ST Forum Poll: Bike colors

Colors: I would like to see some more of the “fades” as it looks like one’s getting more custom for the money. Otherwise, simple accents, such as Guru, Trek TTX. I feel there’s WAY too much signage on the bikes as well. The Jamis is a joke…nice bike, but pay me if I’m to be a tacky billboard. That’s another reason the Guru is very classy and elegant. I am not a fan of the “engineering” graphics of Cervelo, and to use the logo in pieces as they do is a bit overdone as well. I’d like to see more “shadowing” logos, as in tone-on tone. A muted silver or matt black outline on black would be elegant and very attractive.

1 - Black & white
2 - Red
3 - Jewel colours as accents - bright and vibrant colours like emerald green or sapphire blue

No yellow, orange or purple.

I love the paint scheme on the Orbeas friends of mine have purchased this year - black and white or black and lavender.

That said, if everyone has the same colour bike, I’ll be itching to have something different.

  1. Emerald Green, in a 3:1 silver mix
  2. Dark/Smoke grey
  3. Dark purple
  4. Crimson
  1. Carbon fibre

I like the look of the weave of the fibres so I guess that would count as “clear” in terms of a paint scheme

  1. Tri colour

The blend of three colours is nice like a black, red and white or white, blue and orange.

  1. Titanium

My favourite for a mountain bike, brushed titanium, no paint.

  • "What are you thinking? Are you crazy? Black bikes have souls, lots of them, they sucked all the souls from ugly green, red, blue, and other clolr bikes. A black bike says don’t fck with this guy. It’s like having the worst of Satan and the best of Jesus in one bike. You suck the life from other rides and it goes into your legs, giving you more watts and taking watts from them. At Soma I rolled up on a guy on a blue bike that is from a highly esteemed maker. he said you are having a nice ride (I started 3 min behind him) I pointed at my Lucero - the badest badass bike out there and said “This bike gives me the power to crush you, take your energy and leave you twisting in the wind. You have nothing left for this race. BE GONE.” He finished several minutes behind me. A black bike is so bad ass that no one, not one single person tried to pass me in my last 3 races during the bike, well one tried but only b/c his bike was black and blue but he son succumbed to the rolling fury that my bike is. This is the power a black bike brings. Sure you could ride something cute and covered with flowers, maybe a bell or streamers on the handlebars, some color coordinated handlebar tape and/or a seat. You could try to ride fast, the kind of fast a yugo gets when going down a hill with the parking brake on. You could try to pass someone “excuse me, but person in my AG could you please move right just a touch so I can squeeze around you, please?” Or you could ride death, something to strike fear into the hearts and minds of those around you. 18.1 pounds of rolling fury, the sound of the disc (black of course) rotating around exuding power combined with the sound of the H3C (black again) screaming down the road. The sound of a 1000 anguished souls coupled with the roar of the mightest creator laughing at the terror before you. Where a simple phrase “on your left” and the sound of fury and hell moves people over into the gutter. Or you can ride cute and polite. You choose, badass or ass bad."
  • desert dude…Nov 1, 06
  1. Red
  2. Black
  3. White
  4. Orange

decals are fine as long as they are done well

Black staying fairly safe as a bet for most bike companies…

  1. White

  2. Titanium (barer the better)

  3. Undecided. Maybe black, but I’ve seen nice bikes in all other colors. I would maybe say dull orange.

Both need minimal decals.

  1. Naked carbon w/ matte finish
  2. Naked carbon w/ gloss finish
  3. Red
  4. Bue
  5. White

For me, a lot depends on the type of bike. I like road and mtn. bikes with some color, but I’d prefer my 'cross and tt bike more neutral. No idea why. I don’t like particularly like yellow or orange anywhere.

Black, White and Red are the best bike colors (for a painted bike)

–Black and White look awesome as primary frame colors (Cervelo R3 & R3 SL are good examples)

–Red is an excellent color but I think it’s better when combined with black and/or white (think Pinnarello)

I do also love a ti bike with minimal decals and primarily black components (Campy is almost a requirement on a ti bike). That is a clean look that is hard to beat in my opinion.

