to avoid burning.
Make desserts with full cream milk, to get thick creamy texture.
Natural cure for yeast infections

Oh man, now i’m hungry!

How about a photo of the finished product of those two recipes?

Do they look similar after baking?