Decals & logos. Fine if they aren’t overdone and compliment the design. I don’t know why some companies feel the need to have their name printed on a bike 15 times - I’m a fairly smart guy and I only need to read it once or twice to know what brand a bike is. I like the logos/branding on the R3, I think they look good. On the other end of the spectrum is this bike from Jamis (sorry Herbert). It’s a really nice bike, but I think they overdid it by putting their name on the frame 12 times.

Great insights. Man, as this starts to take shape it is no wonder bike companies rely so heavily on black- it seems to be the safe color bet.

one extreme or the other:

  1. black on BLACK (stealthy); or
  2. RED (because it’s FASTER)

I still don’t think I’ve seen a stock paintjob I like better than the “tequila sunrise” golden yellow-to-red fade on my Klein.
They had a greenish-to-purple fade that was sweet too.

Klein really used to kick butt on the paint schemes in the late '90’s. Looked custom.

You can’t go too far wrong w/ basic black. We all know black bikes are fastest.
(as per DD’s “black bike manifesto” :wink:

black with red accents/bar tape (think 2008 equinox ssl ttx 9.9)
dark grey with red accents/bar tape
white/black or black white combo (think Orbea Orca from last year)

  1. black 2.white 3. hunters orange 4. bass boat blue 5. camo
  1. Bare Ti is beautiful.
  2. Keep it one solid color with another color for accents/highlights -I don’t really care what they are
  3. I’m not deiving a NASCAR Lables should be restricted to the following
    • a head badge
    • Mfg Logo/name on Down tube
    • Model name on Top tube

Examples of stuff i like is obviously Litespeed/Moots/ Roark
The numberone offender that I think to be awful is Look. Some of their bikes say Look (at me) 13 times on them.

Oh, and the Cervelo SLC-SL is sex on wheels. I forgive it for not being Ti.
I also make an exception for the Felt Slipstream bikes, and several Bianchi’s

  1. white (you know why!!!)
  2. black
  3. yellow

I don’t mind stickers as long as there is not too many that say the same thing.

I like different bikes, different colors, different shapes. I don’t like riding the same as everyone else.

  1. Orange. Burnt orange in particular… The 2004 caliente was beautiful. As was the 05 Felt S22. I covet orange. I am pretty sur ethose two bikes are the bost beautiful bikes i have ever seen. I STILL am enamored with them.
  2. Black. All black, matte black if we’re getting specific.
  3. Deep, midnight blue. My trek hilo (2002, 1000) is one of the prettiest colors.
  4. Black with… (Black with orange, black with pink, black with blue)

I absolutely LOATHE QRs bikes since the logo changes (I’m so sorry, but it’s azz ugly and makes me think of OR–outdoor research). Felts bikes for 09 are GORGEOUS. I want to buy the B16 for the paint job alone, but then again, I’ve stated my preference for orange.

I don’t mind more than one color, or a color and accents…and I like having the brand’s name on there…but that’s it. Like i said, QR is WAY over the top for my taste. I loved the old QR, though. The 03 and 04 calientes had cool graphics/paint.

ETA: I really dislike red bikes (despite the fact that I own one). And I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate white. I am not a huge fan of primary colors… I like vibrant metallics–orange, green (not kelly green or forest), purple. I also love silver and black (see my comment on the 03 caliente)

Damn you! You beat me to my own post.

I like the Lucero, Black weave clear coated with grey accents. Of course a glossy black with flat black accents would be nice as well. Black with some orange, like a seat and maybe bar tape if you only tape a little of the bars. Really any color goes well with black, especially black…and grey…and more black. Really you can’t have enough black on a bike if you want to go fast. Who holds the course bike record at IMH? A black bike I’m sure. So sure I’d bet $1000 on it that black was the primary color scheme.

Bikes with lots of color are just ugly. You want bright and cheery? Get a blinky light to put on the back and take more meds.

It’s funny you mention this because I am actually thinking about switching mine to the white one…

I can’t wait until those show up.